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Freeman coming to DOTA 2 (maybe)

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NOT A SNAG! Thanks for the ADHD version, As long as you keep pumpin out the Freeman's Mind episodes, or just as entertaining content. I'm fine with you doing whatever. BUT Its not about me, Do whatever you need to do to make money and get yourself on stable ground. ;)

"Alyxx Thorne: Batman/10"

"HLPrincess: Also, I'm very proud we have Batman Himself on the Forum."

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You basically already have my money for that announce pack (which would be the first pack I'd actually buy).

Could you post some sample lines to give us some more hype?

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Go for it, even I would buy this announcer pack, though I don't buy stuff since I don't like spending my hard worked money :D

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One of my favorites games together with my favorite series? hum.. I guess this is what heaven must feels like.

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I don't play online arena games myself, but finishing the mandatory lines and submitting them is more sensible. Cart before the horse, you know?

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Just out of curiosity, do you play much DotA? By being experienced in the game (well, mildly at least


Either way, it sounds like a great idea, and is definitely something i'd vote in.

Ironically no, the MOBA genre in general is a bit slow for me. As long as we're talking about games with Warcraft 3 origins, I was much more of a
fan (sort of like arena DOTA, but WAY more action). As for having a knowledge of the game, I have a basic understanding, but I've also been in touch with a few hardcore DOTA players for consultation, so I'm trying my best to know what I'm talking about when writing the lines. Overall, I tried to make the lines funny and make sense to the situation rather than be super-insider lines.


So I was reading the announcer info for Dota2 (seen here: http://www.dota2.com/workshop/requirements/announcers ) and it says that there is a general line limit of about 600 lines, which is about where you are. Does this mean you will have to remove a bunch of lines?
Wow, again, new information. So let's go over this:


-Valve emphasizes a need for a wide variety in the lines to keep things from getting stale

-They've added literally over 200 mostly optional new events for me to voice since I originally started this (that I have NOT voiced yet)

-I saw one pack from a previous Valve voice actor saying how it had over 1000 lines

-Valve wants submitters to limit their packs to ~600 lines





I'll try my best to figure this out. I don't anticipate removing many, but they're certainly not making this any easier.

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I would buy one for myself and gift a bunch to my friends to make you more popular.


Show that Kleiner voice pack who's the boss :D


edit: I also don't think they wouldn't mind you going around 650 or so.

It took six years to get a physics degree. Don't do what I did, try engineering or social studies.

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I don't see the poll and since this is second one with same problem, it makes me wonder, is it bug, or feature?


Also seems to be some problem with linking, whenever I try to get to the links in the e-mail newsletter, it says "The requested topic does not exist." Huh?

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I want to go on to go on the record by saying that I would buy DOTA 2 just so I could get this voice pack.
You're in luck, DOTA 2 is free.

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Wow, the Kleiner announcer is pretty good. You should see if you can get him to do a special scientist voice for a future FM episode! :)

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I would vote for it and buy it no questions asked. I'd also try to share it with every outlet I can because this is something I could really get behind.


All I see is some BBCode syntax, so it looks like I can't vote in the actual forum poll yet, but count me in!



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I'd vote and buy... It'd also get me to play DOTA2 a lot more...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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