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Are tuples even useful?

This random YouTuber is getting laid with random hot dudes, and is basically the worst person in existence. Why? Just watch the free video.

  Blood and Custard said:
Red and yellow do go together.

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Why do customers come in early in the morning, when I'm the most tired and just opened up? Don't they know I'm not a morning person?!



* Do note, this isn't a serious vent, although I am tired, not a morning person, and don't like it when customers are here before I am and/or here mere minutes after I've opened up.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA



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  Psychotic Ninja said:
Why do customers come in early in the morning, when I'm the most tired and just opened up? Don't they know I'm not a morning person?!


* Do note, this isn't a serious vent, although I am tired, not a morning person, and don't like it when customers are here before I am and/or here mere minutes after I've opened up.

It relieves me to read your stuff Psychotic Ninja. It's nice to know that I'm not the only damned petitioner inhabiting that layer of hell the rest of the human race calls retailing. Today I actually had to explain to a customer that the peaches on the shelf are supposed to have a fuzzy texture, and that they weren't mouldy despite his avid insistence to the contrary. In the end I gave up, wished him luck and told to him go to Sainsburys instead, where I'd heard rumours that they exclusively sell a non-fuzzy variety.

When close friends speak ill of close friends

they pass their abuse from ear to ear

in dying whispers -

even now, when prayers are no longer prayed.

What sounds like violent coughing

turns out to be laughter.

Shuntarō Tanikawa

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just how the fuck did Portugal win euro? how on earth have they this much lucks?! only 1(!!!!) game they won on normal time & they win euro? this is bull! Most boring, undeserving team to win euro wins it.. Guess thats football, but still BS. I mean they shouldnt have even gotten past group stage!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jack O'Neill: "You know Teal'c, if we dont find a way out of this soon, im gonna lose it. Lose it... it means go crazy. nuts. insane. bonzo. no longer in possession of ones faculties. 3 fries short of a happy meal. WACKO!!!!!!!!"

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"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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So, I'm very stressed out about pretty much everything today. Terror attack in Nice, France; Turkey's military uprising; my friend's father is approaching Death's door; more than a half of the people I know pretty much has a crappy situation. Oh, and hackers.


I'm already tempted to cancel my belief about life on Earth getting better and throw it in a garbage dump, and then replace it with the phrase "everything is going to s**t". Right now AGDQ\SGDQ videos, video games and work help me throw off some of the stress, but not much.

A.K.A. UberCatSR

Favorite game: Quake 1.


Avatar made by Neffertity

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I'm losing everything. My possessions, my money, my emotions, my mind, my trust in people, and trust from others. I don't know how to feel anymore. I want to start over... Wake up and be in another place in another time. But I can't... I don't know what I did to deserve all this... I must be a terrible person to have everything happen this way to me. But I've been trying so hard to be good. I don't understand.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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  Jeb_CC said:
I'm losing everything. My possessions, my money, my emotions, my mind, my trust in people, and trust from others. I don't know how to feel anymore. I want to start over... Wake up and be in another place in another time. But I can't... I don't know what I did to deserve all this... I must be a terrible person to have everything happen this way to me. But I've been trying so hard to be good. I don't understand.

Then be a terrible person Jeb and own it. There's nothing wrong with giving assholes a taste of their own medicine. Fight back, if they can't love/respect you then make them fear you. Make it seem like you could snap at any moment and that they'll be on the receiving end. That's all they ever deserve and you make them regret every minute of it.

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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  Heliocentrical said:

Then be a terrible person Jeb and own it. There's nothing wrong with giving assholes a taste of their own medicine. Fight back, if they can't love/respect you then make them fear you. Make it seem like you could snap at any moment and that they'll be on the receiving end. That's all they ever deserve and you make them regret every minute of it.

But it's so hard... All I ever want is for people to be happy. They aren't asking for any trouble. They never did. But I made a mistake and it seems that no matter what I do, I'm not going to get what I want. Every time I try and get what I want, shit happens. I long to start over. New people, new scenery, to leave all my reputation behind. But I can't. In a few days, I'll be going to school and everyone is going to ask me what's happened. The least I can do now is to act like I'm new. Give myself a new hair style, or... Buy new clothes. If people are going to start taking everything away from me then fine. I'll find some other identity then.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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  Jeb_CC said:

But it's so hard... All I ever want is for people to be happy. They aren't asking for any trouble. They never did. But I made a mistake and it seems that no matter what I do, I'm not going to get what I want. Every time I try and get what I want, shit happens. I long to start over. New people, new scenery, to leave all my reputation behind. But I can't. In a few days, I'll be going to school and everyone is going to ask me what's happened. The least I can do now is to act like I'm new. Give myself a new hair style, or... Buy new clothes. If people are going to start taking everything away from me then fine. I'll find some other identity then.

Alright Jeb, you do you then.


if I were in the same position as you there would've been hell to pay. In fact I was in a similar position to yours where I had every single aspect of control taken away from me. They could never just leave me alone no matter how nice I was, no matter how much I went along with it. That's all I ever wanted, was for them to fuck off and leave me be. But no, they kept prodding me and poking me just to see how much hold over my life they had and they were never satisfied with how much power they already had. Eventually I had to decide whether I would continue being a slave to these people or take my life back. I choose the latter and I cannot emphasize how I hated everything I had to do to get it back. I couldn't bear to acknowledge my options, the fact that I had to choose between hurting people or being stomped on made me want to cry. But if I didn't wouldn't be here talking to you. Had I chosen the former I would've been far too afraid to talk to anyone. Before I made my decision I agonized over why someone would be upset with me even if I did nothing wrong, even if there wasn't a person shouting at me to begin with. It had gotten so bad I imagined people yelling at me daily, at this point it was something my own head was doing to me. It would've never ended had i not chosen to fight for myself. I did what I had to do out of survival and by no means was it pleasant. But I assure I did survive. Please, don't be afraid do what is necessary so you don't lose yourself.

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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I try to be a nice guy in my school, but there's always this urge to tell everyone to go fuck themselves and leave me alone when i feel like they're just using me. I want to go on, but I'm afraid i'll turn this post to an ungodly rage.

Welp, now what?

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If you're going to write a check, bring your own pen. I don't mind lending you one of ours, but it's still annoying.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA



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  Jeb_CC said:
I'm losing everything. My possessions, my money, my emotions, my mind, my trust in people, and trust from others. I don't know how to feel anymore. I want to start over... Wake up and be in another place in another time. But I can't... I don't know what I did to deserve all this... I must be a terrible person to have everything happen this way to me. But I've been trying so hard to be good. I don't understand.

Sometimes bad things just happen, regardless of who you are. That's the whole point of the Biblical book of Job. On the plus side, bad things can proceed good things. In high school, my best friend's house burned down one day while we were all hanging out in Chess club (which, incidentally, probably wouldn't have happened had he been at home). At the time, it seemed horrible. We all spent the weekend cleaning up the charred remains of his home, and it certainly seemed like a low point in life. But after a while of having to live in a hotel with his family, things got better, and honestly, they all ended up better off at the end of the day. It may seem dark now, absolutely terrible, but it will get better. Heck, in a decade or so, it will probably just turn into a funny story. But in the mean time, just try to push through it, and help fix things the way you can.


Also, I don't know if it will help, but I would recommend going and watching the Bob's Burgers episode "Tina-Rannosaurus Wrecks". I dunno if it would help, but it's a funny episode, so that's good too.

I HAVE to blow everything up! It's the only way to prove I'm not CRAZY!

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dark souls 3 is easily the worst experience i've fucking had in a video game

like way to take everything good and fun about the first game and completely shit on it

if dark souls 3 pvp isn't unbalanced than cheating is fucking rampant and fromsoftware doesn't do jack shit about it

dark souls 1 doesn't even fucking have an anti-cheat system and i've never had a problem with ds1's pvp

like may as well play offline, where it's harder than dark souls 1 for all the wrong reasons

parrying windows are fucking miniscule because the game isn't frame locked but the parrying seems to still be frame-based

most of the bosses seem to follow the same formula of get behind and attack until dead or you get stunlocked or simply 1 hit, which totally shits on the "hard but fair" aspect of dark souls 1 that made it great in the first place

common enemies are harder than the actual boss battles, it's absolute hell trying to get through the high wall but the vordt is just fine

the easiest fucking boss in the game is preceded by the most frustrating area

there's a lot of stuff dark souls 3 does better than dark souls 1, but it doesn't matter when it's not implemented in to a playable fucking game

the name's riley

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I don't know what to tell you. I've had literally none of those problems in the 200+ hours I've played. :/ The worst time I've had has to do with the poise system which Miyazaki has already said he doesn't like how that was handled and is working on addressing it. Hell even the only hacker I've ever seen was an invader invading as a phantom and all he did was kill enemies for me on the way to the boss room(which said invader helped with) and that was it.



Now for my gaming vent: What the FUCK is up with the overwatch matchmaker right now?! The last 10 games have all been complete and downright disgraceful, shameful, straight up embarrassingly bad loses because the other team had the coordination of an international competitive ranked team and I had kindergartners with keyboards for mine. 8 of those games had players that didn't even understand the concept of missing a shot no matter how unlikely it was to land. Just snap of the wrist headshot again and again and again except for the 1 or 2 instances where they happened to twitch several pixels to far. I could do fucking NOTHING. Not even on my best characters because I'd die the instance I rounded a corner. I've never, in all of my time playing overwatch, from beta until now, have been in games that astoundingly bad before.

Retired Forum Moderator

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If we're doing gaming vents, I got one: Dead Rising 2.


So, I'm at end game, final boss. against spoiler (like it's a huge surprise in the first place...). Basically, there's two layers. Main layer has zombies (of course) along with food and weapons. The upper layer, the boss. The boss has two range attacks, gun, and grenade like things. He loves to spam the grenade like things (in fact, I don't think it's him who's tossing, but something is), once exploded, they will get rid of part of the ground that you're standing on. Destroying whatever food/zombies/weapons/health of yours is in the blast zone. He also spams firing his gun (shotgun I think). When you get on his level (pun not intended) he'll spam wrestling moves. He leaves a tiny opening for you to attack, and when you do, minor damage. He'll wreck your shit in seconds.


Not the most broken boss fight I've faced (no, there's one so much more broken that the only strategy I've found is to cheat/exploit).


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA



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I'm joining the pain train and adding my own game vent:

Gosh dammit game, if you're going to make a complicated raid, at least fucking explain how to do it. Most missions in Gw2 are FINE. Except for this son of a bitch. You have to lure ghost mobs into a trap, to make the boss vulnerable to attack for a short while. Problem is, the mobs get lured by the most stupidest shit, following NPC's and pets, and then when we finally do get them into the trap, it sets off, we deal damage to the boss, and the trap doesn't reset and NOBODY knows how to reset it. The game just doesn't fucking tell you. And by the time some miracle happens and the trap gets re-set, the boss has regen itself to full. :I

*sticks middle finger up at the mission*


@Ninja: Obnoxious bombs are obnoxious I see.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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This is how I fell whenever someone brings in a shit ton of clothes, and/or comes in the last minute:




"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA



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