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Steam group officer(s) wanted

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I was wondering if any of the more mature users would be willing to be an officer in the accursed farms steam group. I try to be punctual with announcements, but sometimes it's just not possible for a single person who frequents the forums quite a bit less than they used to. You'd also be free to change and update the group profile if you so desire, assuming it matches the 'mature' criteria.


I doubt most people are informed of posts by steam announcements so it's not of vital importance, but the whole point of a group that wasn't freeman's mind lovers was to be closer to actual AF community, which just isn't happening with the current officers. (No offence, Kyou)

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No offence taken. there was a long period of time where i couldn't connect to steam servers, then i just completely forgot i was an officer until you reminded me just now. If you want, i'm still willing to to help you out with that. Besides, I want to get closer to the community again. Also, another reason i went inactive on steam is because no one ever began conversations with me, and the ones I started felt really forced. :/


i think it's because i never played games, but what can ya do?

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I wouldn't mind, seeing as I'm always on Steam and Accursed Farms (even if I'm just lurking) so when there's an update, I could upload it to the Steam Group Page.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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The two of you should have full permissions now, with the exception of making new officers. Thanks for the help, the fate of the universe now rests solely in your hands.

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