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TLDR idiot Facebook commenters blame Mass Effect for school shooting.



I'm sorry I can't.

I just can't.



Kaweebo [AF]: Oh my god

Kaweebo [AF]: I need

Kaweebo [AF]: I need you to see this

Kaweebo [AF]: I just

Kaweebo [AF]: oh my god

Kaweebo [AF]: This is ridiculously stupid as all fucking hell

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: You're not going to send me a picture of your penis are you?

Kaweebo [AF]: YES

Kaweebo [AF]: No.

Kaweebo [AF]: Okay so

Kaweebo [AF]: That Adam Lanza guy, the one who killed those kids

Kaweebo [AF]: He liked the Mass Effect Facebook page, right?

Kaweebo [AF]: You can see where this is going...

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: Let me guess. Either some news channel OR some dumbass soccer mom, or both (likely both) decided that means Mass Effect made him kill 27 people because that's how vidya games work

Kaweebo [AF]: I just need to read these comments off to you

Kaweebo [AF]: 'A guy who loves this game just shot and killed 25 people BASED ON THIS GAME, and we think these games have no effect on people? He KILLED 18 KINDERGARTEN kids in cold blood'

Kaweebo [AF]: Oh

Kaweebo [AF]: OH

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: Based on this game

Kaweebo [AF]: Even better

Kaweebo [AF]: Even fucking better

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: How? Did he use mass accelerators to do it?

Kaweebo [AF]: Apparently, it wasn't even the killer who liked this game

Kaweebo [AF]: It was his misidentified brother, who DIDN'T kill anyone

Kaweebo [AF]: Fuck these people.

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: But whose life is probably ruined forever now anyway

Kaweebo [AF]: Exactly

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: Other than the obvious reason that "My brother killed a bunch of people"

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: Well thanks to the news shooting their wad, now everyone thinks I killed a bunch of people!

Kaweebo [AF]: 'Ryan Lanza (wrong killer, fuckhole) the 24 year old that has killed 18 kindergarten children, 8 adults, and his own mother, was a fan of Mass Effect. What are you and other games of your ilk doing to our society? Think on it.'

Kaweebo [AF]: What, is he talking to the game itself?

Kaweebo [AF]: Does he think ME3 is just gonna fucking respond back?

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: Apparently

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: People will take fucking any excuse, no matter how utterly insignificant and baseless it is, to push through their own retarded agendas

Kaweebo [AF]: It's just...wow.

Kaweebo [AF]: As if people could get even more ignorant and stupid.

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: I'm sure all the people involved with this are delighted that they're blaming Mass effect for someone's decision to murder a bunch of people

Kaweebo [AF]: I thought shit against Mass Effect was done

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: See, if it were MW2, I could kind of see where they were coming from

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: But in ME?

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: Really?

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: There aren't even any fucking kids in ME

Kaweebo [AF]: I mean seriously, can you fucking imagine the bloodier and more violent games out there than Mass Effect?

Kaweebo [AF]: For the record, ME3 there's one kid

Kaweebo [AF]: And you don't even kill him

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: Mass Effect is really quite tame if you think about it

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: People just drop dead

Kaweebo [AF]: Honestly, it would have been rated T if not for the sex.

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: There are games that splurt blood everywhere on the contrary

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: Or skyrim where you hack people to death with axes and swords

Kaweebo [AF]: You gonna blame sex for the murder?

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: Or fallout where you blow limbs out and take a perk where people violently explode when you kill them

Kaweebo [AF]: Yeah, exactly. They're blaming the wrong game, if anything.

Kaweebo [AF]: Go blame Skyrim or something

Kaweebo [AF]: Mass Effect?

Kaweebo [AF]: Get that shit out of here

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: Mass effect has got to be the most kid friendly shooter ever

Kaweebo [AF]: With cussing and blood and almost boobs..

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: Except maybe halo

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: But still

Kaweebo [AF]: It's not even a whole shooter

Kaweebo [AF]: It's a fucking RPG

Kaweebo [AF]: Sort of

Kaweebo [AF]: kind of

Kaweebo [AF]: Jusy

Kaweebo [AF]: Goddamn


Kaweebo [AF]: HOW THE FUCK

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: I'm not even surprised, but I am disappointed

Kaweebo [AF]: lol

Kaweebo [AF]: The same guy liked 'Quinnipiac Theater for Community'

Kaweebo [AF]: so one guy commented on that Facebook page about how 'OH MY GOD, DUDE, THE KILLER LIKES THIS


Kaweebo [AF]: http://i.imgur.com/1mQrq.png

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: I hope to god that is sarcastic

Kaweebo [AF]: It is.

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: Good, in which case it is hilarious

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: All we need now is for someone to find out he liked MLP or something a few weeks ago and everyone to be like 'OH MY GOD THE BRONIES ARE KILLING NON BRONIES HOLY SHIT'

Kaweebo [AF]: 'Complete idiots! We might as well shave our heads because he had hair'

Kaweebo [AF]: Oh god

Kaweebo [AF]: Can you imagine?

Kaweebo [AF]: Bronies would fight that, though

Kaweebo [AF]: they wouldn't take that shit.

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: Sure. Just like how you're fighting ME3's ending

Kaweebo [AF]: At least I'm not blaming ME3's ending for killing chil...

Kaweebo [AF]: Well ME3 DID kill a kid

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: WAIT

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: MAYBE

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: MAYBE



ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: IT ALL ADDS UP

Kaweebo [AF]: By that logic, hell yeah it's Mass Effect's fault!!

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: You know what's sad?

Kaweebo [AF]: Even though it was his brother and not the killer...

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: That's probably more sound logic than what they are actually thinking is the case

Kaweebo [AF]: 'I am sure none of these precious children had this game on their Santa list...God help protect us from all the evil our society promotes.'

ZCS| Holywarrior [R]: Everyone's favorite commenter

Kaweebo [AF]: Bitch

Kaweebo [AF]: I fucking dare you to investigate that

Kaweebo [AF]: I bet you a lot of kids already owned that ha,e

Kaweebo [AF]: game*

Kaweebo [AF]: These 5-6 year olds play God of War and fuckin Halo all the damn time.

Kaweebo [AF]: They act like these kids were such saints


Kaweebo [AF]: These kids probably had goddamn shooters all over the place.

Kaweebo [AF]: The boys, anyway.



Kaweebo [AF]: QUICKLY


Kaweebo [AF]: You know

Kaweebo [AF]: When I woke up today

Kaweebo [AF]: I didn't imagine I'd actually be surprised like this

Kaweebo [AF]: I thought I'd seen it all


Kaweebo [AF]: T




"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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He was obviously not mentaly well, why do videogames come to question ? (Not that it was him, it was his brother who played mass effect 3).

But seriously: "OMG HE LIKED A VIDEO GAME ON FACEBOOK IT MUST BE BECAUSE OF THE VIDEOGAME THAT I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THAT HE DID ALL THESE HORRIBLE THINGS" Im not even gonna try to explain how I feel about these kind of people because it would just be alot of swearing and calling people retarded...


Also: Mass effect? Really? Would have made more sense if it was ARMA or something.... Like I said, they dont know what the fuck they are talking about.

"Life sucks sober!"

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I'll never understand the train of thought behind outrageous claims like that. The fact that someone liked a video game then committed a massacre is an example of correlation (I think it is... I just woke up and I may not be firing on all cylinders at the moment). Correlation does not equal causation.


Seriously, it's no different than saying that James Holmes watched Dora the Explorer, therefore Dora the Explorer promotes mass murder.

Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Uh, do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage? Gefrannis booj pooch boo jujube; bear-ramage. Jigiji geeji geeja geeble Google. Begep flagaggle vaggle veditch-waggle bagga?

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This happens everytime a tragedy hits us. We point fingers and play the blame game. Videogames are an easy target for the ignorant.


We treat the mentally ill so poorly in this country. Seems to me like we'd rather put them away in under-funded care facilities and pretend they don't exist, rather than actually help them. If we could just stop bitching about taxes, then things like this wouldn't happen as much. We are so apathetic it's almost disturbing. There are so many glaring problems that could be so easily fixed.

I don't like writer's block, I prefer to call it writer's parry.

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"Merry christmas!"

"Dont say that"

"Say what?"

"Merry christmas, people from other cultures can be offended. Say happy holidays instead!"


No, you know what? Sweden is a protestant country, we celebrate christmas. If people from other cultures are offended by that, then all I can say is: Too bad.

The funny thing is the fact that Ive never in my entire life heard an immigrant complain about it. Most immigrants actually say "merry christmas" themselves.


So to all of you politically correct people who think that you have to stand up for everyone else: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

"Life sucks sober!"

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There's nowhere to put my NAS (Network Attached Storage). Must... not... destroy... mother's... figurines...

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I haven't seen this anywhere else so I might as well make it here.

Use this thread to tell your stories on those days when your just having a bad time, when you have an issue or if you just need to put your thoughts somewhere. and If you are up to it respond to the postings of others.

I only ask that you think about what you wrote before you post. and consider your responses if you make any (try to avoid being insensitive). And remember that you are not obligated to respond to anything others post, If you have no valid response then we understand why you didn't post.

What your not crazy too?

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Ill put an example from my life up here:

I am lonely to the extreme here and here is what caused it. my girlfriend (no longer however) was the secret part of my life that kept me sane. well that ended one day with one statement "hey my visa expired im getting deported to England tomorrow" to which my response was "your British?". well Skype kept it alive across the ocean until she turned into slutzilla. she Skyped me (drunk she was) one night while she was doing some dude from down the hall. yeah. well I shared a lot of my life with her (although she and I were the only ones aware of our relationship since my family would meddle if they found out).

There be an example of the kind of thing you can put on this thread.

(and yes this did happen and yes it still screwing with me to this day)

What your not crazy too?

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I think that thread is called "Vent" around here...

ah I did not see that ha you responded quite fast (as I was typing mah story thing up)

What your not crazy too?

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