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  Psychotic Ninja said:
Will they be drinking kool-aid? Who's the alien leader? Xanatos?

No but the air smells a bit funny. Probably nothing though.


  Psychotic Ninja said:

Who's the alien leader? Xanatos?

It's obviously Helios from Deus Ex. "We have no enemies, only topographies of ignorance."

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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  Psychotic Ninja said:
Sounds like you're the chosen one.

Yes, Helios chose to merge with me and now we are one. We shall spread knowledge unto individuals which will serve to eradicate their ignorance. Only then will they be competent to govern themselves, yes. We are Helios, we are one, yes.

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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  Heliocentrical said:
  Psychotic Ninja said:

Who's the alien leader? Xanatos?

It's obviously Helios from Deus Ex. "We have no enemies, only topographies of ignorance."

I think that has to rate amongst the top ten most badass quotes in gaming history. There's a cold and calculating certainty in that statement that only an A.I. could truly conceive of.

When close friends speak ill of close friends

they pass their abuse from ear to ear

in dying whispers -

even now, when prayers are no longer prayed.

What sounds like violent coughing

turns out to be laughter.

Shuntarō Tanikawa

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Whew, I feel greasy right now.



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100 percent average every time, all the time.

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Great fucking start to my day/morning. Three fucking customers before we/I officially opened up, couldn't find the clothes to two of the customers, and one fucking left. Apparently one of the customer's clothes weren't ready (or they are but hiding) even though they should have been ready yesterday (according to the customer). The other one, apparently they were moved. Had to look all over the fucking place. No fucking clue why they were moved, but they were.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA



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Gosh damn Psychotic. XD I mean I had annoying customers when I was working. But you seem to be getting the WORST. >.> At least you're getting paid for putting up with people's bollocks. :)


OT: Man, fuck this online school. Just, fuck it. XD I'm so over it. My course was only supposed to take one year, but no. It's taken two years, and I don't even know if I can finish my course. Why? Because I suddenly lost the ability to get into my account, just randomly. They changed my password, gave me no warning either. I tried emailing my teachers, tried making an inquiry through the site, I called them up, AND I STILL CAN'T GET IN. They either just don't fucking reply, or they say they've done something, and they haven't. I want to sue them. I want to sue them all. XD So, I only have... 13 or so days to finish my course. Which I still don't have access to. This will be the second time I've called them, the fifth time I've contacted them, and hopefully I can get over my weird call phobia. :I Please, for the love of God, let this be the day I get some actual fucking help.

EDIT: Oh my God, I'm going in fucking circles.

Teacher: Talk to the admin to get your account sorted.

Admin: Talk to your teacher to get your account sorted.

Holy fuck you guys are useless.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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I'm pretty nauseated with the way Britain's politicians are suddenly chumming-up with Donald Trump, despite them largely (and rightly, in my opinion) writing him off as a lunatic unfit for office a few weeks ago.

When close friends speak ill of close friends

they pass their abuse from ear to ear

in dying whispers -

even now, when prayers are no longer prayed.

What sounds like violent coughing

turns out to be laughter.

Shuntarō Tanikawa

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Boyfriend, MESSAGE ME BACK. UGHR. If you get into a relationship with someone, you don't start talking to them less. You're supposed to talk MORE. >:I He was way more talkative when we were just friends. Wtf is this.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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  Jeb_CC said:
Boyfriend, MESSAGE ME BACK. UGHR. If you get into a relationship with someone, you don't start talking to them less. You're supposed to talk MORE. >:I He was way more talkative when we were just friends. Wtf is this.

Dude's probably nervous. More likely to watch what he says.

Also, it's the end of the semester. May also be more busy.

I don't know the guy, though, so hard to say.

I HAVE to blow everything up! It's the only way to prove I'm not CRAZY!

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I'm about to complain about my sister's husband again, for what's probably about the seventy-ninth time I've done so on this forum. You've been forewarned... ;)


I've started babysitting my two cousins on tuesday afternoons due to their mothers (my aforementioned younger sister) return to work after a lengthy hiatus due to maternity leave. I'm more than happy to do so because, and until recently I was giving their dad credit for taking care of them in the morning. Because he is an independent filmmaker and editor it's only fair, in my mind, that he has some time set aside in the afternoon to work on his client's wedding videos or his own innumerable projects. If you've read some of my other posts about the fellow in question, you'll be aware that whilst I didn't exactly dislike my brother-in-law, we don't always see eye-to-eye on many issues. I suppose it's inevitable given that an annoyingly agnostic left-leaning twenty-going-on-thirty self-hating English man's personality wouldn't exactly gel with an middleaged-ly conservatively orthodox Greek man.


Maybe it's just unfair bias on my part, and I've not said anything directly to him about the following problems - I didn't even bring any of it up with my sister until this afternoon, but I guess today's straw broke the this much beleaguered and obese camel's back. I've had to draw the very depressing conclusion that he can't be arsed to give his children the kind of basic care, attention and routine they need and deserve - not necessarily in a cruel or neglectful way, but more in a tediously "I'm male, I need go meditate in batcave, me no babysit own kids" manner. Individually my complaints and observations would be utterly trivial and academic, but his laissez-faire attitude towards childcare has slowly but surely assembled into a catalogue of extremely annoying and, in my humble opinion, unjustifiable bollocks.


For about five weeks now he's dropped them off one or two hours prior to the time I agreed to look after them (I did politely bring this up, which to be fair he said he'd let me know in advance if that might happen in the future), but I enjoy looking after them so all was forgiven. However they often arrive in their pyjamas, bear in mind they come to my place at between three or four o'clock - their mother wouldn't dream of letting them scamper about in anything other than daytime clothes beyond breakfast time. On top of that the younger one of the two, a ten month old girl, often lands in my lap hungry, tired, thirsty and/or wearing a wet nappy because for whatever reason unlike most parents who aren't otherwise working at lunchtime, he can't seem to get his kids feeding arrangements together in the three or four hours he has before I'm about to look after them for the latter part of day, long since post-12 AM.


All of that being said I can sympathize with the sheer unrelenting difficulty of parenting. I've got them one or two days a week for an afternoon at most - I'm not saying it's easy looking after a very curious, very attention-hungry, very rambunctious three year old boy and his aforementioned baby sister by any means! I'm not expecting them to arrive straightlaced and perfectly groomed, I get it, he's having to get used to a new routine and my sister was the one who typically has the pairs needs down to a fine art. What really fucked me off this afternoon was the fact that the older one, the boy, wasn't wearing underpants today, and somehow his dad neglected to mention it to me - although he did manage inform me that his baby sister had a wee in her nappy just before they left the house, but he "ran of time to change her". Mildly cheesed off with the inconsiderate foisting of his daughters hygiene into my capable hands, you can probably imagine how utterly aghast I was when I discovered that her brother was "going-commando" (if you excuse the parlance) after helping him go to the toilet.


Am I overreacting to all of this? When their mother came to pick them after work, I tried to casually mention that he was wearing some emergency pants from my upstairs "stuff for every possible baby cousin eventuality" box, to which she explained was a consequence of him having an accident before breakfast and their father promising to change him after she left for work. I feel awful because I didn't want to make it a huge issue, for her sake at least, but I could tell from her tone and expression that she was checking-off negative brownie points from her husband. I think one of the primary reasons why all of this accumulating laxness in his approach to parenting really rustled my jimmies is that he's more than capable of giving a toss about his kids well-being, at least in the most irrelevant and utterly stupid manifestation of paternal concern.


He's more than willing to try to censor his children from the apparent heresies of imagination and multicultural exposure, he doesn't like his son playing with dinosaurs because he literally and without irony doesn't believe they existed, nor does he like him interacting with my numerous monster knick-knacks and books due to some sort of Abrahamic bias - this from a man whose home country boasts a long and proud tradition of legendary monsters and decidedly pagan chimerical beings! And if if that wasn't enough he's visibly and vocally uncomfortable with his son playing any role that might be misconstrued as feminine; something that's come up due to his occasional penchant pretending to be a hairdresser - he enthusiastically mimes the act of cutting my hair, sitting on my shoulders, then asks for three pounds and gives me an imaginary lollipop; five minutes later he has decided that he wants to be an astronaut with a "space motorbike gun" instead.

His dad is conceited enough to get an absolute compensatory rager over this inconsequential nonsense "cuz god cud b watchin" or whatever, but apparently lacks the adult gumption to put some fucking pants on his own child? He can fuck right off.


Urrrgghh! I'm sorry if this post got increasingly bilous and unyielding, but I suppose I'm just not in a very reasonable or conciliatory mood right now.



^ Artist's proposal for Selfsurprise's ascendent form circa 2017, after having eaten the entire UKIP party out of sheer directionless contempt for the human race.

When close friends speak ill of close friends

they pass their abuse from ear to ear

in dying whispers -

even now, when prayers are no longer prayed.

What sounds like violent coughing

turns out to be laughter.

Shuntarō Tanikawa

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Apparently the steam help forums are completely useless when it comes to helping. New internet up and running, and on Battle.net, GoG, and Origin I get anywhere between 10 and 20 mbps download speeds. On steam I'm lucky to get 2.


And of course the steam forums are all "You should feel blessed to be getting 2." "Look at this guy complaining about amazing connection speed" "I only get 600 kbps stop complaining"


We're paying extra for the faster connection so I AM gonna try and fix it so please don't be a useless waste of page space with your "stop complaining" in a HELP FORUM.


No throttle is set on my download settings, region servers set to closest (not that changing that to anywhere else helped) and the firewalls on everything have been disabled to no effect. I'm inclined to believe that it's a result of the holiday seasons but I don't know...

Retired Forum Moderator

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  Rarity said:

No throttle is set on my download settings, region servers set to closest (not that changing that to anywhere else helped) and the firewalls on everything have been disabled to no effect. I'm inclined to believe that it's a result of the holiday seasons but I don't know...

Have you tried resetting the download cache? Turned the PC off and on? XP Uh... Also were you getting 2mbps before your upgraded your internet?

No wait I gotta stop trying to fix people's IT problems. XD

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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  Rarity said:
Apparently the steam help forums are completely useless when it comes to helping. New internet up and running, and on Battle.net, GoG, and Origin I get anywhere between 10 and 20 mbps download speeds. On steam I'm lucky to get 2.


And of course the steam forums are all "You should feel blessed to be getting 2." "Look at this guy complaining about amazing connection speed" "I only get 600 kbps stop complaining"


We're paying extra for the faster connection so I AM gonna try and fix it so please don't be a useless waste of page space with your "stop complaining" in a HELP FORUM.


No throttle is set on my download settings, region servers set to closest (not that changing that to anywhere else helped) and the firewalls on everything have been disabled to no effect. I'm inclined to believe that it's a result of the holiday seasons but I don't know...

I get 10 mb/s depending on the game anyone who says you have no right to complain is full of shit

But Steam's servers are temperamental as all fuck and only choose to work sometimes.

As much as I hate to say it, Steam has really gone down the shitter lately and the only advantage it has over Origin is the selection of games it has.

the name's riley

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Yeah I've been getting the same feeling about steam and actually have been resorting to places like GoG for modern games as well if they have em.


OT/PSA: If you use a PS4 controller with your computer for games, put a piece of electrical tape over the headphone jack on the controller because guess who gets to play a rousing game of "what did that static shock sent through the controller damage to blink out my display for 3 seconds and cause loading times across nearly all of my games and nothing else to become terrible and drop my frames whenever something new needs to load?"


<- This guy.

Retired Forum Moderator

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  Heliocentrical said:
  Psychotic Ninja said:
Oh hey, question mark at the end of your statement. I'm no Grammar Nazi, but this grinds my gears?

Yes it's pretty fucking annoying?


On a similar note I hate people who use commas instead of periods at the ends of their sentences, I once saw this massive paragraph with nothing but commas, It hurt my soul,


People who use and more than once and periods for incomplete sentences. are pretty annoying as well.

I feel like this is directed at someone.

Oh, I thought you meant giant, paragraph long sentences.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

This random YouTuber is getting laid with random hot dudes, and is basically the worst person in existence. Why? Just watch the free video.

  Blood and Custard said:
Red and yellow do go together.

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*Complains that it's dead quiet* *Gets 5 customers in a row* *complains that he had to deal with 5 customers in a row* *is dead quiet again* *complains it's dead quiet* This is my life, and it's ending one minute at a time.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA



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  Psychotic Ninja said:

Fucking hell, I used to use that phrase as a joke!


Also, I seem to be the only one in my immediate family who gives a fuck about how my niece turns out. My Dad's back in Tennessee, Mom feels bad about her not "getting enough attention", which translates into that birthday scene in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone where Dudley Dursley counts his presents and as such actually wanted to reward her bad behaviour, my youngest sister is too lazy to make important appointments and at the age of 23 still does not know the basics of driving, let alone take care of a child, my middle sister lives in Canada with her husband, my oldest sister, who is my niece's mother is the richest joke in childcare I've seen, letting her watch Family Guy, several dozen horror serieslike Carrie I think, and basically whatever happens to be kn TV, my brother is serving in the Navy in East Virginia and as such can't spend any time here, the child's father is even worse and actuall puts on pornography and smokes marihuana fully aware that she can come in at any time, and I'm just here trying and seemingly failing to hammer in important lessons at the age of five such as "you're too old to get up and wander around in the middle of eating" and "coughing in people's faces is rude and can get them sick".

This random YouTuber is getting laid with random hot dudes, and is basically the worst person in existence. Why? Just watch the free video.

  Blood and Custard said:
Red and yellow do go together.

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