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The HDD that had my OS finally imploded. I'd vent more the the toaster I'm posting from couldn't even brown a poptart it's so weak. I don't know what to do now, how do I even get a new OS?

I'd be happy to help, just PM me.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Ughhh... Gaining weight is so hard. Mum and Dad are so damn unreliable, I haven't eaten since lunch, and I have no dinner, or breakfast. I'm going to lose like, 2 fucking kilograms because my parents decided to go out, delay their time, and come back late, when all the shops are closed, and there's nothing in the house to eat. Fuck them. They get food, but I get to starve? And I'm Anorexic? Fuck. Every week, all the weight I gain just gets stripped off of me because of stupid stuff like this. If I skip two meals, I can say goodbye to my weight. I lose it so quickly.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Jeez, does this happen often? A missed dinner is not going to kill you but it's a matter of principle here. Do they consider you living on your own now and that you should take care of your own food or is it just forgetfulness?


Don't know what to say, keep your pantry stocked for occasions like that, maybe? Storable food like dry noddles, pickles, tinned stuff can be kept for ages without deterioration. For a rainy day....




P.S. WTF! I just was on a boring conference call and was looking through a reasonably respectable news website (to while away the time) and then they show me a video of some Brazilian teenage drug dealers shooting another one in cold blood, 20 bullets and the video being taken by one of the shooters GF who was prodding them on... Now I feel like I want to kill someone myself. Bloody bastards. I hope they'll pay for it, one way or another. Give bad name to entire homo sapiens.

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The HDD that had my OS finally imploded. I'd vent more the the toaster I'm posting from couldn't even brown a poptart it's so weak. I don't know what to do now, how do I even get a new OS?

I'd be happy to help, just PM me.

No need, my boy friend helped me through.

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Don't know what to say, keep your pantry stocked for occasions like that, maybe? Storable food like dry noddles, pickles, tinned stuff can be kept for ages without deterioration. For a rainy day....

Canned soups and ramen noodles are very resilient. MREs if you can get them. Any kind of jerky would work well.


No need, my boy friend helped me through.

Ok. Good.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Really? Really? You come in to a workplace where you're serving people food, and you think it's a good idea to come in high? Really? Just be glad you weren't fired on the spot for that.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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I feel so pissed. I just wish atheists would leave us religious followers alone. I hate seeing hate posts against religion online, like, not even towards ISIS or anything, but religion in particular. People say; "Why does your God not do anything for us?" Or "why did God make Earth bad?" I bet you 99% of those people have never picked up a damn Bible before. For fucks sake. I've spent my whole school life in Christian environments. I've been taught so much, there's an answer to everything. You just have to read, research and have an open mind. I love science. Astronomy is fascinating. I have my beliefs. But as soon as someone says that religion is wrong, I'll have a skitz. I'm just, so pissed. I saw a shirt that said "Fiction" and for each letter it had a different religious symbol, representing that religion is false and made up. I know they have a strong religion going on in some parts of China. Do I say that their religion is wrong? No. You know why? CAUSE I HAVEN'T TRIED IT YET. FUCKING. RETARDS. TRY IT BEFORE YOU FIRE AT IT. GRAGH!

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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As a steady agnostic, I find both angry atheists and religious throat-shovers *very* hard to bear. Yes, many global atrocities have been committed in the name of some deity or another, but that doesn't make the religion bad. It makes those who took advantage of a benign belief system bad. At the same time, no I'm not going to convert, thankyouverymuch.


Religious extremism is definitely one of the worst things humanity has created. All it has done is spread hate.


Also, why do I keep on missing the word 'doesn't' when I'm typing? I keep accidentally looking like a monster.


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I'm a weird Christian. X3 I've NEVER told somebody to convert to Christianity. It'll just make things worse. Only you can decide what you believe. I believe what I believe. You believe what you believe. You can't just change that. I have an atheist friend and we respect each other's views. We even joke about it. XP

"Haha. You call me silly? You believe God made everything."

"Well YOU believe that nothing made everything! Ha! Beat that!"

I think we can just all agree that life is a freaking mystery. And we'll eventually find out the meaning when we die. Make the most of life I guess. X3 Let people believe what they want. It just leaves everyone happy.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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I know. Don't worry. X3 There's much more to it than that. I just like to generalize it for the sake of making fun of my friend in a funny matter. Doooon't worry. I have researched evolution and the big bang theory. :3 It's quite interesting.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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It's quite interesting.

Interesting yes, but no more probable than creation when it comes down to facts known. (exclude all unproven theories like evolution, and there's really not much of anything known about the way everything started)


Also, +1 for voicing my exact vent, the one I've had for years but been unable to put into words.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I'm just going to ramble. Type out my thoughts as I'm thinking, sorry if I seem to go all over the place, fail to stay on one topic for a long time, I just, I just don't know. So, I got a job, which is good, I guess. But it's not what I really want to do (common I guess). I want to animate and/or model making. I'm a noob with SFM, and I still have to learn Maya. I want to learn, I really do, however with work I end up too drained to do anything most days really. Then when I get days off (usually 2 days a week), I don't want to work on Maya or SFM, but just play games. I want to work, but I don't want to work, you know? I hate having to go to bed at midnight, just to wake up at 8 am to work from 9 to 3 one day, 9 to 4 the next, and then 9 to 5 the next, just have to wake up at 10 to work from 11 to 3 or 2 or 4 or 5. It leaves me drained. "But at least the pay's good". Yeah well, staying up late and sleeping in is so much better. Working when I want to, for as long as I want to is so much a better feeling, is a lot less stressful, and overall just better. I'm not ready for adulting. When I start on a SFM or Maya project, it would be amazing to have that support. Not just from you guys, but from physical people who are physically right next to me. I need that emotional physical support. That motivational drive to keep on pushing. Especially when I'm still new, and unknown. I would love to showcase my work on Youtube and Steam Workshop, get noticed, have a following, and have animation and/or modeling (3D modeling that is) as my job. I would love to have as much help as I could. Help with SFM and Maya, figuring out what I really want to/should focus on, help me get noticed and GAH! I'm an adult, but I'm no where near ready to be an adult. I need help. Once again, sorry if there's too much "junk" in my post.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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Poor Ninja is going Psychotic. Also don't apologize for rambling. X3 When I'm angry, this is the first place I go to. It really helps to just type away the stress and anger. It beats punching a wall or yelling at an innocent. Venting is good for your health! :3

Now let me vent. X3

Apparently my what, 400 word forum post is too much for you (other)forum, and requires administrator reviews to be processed. Thanks. A lot. I've been so pissed at programming lately. And it's my life dream. XD I still like it. I'm just angry because there's things I just haven't been able to learn. That, and I haven't been able to start up a Computer Science class in my school because there hasn't been enough people to want to do that kind of stuff. I might just have to wait for college to learn more programming. I find learning in a school environment is MUCH easier than online or self-teaching. I've learnt so much from my IT class last year. Couldn't do it this year, decided to do Graphics and Design instead. Gonna model a damn spaceship. Hell yeah.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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I have researched evolution and the big bang theory. :3 It's quite interesting.
Interesting yes, but no more probable than creation when it comes down to facts known.


There is nothing mutually exclusive between Christianity and science, including the Standard Model, the Big Bang and the evolution, unless one insists on taking an old collection of crowd-sourced memoirs and folklore tales as the absolute literal truth in every word of it. :-)


Even creation of the Universe by God is not excluded by science (although creation as in the Creation Museum certainly is).



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I could go into a detailed discussion about that subject, but this isn't the thread for it.


I will say one more thing though about it, the expanding universe theory is still a theory, (with good reason) and since that theory is the basis of the Big Bang theory, it is still questionable as to it's veracity.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Yes, there is a whole existing thread for this discussion and we did discuss the life out of it already, I recall :-)


Just want to say that I did not mean any disrespect in my post above - just presented a point of view.



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The way I see things these days, no one was there to witness the Beginning, so no one can be 100% sure what happened. People can take whatever evidence they find whatever way they want, but it'll always be theories.


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That's a pet peeve of mine, to be honest. Equivocation.


"All feathers are light.

Light is the opposite of dark.

Therefore, there are no dark feathers."


It's the taking of a word ("light") with two different meanings ("not heavy", "pale") and using one definition ("pale") in conclusion. The word "theory" has two different definitions but they word is only being used (incorrectly) in the conclusion.


In colloquial terms, "theory" is synonymous with "guess" or "hypothesis". That's fine and dandy and I have no problem with that (in theory). It's when THAT definition is applied to something it should NOT be applied to that I have a problem.


In scientific terms, "theory" is synonymous with "explanation of fact". It is the highest standard you can get in science. EVERYTHING that exists has an associated theory. The theory of gravity, the theory of electromagnetism, the theory of evolution, the theory of biology, the theory of germs, the theory of cosmological expansion ("the Big Bang"), the theory of thermodynamics, the theory of the speed of light, and so on. These are not hypotheses. These are not guesses.


They are explanations of observable phenomena with a mountain of peer-reviewed evidence. To say something is "just a theory" completely misrepresents what "theory" is in this context.


Some things are NOT eligible for debate. The composition of the Moon remains the same whether we believe it's rock or whether we believe it's Norwegian beaver cheese. They simply are.


The "Big Bang" is one of those things that "simply are".

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