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  Rarity said:
There's my vent. May seem petty in comparison to what's going on with everyone else, but just the thought that in this day and age of progressive thinking there's still so many people out there with such narrow, selfish, and ignorant outlooks on life is deeply upsetting to me.


Nah, you just validated your vent there. The YouTube comments section is one of the Great Cesspools of the Internet. The layout has always been in a perpetual state of flux. I have screenshots of a radically different YouTube. I remember vlogs where people would point to the subscribe button at the top right corner. Some channels would have banners too.


The same applies to Facebook and Twitter too. Accursed Farms is soothing and comforting with its consistency.


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  Rarity said:
Youtube comment section sucks big hairy saggy donkey balls and here's why.



Let's not forget that comment chains made before the update are basically broken to the point where (in many cases) you have no clue what the original comment was, that started the chain, and good luck trying to find it, and make sense of the whole thing. What's worse is, person A and B could be having a meaningful conversation (yes, they do happen), childish fight, one sided childish fight (where only one of them is being a child, and the other one is trying to knock some sense into them), or whatever, and person C buts in, asking B a question, and not only does B get notified, but A as well. Or take it up to the extreme where person A makes a funny comment, constantly getting notifications that people are "liking" it, and people B-N, are having debates, conversations, calling A a faggot, etc. etc.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA



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I don't think I will pass 12th grade and go to a university or even have a decent life.But then again,was it ever decent,let alone normal?

I keep having bad grades at Math,despite trying my best to study.I often get made fun of by my classmates,which often affects me.I have to study hard and go train at the same time,which i've been telling my dad about but he says not to worry.

Not to worry,he says.But then if I don't study AND if I don't go train because I have to study seriously,he's angry at me.I know he's trying his best to help,but it doesn't feel right.Sometimes,i don't understand him.

Things are getting worse and worse at school.I can't handle the stress as it is.If I fail at one subject(Math),i don't think the others(especially the ones i'm good at)will be significant anymore.

And I barely have any life experience.Yeah.And I keep procrastinating for reasons unknown.

I'm one unlucky son of a bitch.Seriously.



I just want people to talk to.I don't want to stay this way forever.I can't.


"Hark! Dost thou hear with thine ears what I hear with mine? Interloper! No quarter shall be shown hither, fiend! Anon! Show thyself, churl!"


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Currently I'm oddly bothered by something ultimately trivial and frankly quite stupid.


Oh well.


So, soft caps and hard caps, right? In video games? Pretty easy to understand. When a stat gains significantly less benefits from increasing compared to how much benefits you got from it before, you hit the soft cap. When You no longer get any benefits at all, you've hit the hard cap and increasing beyond that is ultimately pointless. it's pretty much like this for every game that implements this system.


So why on earth can't the Bloodborne players get it into their head that 50 on an attribute is NOT the hard cap? You still get benefits up until 99 after 50. It's just severely reduced. "Oh but 50 is the hard cap because the stats are almost useless. 25 is the soft cap." Well, yes and no. 25 IS a soft cap because it's the first appearance of diminishing returns. 50 is ALSO soft cap because stat benefits drop off again. 50 is NOT a hard cap. Just because the benefits it does give are useless doesn't make it a hard cap. The hard cap is the benefit ceiling. for example. (and these numbers are not meant to be accurate, just an example) Hit rating in WoW. Let's say in this case that the hard cap is 500. Once you hit 500. you've hit the max benefit you can get. you can increase it past that to 1000 but you'll be doing no better than when it was still at 500. Hard cap.


And to those who think there can be only 1 soft cap... no... no, there can be more.


And that concludes the stupidest, most irrelevant rant I've ever had. I'm gonna go make some coffee and proceed to regret making coffee because future me's problem.

Retired Forum Moderator

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  Psychotic Ninja said:
I'm just going to leave this here....



Overkill has completely lost it

Like, 2015 was a questionable year at best, but this is just absolutely wrong in every conceivable way.

the name's riley

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Why isn't PayDay2 dead yet? ._.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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I think Psychological horror is a perfect tag for it. Because this is horrifying on an intellectual level.

Retired Forum Moderator

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  Jeb_CC said:


Why isn't PayDay2 dead yet? ._.


"Mixed". You mean people actually like it!? Or are those the troll thumbs up posts that are actually negative reviews in disguise?


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA



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I cannot believe I am still taken aback by the stupidity of humanity. I was having a discussion about North Korea's nuclear arsenal by a guy who apparently does not understand the situation, history or middle school geometry, and I seriously doubt understood the mechanics of wiping one's own ass. I mean, he could have been trolling me, but he also had the Fox News logo as his avatar, so he might really be this dumb.


1. He believed North Korea had actually acquired an actual, modern nuclear weapon. They did not, they just set off a tiny atom bomb with a yield of a couple kilotons and pretended it was an modern nuclear weapon.


2. He said they could fit that on a missile and hit anywhere in the world.

A. North Korea can't even make their pitiful kiloton-yield bombs fit on a missile.

B. They don't have the technology to even MAKE ICBMs, much less ones that could hit anywhere in the world.


3. He then said that even if they couldn't, they didn't need to send it anywhere, they could just set it off and "destroy everything in a thousand miles", because modern bombs are "over a thousand times as powerful" as the bombs that "vaporized" Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I don't even know where to START with this one, but let's break it into chunks.

A. That would be 13 megatons. Most modern bombs are in the hundreds of kilotons, 1-2 megatons tops.

B. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were mostly destroyed by fires the bombs started, not the bombs themselves.

C. Not only were these towns not vaporized, there are buildings just a few blocks from the epicentre that survived the bombings.

D. A thousand times as powerful DOES NOT MEAN A THOUSAND TIMES THE RADIUS. It means TEN TIMES the radius. Explosions hit a VOLUME, not a LINE. They teach that in SIXTH GRADE.

E. All of this is also ignoring the fact that even if they made a thermonuclear weapon it likely wouldn't be as powerful as ours.

F. Also, even if they had a bomb powerful enough to do that, they'd never use it because it would kill ALL of them too.


4. He also thinks that they'd fire their missiles at the US, rather than South Korea. And at that point, I decided to just give up on the conversation.


In summary: I need to stop being so damned surprised when people are so damned stupid.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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^ A mate of mine told me he was worried about the test, pairing it with the possibly of Trump as President and calling it two of the Four Horsemen. To be frank, every time I hear something about North Korea, my eyes roll with a slight smirk. I may be going to the opposite end of the spectrum here, but I don't see NK as any particular threat to the world. Maybe they are, but compared to pretty much every other known threat, they're nigh on at the bottom of the list.


The biggest threat America currently faces is itself, the same applying for most of the Western World (UK included) (themselves, not America), followed by maybe the instability of the Middle East. But that's a topic for elsewhere.


In the meantime, people be cray, yo.


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Got to borrow my friend's dad's Ford Mustang 1970 today. He is extremely careful with this car, and usually, the car sits in the garage in perfect condition until the annual cruising during the summer, when he takes it out for one day and then puts it back.

Nevertheless, his dad insisted that I drove it (now that I just recently got my drivers license, and Ive been drooling over that car since I was about 11).


So (very carefully) we drove off with this mint-condition Mustang.

After a while we came to a 4 way intersection, I looked at the driver coming from my left, he seemed to have stopped completely, so I checked all the sides again and drove off.

Do you think this asshole stayed? No, he went straight ahead and crashed into the hood. He then got out and started yelling at me, telling me I was driving like an idiot (even though I came from the right and all).


Im so fucking sick of idiots in the traffic. Especially when I get to borrow such a nice car, and then I have to call back and tell my friend's dad that its wrecked.

Fortunately, it was not a high speed crash (about 10 km/h), so it could have been worse. Still, though, such a damn shame.

"Life sucks sober!"

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Dear Earthlink CEO,


When I die, I will die happy knowing you and your garbage company are going to burn in hell like dry grass in a firestorm. I can't believe your company actually expects me to believe that the 2 inches of rain we got 3 weeks ago is the reason my connection can't break 2 digit kb speeds. If you're going to vomit lies into my ears at least devote half of an ass to making it believable. But then again, I guess it's the perfect metaphor for your business practice: Lazy and full of shit.



Go fuck yourself.

Retired Forum Moderator

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  Seattleite said:

In summary: I need to stop being so damned surprised when people are so damned stupid.

Would you be opposed to me sig-quoting this Seattleite? It struck me as something Freeman himself would say... :3

When close friends speak ill of close friends

they pass their abuse from ear to ear

in dying whispers -

even now, when prayers are no longer prayed.

What sounds like violent coughing

turns out to be laughter.

Shuntarō Tanikawa

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  Selfsurprise said:
  Seattleite said:

In summary: I need to stop being so damned surprised when people are so damned stupid.

Would you be opposed to me sig-quoting this Seattleite? It struck me as something Freeman himself would say... :3


Knock yourself out.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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  Seattleite said:
In summary: I need to stop being so damned surprised when people are so damned stupid.

I can hear that in Ross's voice as i'm reading this.


I want to take a break from school for at least a year or a semester, maybe do a part-time job for a while, then go back. Unfortunately, I don't think it's not much of a practical option here. I'm starting to lose motivation now.

Welp, now what?

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  Seattleite said:
  Selfsurprise said:
  Seattleite said:

In summary: I need to stop being so damned surprised when people are so damned stupid.

Would you be opposed to me sig-quoting this Seattleite? It struck me as something Freeman himself would say... :3


Knock yourself out.

Cheers me dears! :3

When close friends speak ill of close friends

they pass their abuse from ear to ear

in dying whispers -

even now, when prayers are no longer prayed.

What sounds like violent coughing

turns out to be laughter.

Shuntarō Tanikawa

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Exam time, swamped with studying and assignments, getting very little sleep, etc.

I see everything.

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So, I was working on recreating this scene from DBZA:




Everything was going great, after reviewing my recreation (again), and making some more final touches, got it to where I liked it, for the most part. Getting the walking speed (and hand movement) was proving to be more of a challenge than it should have been, and I was getting tired of trying to fix it, only ending up making it worse, or having no effect done to it. So I said 'screw it' and decided to render it, and see what it looked like before uploading it to Youtube. Everything was fine, until it decided to stop moving/changing scenes after a certain point. More specifically, it would stop around 40 second mark (or the 2nd time you see Cell's shadow move). I checked SFM, and everything seemed right, nothing out of place or anything. So, I decided to try again, and same thing happened (do note, it takes about 20 minutes to render). All that time and energy wasted.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA



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Warning: Following vent is petty, but I'll keep short.


My girlfriend asked me to come over because she wanted affection and her little niece and nephew were unavailable. So I took the almost hour long walk to her place, and guess what I found.


Yeah, she's fast asleep, holding both babies. So I came over for no reason, because the exact thing she said wasn't happening happened less than an hour later. And there's no room on the bed anymore, so now the question is if I should try to sleep on the couch or walk all the way back home to sleep in my own bed. And I'm leaning towards home.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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