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So by sheer accident I stumbled across a subreddit all about complaining about Game Grumps.


Like... really? You can't just, idk... ignore it? You have to go out of your way and take time out of your day to complain about a channel because you don't like that they aren't as good at video games as you are?


Look, you don't need to validate your dislike for something. Accept that you dislike it and move on instead of going to such great lengths to let the world know how upset you are over something so trivial and unimportant.


Also yes I realize I'm sorta doing the same thing but once I finish this post, unlike them, I plan to move on with my day.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Either these idiots can't move on from Jon's departure or they got nothing better to do. This reminds of a blog i bumped into that's, and I quote, "dedicated to telling the world why the Cinema Snob sucks." All I can say is fucking wow, what did Brad Jones do to the maker of that blog? I mean seriously, what the hell?

Welp, now what?

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  AP_Pastor said:
Either these idiots can't move on from Jon's departure or they got nothing better to do. This reminds of a blog i bumped into that's, and I quote, "dedicated to telling the world why the Cinema Snob sucks." All I can say is fucking wow, what did Brad Jones do to the maker of that blog? I mean seriously, what the hell?

That reminds me of this one Youtuber who would do nothing but go on and on about how fat Jim Sterling is. That's literally it. It as if he was trying to come off as being smart or something. I'm mean come on, you couldn't be bothered to come up with one actual legitimate criticism against Jim Sterling so you instead resort to fat-shaming him because apparently thinking for more than 5 seconds is too hard for you? Needless to say the dude's a talentless hack who's simply jealous of other people's success. But he can't improve his content himself oh no, that would require too much work. It's much easier for him to regurgitate his passing thoughts without any consideration for quality. so he just sits around with his channel as if it's his own little hugbox where no amount of criticism can "hurt" him. I'm deliberately not mentioning him by name as I don't want to give his channel any direct attention. If anyone figures out who he is then I would highly recommend that you refrain from mentioning him directly as I did. He doesn't deserve it. The only thing people like him deserve to have is to have their channels be burned to the ground.

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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  Heliocentrical said:

The only thing people like him deserve to have is to have their channels be burned to the ground.


In light of what's happening with Youtube lately, that's the kind of channel Youtube should take down.

Welp, now what?

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I wish these grade 11s weren't so damn immature. >.<

I've already been hammered in the stomach by a basketball this morning, I really shouldn't have to defend myself from a ball... In the common room. Guys, really? Are we 5 years old? Why are you kicking balls inside this tiny room? I should not have to fear the safety of my cup of tea! I'd be more easy-going and lenient, if it wasn't for the fact that I had to defend my head getting hit by a ball about three times. Thank you to the gentleman Grade 12 in the room who told the inconsiderate git to stop kicking the ball around indoors and go elsewhere. So very gentleman like... "You might get away with kicking the ball when there's other guys here. But not when there's ladies here! And they got cups of tea. Don't annoy the ladies... It's rude." Damn straight.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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I really despise those pathetic, Tumblr SJWs that accused David Bowie of being a rapist pedophile for no justifiable reason, right after he died.

Actually Yngwie of Haus Malmsteen, feefty eenches of pure Svwedish beef.

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See, your problem started right when you mentioned "Tumblr". XD Why is it always Tumblr... come on Tumblr, get your shit together. XP

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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EDIT: My neighbour (in the upstairs flat) is making a hell of a racket. What is he making, with all the sawing and drilling. This house really isn't soundproofed at all. Combined with the chronic damp, I'll be glad to move out in about 4 months' time.


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  Binky The Rabbit said:

This is exactly what happens to me when I foolishly decide to surf the web. I start oscillating so violently I knock book shelves over, vibrate pictures off the wall, etc.


EDIT: My neighbour (in the upstairs flat) is making a hell of a racket. What is he making, with all the sawing and drilling. This house really isn't soundproofed at all. Combined with the chronic damp, I'll be glad to move out in about 4 months' time.

Have you given any reason to become your arch-nemesis. Maybe he is building a spite house within his actual house, purely to spite you and your evil machinations against him.



When close friends speak ill of close friends

they pass their abuse from ear to ear

in dying whispers -

even now, when prayers are no longer prayed.

What sounds like violent coughing

turns out to be laughter.

Shuntarō Tanikawa

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One day hearthstone will decide to be nice to me and stop giving me every shit card to choose from for the arena. People keep showing up with these cards I literally never see as an option and just cleaning the floor with me where as my options are "would you like to suck, blow, or fail?"

Retired Forum Moderator

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You know what's the rockstar cliche now? You think it's drug-binging, groupie-hoggling obnoxious crazies?


Noo. It's pretentious self-accusatory, angsty "poets" who hate their own songs.

Actually Yngwie of Haus Malmsteen, feefty eenches of pure Svwedish beef.

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  PriestOfJudas said:
You know what's the rockstar cliche now? You think it's drug-binging, groupie-hoggling obnoxious crazies?


Noo. It's pretentious self-accusatory, angsty "poets" who hate their own songs.

Sub-beta males are in vogue right now. I was sub-omega before it was cool.

When close friends speak ill of close friends

they pass their abuse from ear to ear

in dying whispers -

even now, when prayers are no longer prayed.

What sounds like violent coughing

turns out to be laughter.

Shuntarō Tanikawa

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So, it's distribution day at the food bank. I should be there right now, and I'm not. I went there, and an hour into the day I walked. I say again, I walked an hour in. On distribution day. That is unprecedented, but you might understand why I did it after I explain what happened.


So, a woman comes through, and she gets all of her food. And she's got a LOT of it, enough that she must have about half a dozen kids or something. The problem is that this woman looks like she weighs about a hundred pounds soaking wet. So clearly, she was having some trouble. I had just gotten in from the back room as she was going out the door, and the manager asked me to go help her. Now, this guy asks me to help every woman because he thinks they can't handle things for themselves, but in this case she clearly couldn't and I was already on it by the time he said anything.


So, I went out and offered to take a couple bags for her. And she flips the fuck out. I mean, seriously, she starts screaming at me for offering to help. She calls me a misogynist, says I think I'm stronger than her, that she doesn't need my help, and continues struggling onwards.


Okay. One at a time. First off, it isn't misogyny to acknowledge that sexual dimorphism exists and men tend to be physically stronger. Second, I never said anything about women being weak, I asked if she needed me to help carry some of her bags. Third, yeah, I'm fucking stronger than her, plain as goddamned day, and I'm pretty sure being well over twice her size (NOT HYPERBOLE) makes a much bigger difference than being a man does. Is she going to deny being over twice her size makes me stronger, too? Fourth, even if I wasn't stronger being heavier would already mean I could handle weight better than her. Fifth, she can BARELY WALK with all that stuff. She's moving towards her car at the rate of continental drift, she's already dropping shit, she even had to set a bag down and come back for it, she CLEARLY NEEDS HELP. Sixth, even if I was a fucking six-year old and half her size she STILL would have no reason not to accept my help because that would STILL be some of the burden off of her.


So at this point, the manager comes out while I'm being screamed at by this woman to ask why I'm not helping her. Gee, I'm sorry, I guess I got sidetracked being STUNNED SPEECHLESS by this woman unleashing her obvious emotional baggage on a volunteer who's trying to help her. So she starts screaming at him, and he goes through the obvious part about her needing help, and she screams some more, and I cut in and tell her nobody's insulting her, but she's clearly having trouble and it can't hurt to have somebody else carry some of the bags. And at this point she's degraded to just screaming "Fuck you". So we stop, and let her struggle her way towards her car. Once she's out of earshot, the manager looks at me and says "So, what was that you were saying about women not needing help?"


So I grabbed my stuff and left, singing "Fuck this shit I'm out". I'm going to have to find somewhere else to volunteer.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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Well, yeah. But the manager's response at the end sealed it, I probably would have stayed the rest of the day if he'd kept his mouth shut.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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Sounds like a rather shitty person to me.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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And this is a charity! I'm a volunteer, and a real one who is in no way compelled to show up. I'm not getting paid, there's no court order, I'm not stupid enough to think it adds to my resume, I'm just showing up because I feel like shit if I go too long without working. If I get treated like this at a food bank, I can't imagine how I'd be treated at a corporate workplace. Probably get fired for "upsetting" her.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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  Rarity said:


So by sheer accident I stumbled across a subreddit all about complaining about Game Grumps.


Like... really? You can't just, idk... ignore it? You have to go out of your way and take time out of your day to complain about a channel because you don't like that they aren't as good at video games as you are?


Look, you don't need to validate your dislike for something. Accept that you dislike it and move on instead of going to such great lengths to let the world know how upset you are over something so trivial and unimportant.


Also yes I realize I'm sorta doing the same thing but once I finish this post, unlike them, I plan to move on with my day.


That's the difference between you and the internets mouth breather populace. You post a complaint in a thread specifically created for the purpose of voicing complaints, then presumably do whatever it is you do to enjoy yourself and/or keep yourself alive. For the aforementioned Subreddit ab-humans however, pouring scorn on something largely inconsequential is a lifestyle choice - their raison d'être. One can only speculate what experiences or formative events drove them into becoming the the truly horrid individuals they are, but I suspect it's a sign that those people struggle to identify with anything more profound than their own basal interests.


I'm reminded of all the "I Hate [insert genre/band]" groups on last.fm, and thinking how utterly futile such a social activity is. I realize some people make or join internet groups more as a badge of honour rather than to actually discuss things with like-minded individuals, but I could never help asking those people why they felt the need. It seemed like a rather unproductive use of one's time, fixated on something they so avowedly dislike when they could be concentrating on the things they do enjoy. Also, I think it immediately and negatively labels a person (who might otherwise be a perfectly nice person) as a potentially unfriendly member of a community, thus encouraging other users to avoid them.

When close friends speak ill of close friends

they pass their abuse from ear to ear

in dying whispers -

even now, when prayers are no longer prayed.

What sounds like violent coughing

turns out to be laughter.

Shuntarō Tanikawa

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I really hate it when people change their mind...

As a person who thrives on organisation and consistency, it's so cruel to have people change plans so suddenly on me all the time. :S It took me so much begging, to multiple managers, to swap my work shifts around, away from the weekend, since my mother told me we'd be going to Hobart, which is a 3 hour drive - on the weekend. Well, I do all that effort, and turns out we're not going anymore, we're going NEXT week. Soo... okay, I swapped my shifts for nothing, I lost my really nice weekend shift (I love weekend shifts), and have to do a crappy school night shift. But, I also have to go through a bunch of more effort and begging and shift swapping to get out of the next weekend shift... and then what do I hear when I tell my mother that? "Oh, we're not going anymore."

What!? Duuuude... my manager hates me for swapping my shifts so much, and it was all for fucking nothing. I had to do twice in a row, come ooooon... I have to work a dodgy 4-8pm shift... instead of a glorious weekend shift, all because my mother keeps changing her mind about this trip. UGH.

Vappy, you should be able to relate, should sound familiar to you. :P With all that trip dates changing on you. I feel your pain..

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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