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civil protection-the tunnel 2: ideas and discovery

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I have seen civil protection-the tunnel at least 80 times and when the new re-uploaded version came out I watched it from start to finish but not until I made a discovery. At the time during the final entry of the citizen guy when he says he heard a pounding sound on the door and he opens it and when he says he sees the shadow of something run off I noticed that the shadow is... BIPEDAL!!!!(walks on two legs) Is it just me or does the shadow not match the "ending" creatures physical description of being A SLUG WITHOUT LEGS !!! I have a theory that the ending creatures (let's call them "itchyoslugs") are really not the creatures that have been terrorizing the citizen guy (let's call him "bob") and are really just some new sort of xenizen creatures that weren't seen on xen because they were always underground. I think that the itchyoslugs are really just some creatures that were being caught in the crossfire or most likely a food source for whatever else is down there. Also notice how the itchyoslugs could not kill mike or dave and seem to be near harmless. even though bob still went crazy and they found another dead body down in the tunnel. So I think there is something else down there and it's up to mike and dave to find out

"The only real answer is to get drunk and set fire to things"

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Since I do the subtitling, I have all the videos on my computer. I stepped through the scene in question and ramped up the gamma. The model of this thing is flat black, but I think I can make it out. It looks like (screenshot in the spoilers)




possibly a fast zombie model.



As for what it's supposed to be and what those slug-creatures are, or the relevance of the stalker, I really have no clue. If a new Civil Protection episode is released, Ross may not mention the Tunnel again and we'll be left to think, "What the fuck?!" Maybe Dave will mention it in passing and Mike will remind Dave that they agreed to never mention it again. ;)

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According to what I've seen it can't be a fast zombie since it does not have the same running animation and is always slouched down but this thing is standing straight up and walks slowly.



hopefully ross comes across this thread and he gives a quote as to what the fuck is going on either this is some new conspiracy or it was something ross overlooked, hell if I know, but still it leaves questions unanswered and hopefully ross can do his duty of answering them even though a lot of good horror movies leave questions unanswered (but still leaves hints and clues) in the end, yet answer them in the sequel. so hopefully this is a segue into a new civil protection episode this time being a great horror machinima we've always wanted out of the community

"The only real answer is to get drunk and set fire to things"

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Ha, "urcousinvinnie5" PM'd me about this. He's actually right on all counts except for them necessarily being Xen creatures and them being harmless. In fact, I almost had an alternate kicker showing the shadow of the creature Mike and Dave first heard, but it wasn't rendering well in Source at the time.. While I don't want to reveal too much since I could eventually make a sequel, I will say there was more going on than what people saw.

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You know ross I could help with the writing of the sequel I got some great ideas about the exploitation of the creatures and how they came to be such as how "bob" became crazy and the story of the miskatonic tunnel trust me you will be impressed

"The only real answer is to get drunk and set fire to things"

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grammar Nazi this is a discussion, so either say something that has to do with the thread or GTFO

"The only real answer is to get drunk and set fire to things"

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grammar Nazi this is a discussion, so either say something that has to do with the thread or GTFO


It is very annoying, so please punctuate. I will not respond to any more of your posts if all you want to do is berate me for noticing inconsistencies in your writing style.


On discussion topic, however, the model in the picture looks like a mechanical creature. I wonder if it's just the stalker, but considering Ross basically confirmed that there's something else down there, AND the strange lights, this seems unlikely. There is something definitely more sinister at work here, considering the lack of any people and that guy driving as fast as possible (makes me wonder if he was trying to get away from the horrors in the tunnel). That stalker might also be some sort of "recon unit" sent by the Combine to monitor the creatures in the tunnel, and subsequently started living in the tunnels (might also explain why the candles remain lit a week after that guy was gone). The tunnels also remind me of the game Vanish, where the player has to escape a maze with strange underground creatures living there, trying to kill him.


Ross, can you at least tell us what we are right at and what we aren't?

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I'm trying to see if I can't get ross to spill something more or even let me help on the story arc, since I got some good ideas for it. But the fact that there is more than what we are seeing on the screen just fucks my mind, I'm not even kidding when I say it feels as if my brain has a 500 mile deep pit below it and all my brains are going to go down that pit and come out the next time i go to the bathroom, It may sound weird but i just cannot comprehend what else there could be to this story arc and what ross isn't giving up. Something else is going on here and one way or another I'm going to find out, and literally this has to be the best and most complex machinima conspiracy I've seen or even anyone has seen.


Plus there is no way it's mechanical if it can howl and make guttural growling noises, plus how it does not look like any robotic form i have ever seen and if it was mechanical it is like nothing I've seen, not to mention it looks like it has skin textures, also it isn't the stalker since the picture shows it is a lot bulkier than a stalker and a fast zombie, so of course this might be something we have not seen before since we have seen both the stalker and fast zombie in previous episodes.

"The only real answer is to get drunk and set fire to things"

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I'm trying to see if I can't get ross to spill something more or even let me help on the story arc, since I got some good ideas for it. But the fact that there is more than what we are seeing on the screen just fucks my mind, I'm not even kidding when I say it feels as if my brain has a 500 mile deep pit below it and all my brains are going to go down that pit and come out the next time i go to the bathroom, It may sound weird but i just cannot comprehend what else there could be to this story arc and what ross isn't giving up. Something else is going on here and one way or another I'm going to find out, and literally this has to be the best and most complex machinima conspiracy I've seen or even anyone has seen.

You might want to give Ross some breathing space. And clam yourself down. Also calling this a conspiracy is like calling Hurricane Sandy a conspiracy. It is a mystery, however (sorry for all this technical bullshit).


Plus there is no way it's mechanical if it can howl and make guttural growling noises, plus how it does not look like any robotic form i have ever seen and if it was mechanical it is like nothing I've seen, not to mention it looks like it has skin textures, also it isn't the stalker since the picture shows it is a lot bulkier than a stalker and a fast zombie, so of course this might be something we have not seen before since we have seen both the stalker and fast zombie in previous episodes.


Yeah, If a stalker can make growling sounds, so can this thing. I can see what appears to be wires on that thing, it's so shrouded in darkness that you can barely tell if it is organic or mechanical anyway, so I could be wrong. Of course, that doesn't explain the very mechanical-like flashes if it was organic.

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Yes but it leaves so much suspense and mystery that you can't wait until the next episode but knowing how civil protection has been gone for a long time, it makes you become excited and crazy just like the next half life game, and god even knows if ross has even started writing let alone production or if he is even going to make a sequel, but than again he has sometimes said that he "might" keyword so there is a 80% chance that he will since he hasn't held his word on a movie as i know. Plus it is fun to try and guess what mystery could be unfolding with theories and/or ideas and when ross first admitted in this thread that there was more going on than what was on the screen my mind just sparked with possibilities



please just at least announce you will work on it sooner or later ross i just can't take it

"The only real answer is to get drunk and set fire to things"

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Yes but it leaves so much suspense and mystery that you can't wait until the next episode but knowing how civil protection has been gone for a long time, it makes you become excited and crazy just like the next half life game, and god even knows if ross has even started writing let alone production or if he is even going to make a sequel, but than again he has sometimes said that he "might" keyword so there is a 80% chance that he will since he hasn't held his word on a movie as i know. Plus it is fun to try and guess what mystery could be unfolding with theories and/or ideas and when ross first admitted in this thread that there was more going on than what was on the screen my mind just sparked with possibilities



please just at least announce you will work on it sooner or later ross i just can't take it


No, you misunderstood me. I told you to take it easy, not asked you. Ross will get to it if he decides that it's worth it, and if not, then he doesn't. Also, if you don't take it easy, you'll give yourself a heart attack and then never will be able to watch it. Your punctuation is still bad too. Maybe you need lessons :lol: (take it as a joke).

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Ross PM'd me saying that he has an idea for a second one, but the animation work will make it a long time until it's done so let's give ross a little support. If you have any way to speed up the process whether it be a new animation engine would be greatly appreciated, also ross said he's contacting the creator of the tunnel maps, so they will be released for public use soon and he'll PM me when it's out, no release date has been said, so everyone hang on tight, stay classy, watch freeman's mind, and maybe in celebration of freeman's mind 50th episode go out and play either black mesa or half life source


EDIT: didn't pay attention to the whole message when it came to the maps. Let me rephrase: "also ross said he contacted the creator of the tunnel maps. He said they'll be released this MONTH he'll PM me when it comes out this month, (whether the maps can operate on Garry's mod or if ross is putting them on steam workshop or an external file, both are currently UNKNOWN)

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

"The only real answer is to get drunk and set fire to things"

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Ross PM'd me saying that he has an idea for a second one, but the animation work will make it a long time until it's done so let's give ross a little support.


I'll give Ross as much support as he needs. I will wait as long as it takes for the tunnel part 2, as long as it is within my lifetime.

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