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  Heliocentrical said:
I'm proud of you Jeb, you've taken your first step into the dark side. Feels good doesn't it?


In this world there are only two kinds of people, people who use fear and the people who fear. I was in the latter for a long time. It was just in my nature to be a "good boy who does what he's told.". Then I realized I needed to start making people fear me in order to gain some form of a foothold or be destined for lifelong servitude. Then on a fateful day a disgruntled person yelled at me in a rather spiteful tone and then oh boy did I have a field day with him. Before I screamed straight back at him I felt a shift or more like a snap in my head. Then Not only did I let him feel the full brunt of me shrieking back at him I made sure it stung, like a branding iron to his ass cheek. Before I knew it he was on the floor trembling as I starred at him in the dead center in his pupils. eventually he started he started crying and to this day I still relish the moment when I had broken a man whom had broken me countless times before.


My writing's getting pretty good don't ya think? I should start writing novels. I think I'd be pretty good at it. :P

XD It feels GREAT. I feel no regret, no guilt. >:D


The writing's good. :P Although mentioning the 'snap in your head', ehhh, a liiiittle cliche, but hell, that's how it felt for me. XD Like taking the curtains off something dark and sinister, that nobody knew was even there because they were all too busy walking around it, never to wonder what's behind those sheets. You could wander in my mind and see it's all dark, somber, and calm, think to themselves; "I wonder where she keeps the anger?". But now with those curtains off, it's like a fucking monster let loose in a crowded theatre and I LOVE IT. And after all those years, it's hungry as fuck! Now no-body would DARE to say something belittling towards me, not with the big scary demon roaming around. >:P

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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  Jeb_CC said:
XD It feels GREAT. I feel no regret, no guilt. >:D

Don't let anyone push you around. Fuck 'em up. I'm very happy for you!



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I am proud of you too, Jeb! But I wouldn't call it the dark side :D


There is nothing dark in standing up for yourself. I'd say - to NOT do this is to feed the dark side.


He proved himself a cowardly weasel, trying to blame you for his own shortcomings, laying a claim over you as if you were his possession, showing no respect even when he fucked up so badly that even he could not fail to notice it.


He got what he deserved. Well done, my dear.



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  Heliocentrical said:
I'm proud of you Jeb, you've taken your first step into the dark side. Feels good doesn't it?


In this world there are only two kinds of people, people who use fear and the people who fear. I was in the latter for a long time. It was just in my nature to be a "good boy who does what he's told.". Then I realized I needed to start making people fear me in order to gain some form of a foothold or be destined for lifelong servitude. Then on a fateful day a disgruntled person yelled at me in a rather spiteful tone and then oh boy did I have a field day with him. Before I screamed straight back at him I felt a shift or more like a snap in my head. Then Not only did I let him feel the full brunt of me shrieking back at him I made sure it stung, like a branding iron to his ass cheek. Before I knew it he was on the floor trembling as I starred at him in the dead center in his pupils. eventually he started he started crying and to this day I still relish the moment when I had broken a man whom had broken me countless times before.


My writing's getting pretty good don't ya think? I should start writing novels. I think I'd be pretty good at it. :P

Go ahead, I'd read it.

This random YouTuber is getting laid with random hot dudes, and is basically the worst person in existence. Why? Just watch the free video.

  Blood and Custard said:
Red and yellow do go together.

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  Vapymid said:
I am proud of you too, Jeb! But I wouldn't call it the dark side :D


There is nothing dark in standing up for yourself. I'd say - to NOT do this is to feed the dark side.

I still wouldn't exactly call it good either. But honestly who cares when kicking the absolute shit out of someone who's wronged you feels so damn satisfying? Retaliation is one of my favorite pastimes. Chaotic Neutral for the win. :twisted:

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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  Reverend_UshankaCat_ said:
Don't let anyone push you around. Fuck 'em up. I'm very happy for you!



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XD Thanks dude. And nice clip.


  Vapymid said:
He got what he deserved. Well done, my dear.




Thank you. :)


But yeah... I guess he gave up waiting for me to say sorry and he messaged me; "I forgive you btw".

I told him to take it back cause I don't want it. XD Get your filthy forgiveness out of my face.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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I'm starting to think the internet doesn't want me to (re)install any games anymore. This is like the 10th time, I've lost connection trying to reinstall The Stanley Parable. Not the first time this sort of thing has happened to me before too.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA



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I've grown so tired of people concerned more with who someone is than what they've said that on my death, my tombstone will read:


"The man who said, 'you are your only obstacle, feminists'.



And nothing else.

This random YouTuber is getting laid with random hot dudes, and is basically the worst person in existence. Why? Just watch the free video.

  Blood and Custard said:
Red and yellow do go together.

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I have nothing against furries, but this story on Not Always Right just - I'm sorry. I'm sorry to all that have to deal with situations like this. Like all fandoms, not all furries are like this but people like him just doesn't help the cause.



Story in question:



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"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA



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  Psychotic Ninja said:
I have nothing against furries, but this story on Not Always Right just - I'm sorry. I'm sorry to all that have to deal with situations like this. Like all fandoms, not all furries are like this but people like him just doesn't help the cause.



Story in question:



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I'm sorry, but I just can't be sympathetic to furries when they let this happen.

This random YouTuber is getting laid with random hot dudes, and is basically the worst person in existence. Why? Just watch the free video.

  Blood and Custard said:
Red and yellow do go together.

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  Psychotic Ninja said:
I have nothing against furries, but this story on Not Always Right just - I'm sorry. I'm sorry to all that have to deal with situations like this. Like all fandoms, not all furries are like this but people like him just doesn't help the cause.



Story in question:



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Geez, if this is a real situation, kudos to the cashier for being so civil about it.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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  Jeb_CC said:
I'm sick of being trodden on and used, all my life I've befriended people who threw shit at me and I was always too selfless to do anything about it.


My friends throw shit at me a lot too. For no God damned reason. Wait, not for no reason, it's because I'm too weak (physically and mentally) to do a fucking thing about it. When I graduate, I've promised myself that I will not make another "friend" for the rest of my miserable fucking life.

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  ThePest179 said:

My friends throw shit at me a lot too. For no God damned reason. Wait, not for no reason, it's because I'm too weak (physically and mentally) to do a fucking thing about it. When I graduate, I've promised myself that I will not make another "friend" for the rest of my miserable fucking life.

I wouldn't advise that. You might just be looking for friends in the wrong places. A forum I went to recently, about 80% of the community was uncaring insult-throwing pieces of snot. But I found a few people that were actually decent. If I didn't keep dealing with that 80% bullshit, I wouldn't have found the few people that I have as friends today.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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I get TV animation is in a bad spot right now but can someone please explain to me how Infinity Train is the answer to that problem? Judging by the pilot it's just riding the coattails of shows like Adventure Time and Gravity Falls, there's nothing original in that show, the characters are flat and boring, the humor is either forced or simply not there, and the animation and art style isn't even good for FLASH standards. It literally looks like a school project.

The only thing original about it as far as I can tell is the premise, which isn't exactly all that interesting to begin with. I feel like they TRIED to make it interesting in the laziest possible way, by not tying up ANY loose ends.

I don't know if there's anything better that could populate the airspace, but I hope CN at least waits it out for better, more original concepts before tossing this on the air.

the name's riley

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  Username said:
I get TV animation is in a bad spot right now but can someone please explain to me how Infinity Train is the answer to that problem? Judging by the pilot it's just riding the coattails of shows like Adventure Time and Gravity Falls, there's nothing original in that show, the characters are flat and boring, the humor is either forced or simply not there, and the animation and art style isn't even good for FLASH standards. It literally looks like a school project.

The only thing original about it as far as I can tell is the premise, which isn't exactly all that interesting to begin with. I feel like they TRIED to make it interesting in the laziest possible way, by not tying up ANY loose ends.

I don't know if there's anything better that could populate the airspace, but I hope CN at least waits it out for better, more original concepts before tossing this on the air.

I say give it some time. I mean, it only started on 11th

A.K.A. UberCatSR

Favorite game: Quake 1.


Avatar made by Neffertity

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  TheTron852 said:
I say give it some time. I mean, it only started on 11th

I'm amazed it was already put on air, I figured I'd at least have known by now given how much time I spend on tumblr

They eat stuff like this up over there

My point still stands, it's only marginally better than shit like TTG because it doesn't appeal to the lowest common denominator

the name's riley

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  Psychotic Ninja said:
I have nothing against furries, but this story on Not Always Right just - I'm sorry. I'm sorry to all that have to deal with situations like this. Like all fandoms, not all furries are like this but people like him just doesn't help the cause.



Story in question:



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“I can smell that you are afraid of me. Just because I am an animal does not mean you need to be afraid. I’m just like you.”


icon_lol.gif That's the most incredible thing I've read all week. Sorry mate, I'm not mocking you or our customer related misfortunes. I don't understand how you were able to prevent yourself from laughing right in the guys face. I'm not sure I could of restrained myself from making "no dogs allowed in the theatre" gaffs or asking him if his blind owner was around to vouch for him.

When close friends speak ill of close friends

they pass their abuse from ear to ear

in dying whispers -

even now, when prayers are no longer prayed.

What sounds like violent coughing

turns out to be laughter.

Shuntarō Tanikawa

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Just a mini vent this is, I suppose. Was going to cross the street on my bike, looked both ways, no cars. Went to cross, car comes out of nowhere, I suspect drove out from a car park on the side of the road. Have to break suddenly to not get hit and the car has to swerve to the middle of the road, people in the car are giving me like fucking death glares and swearing at me as they drive past. And they looked exactly like the kind of people you'd find in a dark alley smoking weed. lol Seriously though, give way to pedestrians, were they not looking at all or something? Because I looked, and there was no-one coming, which means if they pulled out from some sort of driveway or parking space, it's their duty to go fucking slow and watch out, not expect that around the corner there's no-one there.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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  Jeb_CC said:
Just a mini vent this is, I suppose. Was going to cross the street on my bike, looked both ways, no cars. Went to cross, car comes out of nowhere, I suspect drove out from a car park on the side of the road. Have to break suddenly to not get hit and the car has to swerve to the middle of the road, people in the car are giving me like fucking death glares and swearing at me as they drive past. And they looked exactly like the kind of people you'd find in a dark alley smoking weed. lol Seriously though, give way to pedestrians, were they not looking at all or something? Because I looked, and there was no-one coming, which means if they pulled out from some sort of driveway or parking space, it's their duty to go fucking slow and watch out, not expect that around the corner there's no-one there.

Their goddamn fault. A bunch of idiots who themselves didn't even bother to see whether there is someone who needs to cross. Or they saw, but didn't care

I sometimes wish those kind of people went extinct

A.K.A. UberCatSR

Favorite game: Quake 1.


Avatar made by Neffertity

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