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Gorilla Gong!

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I've mentioned before that besides the videos, I've been involved with many projects on the side, well I'm ready to announce the biggest one yet, Gorilla Gong!



Gorilla Gong is a website devoted to featuring actual machinima (videos created using game engines). It showcases some of the best (or at least good) machinima videos we can find, all of which are approved by dedicated reviewers (which I'm one of) to ensure a certain standard of quality. It is designed to help promote individual directors, especially small ones, and provide quality videos for viewers. The site is now officially in "open beta." It's not final yet, but it's functional enough that we're happy to announce it publicly and hope to see it grow.



Well they can TRY. I've joked before that Machinima.com is to machinima videos what MTV is now to music videos. If you don't know the reference, the joke is that despite having "machinima" being part of the company's name, Machinima.com ironically doesn't actually feature much machinima at all now, it's a small minority of their content, much in the same way MTV doesn't actually show many music videos anymore. Nowadays, in order for a machinima video to appear on Machinima.com's channel, the director needs a contract with them (which from my experience, can be very controlling), and they need a certain level of popularity to even be considered for one. IT WASN'T ALWAYS LIKE THIS. It used to be that ANYONE who made a good machinima video could submit it to Machinima's website, and it would get featured. No contract was required, and the person's popularity didn't matter. We are trying to bring that original concept back with Gorilla Gong.



So far, we have not encountered any site that is doing quite what we're trying to do. Ever since Machinima.com removed all videos from their website and deleted their forums in 2010, the machinima community has become extremely fragmented. Some sites are specialized on specific games, others haven't been updated in a long time. There are many machinima makers still out there, but it's harder than ever for them to find an audience. We want to try and unite machinima makers to not only help promote individual directors / groups, but also become a place that people always know that they can submit machinima videos and have them be seen.



-We have new videos EVERY DAY (we're currently aiming for about 3 a day)

-Reviewers have personally checked every video that goes up AND written a description on it that says what they like about it, making it easier to find content you like.

-All videos are tagged by category, making it easier to find videos you like be genre or game.

-We guarantee the MAJORITY of our featured content will be machinima videos.

-We make it easier to find good machinima videos you may never have heard of otherwise.



-We can get more views for your videos

-We are free

-We don't try to restrict you in any way via a contract

-We prioritize videos with a low viewcount (~250k or less), giving you a chance to promote your lesser-seen videos.

-If your video is good and a reviewer likes it, we WILL feature it.

-We have many social media options, making it easier for viewers to link back to your video via Facebook, etc.

-We have director profile pages, making it easier to gain some presence within the machinima community.

-Besides featuring videos, we are trying to develop a machinima community to make it easier to find help you need (voice actors, animators, etc.)



We will sometimes feature other kinds of videos: traditional 3D animation, other animation, amateur reviews, let's plays, etc., however these are all held to a much higher standard than machinimas. Also at any given time, it's our goal to have the MAJORITY of all featured videos be machinima.



For machinima, a reviewer has to find something in the video he or she likes about it. This could be the direction, writing, voice acting, animation quality, etc. This means the videos can range from "something good about it" to "amazing." At no point will a reviewer ever feature a video he or she considers bad. For non-machinima videos however, the standards are much higher and the quality of the content must be OUTSTANDING.



Hell no. We will NEVER take ANY money from directors. On the contrary, we will be featuring all videos via EMBEDDING. This means that any views of the videos will always count for the director's channel. If a director gets paid for views, having their video on our channel will only make them MORE money. As for a catch, we will have ads on the edges of the site in order to keep it running. We guarantee though, that they will be non-intrusive and not in-your-face. The other "catch" is by and large, we will NOT promote videos that already have LOTS of views at the time of posting. We are trying to only promote videos that have ~250,000 views or less. The reason for this is to give smaller machinima makers an equal chance against big videos and fight the tendency to ONLY promote big content, which is how so many websites / channels already operate. Popular doesn't always mean good. We want good.



No, we can accept videos from almost any streaming source that supports video embedding. This includes Youtube, Vimeo, Blip.tv, Metacafe, and some others.



-Spread the word! This will not become a large community site overnight, it needs time to grow and let people see that we're going to stick around. The more word of mouth we get, the better.

-If you have a Facebook account, liking the site on facebook will help us out.

-Sign up at the site and suggest a video you think we should feature in the forums! Remember, it should have less than 250k views.

-If you think I personally will like the video, email me with a link. Warning: I personally am unlikely to feature videos with the Machinima.com watermark as I don't think they should be promoted for abandoning the creators and fanbase that originally made them successful. We're trying to promote the directors, not a company.

-If you have graphic design skills and are interested in making an infographic out of the information listed here we can distribute, go ahead and email me.

-Simply watch videos on the site, and leave feedback!



Yes. Again, this is a beta stage, the layout and functionality of the site won't be finalized for some time to come and we'll absolutely listen to community feedback. There was much more focus on the functionality of the site when it was designed. Also, a wise man once said: "She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts."



No. It's a placeholder until we get something better. In the future we also hope to vary it depending on different themes.



Yes and no. While we do hope to have more reviewers in the future, we want to make sure anyone we add is trustworthy, has some background with machinima videos, and has certain taste standards (as much as we hate to admit it, there is a lot of BAD machinima out there). Approval process for anyone new will likely be slow.



No. However I'm friends with the person who is, I'm one of the reviewers on the site, and have some influence on its development.



It's just that awesome a name.


- - -


On a personal note, I'm very hopeful for this site and want it to do well in the long term. It's a long way from being finalized, but I think with new machinima videos every day plus community involvement, it has a lot of potential. I'll emphasize again, the more machinima videos (under 250k views) that can be suggested, the better. In the future, we hope to have directors actively submitting videos to us for review, but for now, we still have to go out and find all the content ourselves. We're trying to pick up the pieces of the machinima community that's been scattered to the winds, so to speak.


Also, as always, more videos (from me) are coming! In the meantime, check out Gorilla Gong!




ADHD version: Want to see more actual machinima videos? Go to Gorilla Gong!


Also like it on facebook to help us out!



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I like this, I've watch two videos. Thanks!


The one thing that bugs me though is the requirement for videos to have less than 250k views. Honestly, if you want to make it in the long term, you have to also include popular ones. Just give them the exact same treatment you give any other video, but don't ban them altogether. That sounds like a really bad decision.


Anyway, if it wasn't 2 AM right now I'd be watching the hell out of this site.

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I like this, I've watch two videos. Thanks!


The one thing that bugs me though is the requirement for videos to have less than 250k views. Honestly, if you want to make it in the long term, you have to also include popular ones. Just give them the exact same treatment you give any other video, but don't ban them altogether. That sounds like a really bad decision.

Well, we can reconsider it in the future, but for now, some overcorrecting wouldn't hurt. Besides, if somebody submits a NEW video, that won't get that many views from the start. We just really wanted to send the message home that we're not playing favorites with people who get big views, there's some fantastic stuff out there that barely has any views and needs the promotion. But anyway, we'll absolutely listen to community feedback along the way.

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With regards to video submission, it looks like it's all about videos which are hosted elsewhere (Youtube, etc). I take it this means it's not planned for the site to host videos itself? I guess this would definitely cut costs, and it probably wouldn't make that much of a difference if you did, but I am curious. :P


Also...a Minecraft server!? Is this intended as a further way to try and bind people together through games as well as the videos about games on the site? As in building up a community, etc? If so, then I'd assume if it works out that there's the potential for further game servers, etc? If you are going down this route, have you considered anything like a Mumble server as well?

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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If you are going down this route, have you considered anything like a Mumble server as well?

If you do a Mumble server, you'll have to do a TeamSpeak server too just for good measure.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I entered this site with a lust to explore, and then THAT:


"Seems we've detected you as a spammer



Please contact the site administration to avoid this issue and help us to improve anti spam policy."


In my face.


How to contact this administration? I don't see any e-mail. Please help :)

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If you are going down this route, have you considered anything like a Mumble server as well?

If you do a Mumble server, you'll have to do a TeamSpeak server too just for good measure.


I'm not sure segregating people onto different systems that serve the same purpose like that would be a good idea, personally.


I entered this site with a lust to explore, and then THAT:


"Seems we've detected you as a spammer



Please contact the site administration to avoid this issue and help us to improve anti spam policy."


In my face.


How to contact this administration? I don't see any e-mail. Please help :)


There's some links at the bottom of the page, including a 'Contact Us' link, which goes to http://gorillagong.com/contact. However if you're prevented from accessing that as well, then I'm not sure there's anything you can do except to rely on Ross to pass the information along to the people who manage their webserver.

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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I'm not involved with the Minecraft server, that's something the site owner added as something extra. If you ideas on it, I think he's devoted a section of that in the GG forums where you can suggest stuff.


Yeah, the anti-spam system is pretty aggressive, like Lord Sinister said, the contact form should take care of that (I can pass that along to make the instructions more clear if that situation happens again).

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This looks great, already registered and about to disable adblock on GG completely now.

Keep up the good work.

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I registered just to say this: I love machinima videos and I think this site is a great idea!


But, I do have one criticism and that is lack of an rss feed. I'm so used to having rss feeds on all sites I follow that it's very weird to have to open the site just to see what's new. I hope it isn't too dificult to correct this problem.


Keep up the good work!

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I'm not so sure I could create an infographic, but have some fan art (:




if you like my style, I'll gladly make more! Otherwise, all the luck in the world to you guys.

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I registered just to say this: I love machinima videos and I think this site is a great idea!


But, I do have one criticism and that is lack of an rss feed. I'm so used to having rss feeds on all sites I follow that it's very weird to have to open the site just to see what's new. I hope it isn't too dificult to correct this problem.


Keep up the good work!

I passed this along to the guy running the site. He says he should have it functional by tonight. Like me, his time estimates aren't always on cue, but that does mean he'll get it up soon.


if you like my style, I'll gladly make more! Otherwise, all the luck in the world to you guys.
This is great, in fact, I could have used a pixel art person a while back for something else I'm working on. I might be able to work you into something else later on though.

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Thanks a lot, Lord Sinister, and Ross. It seems like the problem fixed itselfs. Guess I'm not a spammer anymore.

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I passed this along to the guy running the site. He says he should have it functional by tonight. Like me, his time estimates aren't always on cue, but that does mean he'll get it up soon.

Thanks Ross!

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This is great, in fact, I could have used a pixel art person a while back for something else I'm working on. I might be able to work you into something else later on though.

Thank you! I'd be glad to contribute in any way I can!

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I find it amusing you are advertizing our snuff film on your legitimate video sharing site.


(I've made it out in "In-character" posts that this whole thing is a snuff film. And somebody posted Freeman's mind episode 1)

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Ok, going to give this a look. I do miss the old Machinima (you know, before they turned evil). It would be nice to have something like that again.

I bring you mortal danger and cookies. Not necessarily in that order.


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I find it amusing you are advertizing our snuff film on your legitimate video sharing site.


(I've made it out in "In-character" posts that this whole thing is a snuff film. And somebody posted Freeman's mind episode 1)

Which one? That might be one I didn't pick, each reviewer is going to have differing tastes (though "Bendo" and I both wanted to claim Shelf-Life).

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This is great! I'm wondering, since you're now on TGWTG, could you get Gorilla Gong listed as one of the "associated" sites kinda like AVGN's Cinemassacre is? Any extra little bit of advertising helps.

"That which you do not know, is not a moral charge against you; but that which you refuse to know, is an account of infamy growing in your soul. Make every allowance for errors of knowledge; do not forgive or accept any breach of morality."

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Dude, I'm not complaining if your own work is on your own website. It's just that i'm not sure if we want to be showing off this stuff film to the world just yet. Needs some editing.

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