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Disgruntled Machinima.com Directors

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This is a thread where I decided to collect as as many videos (and other materials) showing how and why machinima.com is evil. There are enough unhapy ex machinima and current directors who expressed their frustration and anger in various ways. These materials are to be as informative as they are entertaining.


Feel free to comment and add youtube vids/articles and others showing incompetence and viciousness of that evil corporation. ;) Ross is one of many.


Machinima.com deserves ASS SLAPPAGE!




Mashitima sucks massive D





Machinima abuses the DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyright Act)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Millennium_Copyright_Act





PSA: Machinima Network SUCKS! Beware of Youtube Networks! <<<< very informative





My Machinima Experience & Advice





RE: Mashitima Partnership





F*CK YOU MASHITIMA (Machinima Sucks) - great visuals!





Perpetuity contract:


Reddit FIGHTS Machinima! - Braindeadly's case included







WoW YouTuber Braindeadly quits YouTube over Machinima Contract http://www.dailydot.com/news/braindeadly-quits-youtube-machinima/


(long) article: Rage Against Machinima http://www.sfweekly.com/2013-01-09/news/youtube-creators-battle-networks-for-money-control/

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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Some more Machinima contract controversy:







Machinima Sucks










Machinima: Perpetual, indefinite contracts





Machinima perpetuity contract is no longer used for any new partners (at least this is what they say), but if it existed, you don't want to know what kind of other surprises they put into their newest contracts... and business tactics!


Machinima Terminates Contracts Unless Lower CPM is Accepted - From January 2013





And an earlier video from the Athene guy^ , showing some Machinima "culture" (the very beginning)








Machinima paying less - January 2013




Machinima payment issues - February 2013


And for the dessert: MACHINIMA Partner RANT Still NOT getting PAID! Want out of Contract <<< From March 2013




Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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Regarding all the directors jumping ship, it's a shame they can't all start their own channel. It'd be cool seeing Accursed Farms as a sort of media hub for ex-machinima people.

Oh course, there might be a logistics nightmare, and I know Ross is already busy enough as it is.

I HAVE to blow everything up! It's the only way to prove I'm not CRAZY!

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Regarding all the directors jumping ship, it's a shame they can't all start their own channel. It'd be cool seeing Accursed Farms as a sort of media hub for ex-machinima people.

Oh course, there might be a logistics nightmare, and I know Ross is already busy enough as it is.


Oh wow! Someone actually commented! :D Thank you!


There are other networks with a bit better or even much better conditions for directors. With the amout of work Ross has throughout a year... No way he would take care of this. He's slowly losing his mind :P (a partial joke) I hope he gets more free time this week and all the other weeks...

Let's leave other people taking care of machinima director hubs.

We shall see... ;)

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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Nice collection! Maybe this will do some good in the Google machine and discourage new 'Tubers to sign their lives away to that place. Personally, if I ever had any inclination to upload anything to Machinima myself, it completely disappeared after hearing about what Ross has gone through. I like to think that is true for a lot of other people as well.


It's crazy really, by large the content offered on Machinima isn't even machinima anymore. It's just whatever might attract the attention of young gamers with short attention spans. Can't say I saw any of this coming, I fondly remember watching the entire Red vs Blue series for the first time, right there.

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I'm so proud of this thread.


Wow :) Thank you Otto. I hope this shows machinima.com affair in a bigger picture. It certainly needs to be remembered as an evil, greedy corporation with no respect for its partners whatsoever :twisted:


Otto, feel free to add any other materials ;)

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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I think it is important, once in a while, to call this company by their proper name.

Machinima comma space inc full stop

Machinima, Inc.



1) There's always a chance it may annoy them.

2) It is a reminder that they are only a part of the machinima world.


Personally I imagine the company setup went like this;


"What, we can't use machinima as our company name, WHY WHY WHY is the world against us?"

"Ok ok, calm now, just type anything in the form, try using capital letters"


"Use stars, spaces, ascii anything."

"What's wrong with M*chi_nima Ltd as a company name, goddam stoopid law makers."

"Holy clutterbucks, I've spent a whole seven minutes on this form already & I've got company policy and employee contracts to copy and paste from 'shady employers dot com' before I get on with designing a hawt shiny logo."

"Right that'll do. No, I'll add a comma, it looks classier."

"Aha, business is easy, and still plenty of time left to go troll on the forums using my hilarious alt, sorted!"

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It's a shame,i used to love that channel back in 2009,2010.Now 90% of content is s**t(Should i use swear words?Maybe not.) that nobody should care about.


This post has been approved by the local psychiatric ward. Play safe!

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Shit is a word in common use... Feel free to use it. :)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Something fresh abouty Machinima's stunning incompetence and carelessness. I don't know if there's a point in posting even more, history repeating... :P



Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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Yeah wow, this thread is such a resources, I'm tempted to turn this all into a permanent page somehow with links to EVERYTHING.


It's a shame,i used to love that channel back in 2009,2010.Now 90% of content is s**t(Should i use swear words?Maybe not.) that nobody should care about.
Go to gorilla gong. We're putting up new content every day, plus we have plans for new stuff soon I think a lot of people are going to like.

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