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Sorry for the all caps subject-line. I wanted to get people's attention.


I am in the process of attempting to compile non-English language subtitles for eventual inclusion on the official videos. The forum attachments, by and large, have disappeared and I cannot download those files. Others have hosted the subtitles elsewhere and I'm in the process of downloading those.


This is a call to all people that have or are interested in translating Freeman's Mind, Civil Protection, and other Accursed Farm videos into other languages to shoot me links or otherwise re-post the non-English language into the appropriate language forum section.


I will check the timing to see if they match the new timing of the videos and then get them up onto the videos.


So, if you have non-English subtitles (I will handle the English ones), please find a way to get them to me.


It is much appreciated!

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Nice! :D

A call to Polish fellows:


Czy ktoś planuje albo ma już gotowe napisy po polsku? Pytam, bo nie chcę tłumaczyć podwójnie. Jak nie, to się za to zabieram!! ;) Halo Polska?


I'll make Polish ones if no one submitted or no one is working on that. I was supposed to make it aaaaaaaaaawhile agooooooooo

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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Chcę polskiego aktorstwa głosowego!

Chcę usłyszeć polską Gordona Freemana!


Did I say that right? I want it to be za to zabieram!!

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Chcę polskiego aktorstwa głosowego!

Chcę usłyszeć polską Gordona Freemana!


Did I say that right? I want it to be za to zabieram!!



:lol: Did I understand right and you need Polish Gordon Freeman voice actor? And you... want to take care of this (??) Sorry, but Google Translate has many flaws. It had some grammar errors but I got it ;d

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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What is the proper way to make these subtitles may I ask ?


I should be able to translate them into Turkish without any difficulty, and would provide me with a good free time hobby.

It took six years to get a physics degree. Don't do what I did, try engineering or social studies.

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What I would suggest is the following:

Take the SRT files (I should upload them so you guys can have a crack at them) and open them in Subtitle Workshop and just translate directly in there.


Alternatively, you can open them in a text editing program (Notepad or whatever can save in plain-text). Leave the numbers alone because those are timing data. Just take the text and try to translate it.


So, for example:



00:05:34,024 --> 00:05:36,033

I want some Cheetos.


The first number is the line number. Ignore that.

The second set of numbers is the timing. In this instance, the subtitle appears at about 5 minutes 34 seconds into the video and disappears about 5 minutes 36 seconds into the video. Ignore those numbers as well.

The final line or lines are the subtitles. Just translate that. I don't know how to say "I want some Cheetos" in Turkish, though. :lol:


Let me find some place I can upload the files so that you guys can get at them. I'm still working on finishing up the timing and formatting of the subtitles (not enough hours in the day and too much other RL stuff intruding for me to concentrate on this fully all day) so I don't currently have the following episodes complete, though they should be done soon: Episodes 16, 17, 18, 20, 23, 30, 31, 32, and 33. I have all the other Freeman's Mind episodes subbed and synced with the new timing.


What would be a good place for me to place the subtitles so that you all can get them? Should I wait until I'm done with all the episodes or provide what I have now and then provide a second link later for the rest?

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Okay you get them English ones up and I'll translate them. Google Drive is a good sharing method if you have a gmail account.

It took six years to get a physics degree. Don't do what I did, try engineering or social studies.

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I have uploaded what I have currently completed to a new Google Drive account.




I plan on working on Civil Protection and the other AF videos once I finish Freeman's Mind (I'll upload a second file for the remaining FM episodes once I get them done and you'll be able to find them at the same link).


I hope the link works. Please just download, do not modify.


Oh, and once you translate the files, save them in a similar filename format. I have used "en" for English, but if you could spell out the language to which you're translating (in English, if possible) so that I can organize them for when I send them off to Ross, that'd be great! So, for example:




Thanks again!

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Okay I can download them but I couldn't figure out how to upload stuff there.

It took six years to get a physics degree. Don't do what I did, try engineering or social studies.

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Not sure if Ross keeps the effects tracks for earlier episodes, but a Freeman's Mind dub would be interesting.

A Kung-Fu Master, Thomas and Silvia were suddenly attacked by several unknown guys.

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I'm going to possibly look into translating into Klingon... If I ever get around to it.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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It will if we force it to! KLINGONS (and lookalikes) UNITE!

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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The rest of the FM episodes are done being subtitled. I have placed the second ZIP (rest.zip) in my Google Drive account listed above. Translators, have at them.


I'm just going to... y'know... die here. Zzzzzzz.....

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I've finished Episode 0, 2 and almost done with 3.

I'll send them your way once I'm done.


Translating American cultural noises like "man, wahoo or you're in the barrel" proved to be

more difficult then I thought. But I managed it without repetition I believe.


Also the different gramatical structures don't make the job any easier :D

It took six years to get a physics degree. Don't do what I did, try engineering or social studies.

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Okay question, do I have to keep the

HOLOGRAM: bla bla bla

SCIENTIST: bla bla bla


The name before the speaker?

I can very well get that sorted using "-"

It took six years to get a physics degree. Don't do what I did, try engineering or social studies.

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General rule of thumb that I try to follow with my subtitles is a maximum of 45 characters per line and two lines per "screen".


When there are two people speaking at the same time (Freeman and a scientist, for example), I try to make sure people know which words go with which person and keep the other characters' lines on top and Freeman's lines below. This is why I prefix every "screen" with who is speaking.


For example:


SCIENTIST: We have been tracking your

What are you saying?


SCIENTIST: progress with the

I'm being tracked?!


SCIENTIST: Black Mesa Security System.



The reason I did it this way is so that the viewer knows that the scientist continues speaking over multiple "screens" while Freeman reacts. I, for one, would think using " - " would get very confusing for the viewer but that's me. I don't know if there's an easy way to abbreviate the titles for non-English languages.


This also goes for relevant sound effects, such as explosions or teleportation sounds (the SFX on top, Freeman's lines below), especially for scenes in which the SFX last for multiple lines, such as when Freeman remarks on the chittering noises at one point in the game; they last for at least a good solid minute so I needed to make sure a deaf viewer would know that the chittering noises continued for quite some time.


I suggest using your best judgment here. I am, by no means, a professional subtitler, but at least now you know my reasoning why I subtitle the way I do.

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I had a few experiences with Turkish subtitle community and they

have their own set of rules to do stuff. I'm pretty sure I can manage

only using the hyphen, and I can trust the viewers to notice the sounds.


Unless we are doing a hearing impared subtitle? That would change things.

It took six years to get a physics degree. Don't do what I did, try engineering or social studies.

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