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What are you'r TOP 5/10 Soundtracks in the Half-Life Series?

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1. Nuclear Mission Jam

2. Ending Song (HL1)

3. Military Precision

4. ???

5. ???



Post you'r top 5/10 soundtracks from the Half-Life series and don't use ???.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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1. Path of Borealis

2. Path of Borealis

3. Path of Borealis

4. Path of Borealis

5. Path of Borealis

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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1. Path to borealis(HL2)

2. I don't know if this is a half life song, :?: it's titled: Route to city 17 (HL2 - Beta??)

3. Nuclear mission jam(HL1)

4. Half life decay menu music(HL1 - PS2 version)

5. Military precision(HL1)

6. Half life ending music(HL1)

7.Vortal Combat (HL2)


This is my top 7


@shouldbenew the FM intro music is called military precision.

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Everything from HL2:


1. CP Violation

2. Abandoned in Place

3. LG Orbifold

4. Lab Practicum

5. Something Secret steers us

6. Last Legs


And Half Life 1 ending music as the greatest disco track ever!

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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1. Triage at Dawn/ Path of Borealis

2. Nuclear Mission Jam

3. Hazardous Environments

4. End Credit Music

5. Sector Sweep

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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Mine would be the above three posts, starting around Princess and ending with Foal.


Nobody chose 'Extinction Event Horizon'? Also, if this includes Portal 1 and 2, I have many more from them.

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How could you not have chosen Guard down?

Anyway, here's mine:


1: Nuclear Mission Jam

2: Guard Down

3: Lab Practicum

4: HL1 Credits

5: Triage at Dawn/Path of Borealis

"Exits are supposed to be difficult to locate! Because GOD HELP YOU if someone exited your building by accident. Then, they'd have to come back in!"

"Roger, Roger. What's your Vector, Victor?

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This is a hard one...


1. Nuclear Mission Jam / Something Secret Steers Us

2. Military Precision

3. Diabolical Adrenaline Guitar / Lambda Core

4. Apprehension and Evasion

5. Last Legs

6. CP Violation

7. Crawlyard

8. Penultimatum

9. LG Orbifold

10. Closing Theme


I think that the order isn't 100% correct because I just couldn't decide what music is better, only the first three should be correct.

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