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If Gordon wants to sing again, a few suggestions


Tom Lehrer's The Elements



Tom Lehrer's New Math

I totally imagine Gordon making jokes about base 8 being the same as base 10, when you're missing two fingers :lol:



sudo make me a sandwich

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That song, it made me break out in a grin, and it made another friend of mine get all moist, or something XD


Genius, Ross. Genius. Looking forward to what's next. Never been happier to subscribe to a youtube name called ChilledSanity.

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The wait was worth it, awesome episode as always! That Pirates of Penzance reference kinda came out of left field, but Freeman's supposed to be a sociopathic genius, so it fits his character.

I don't like writer's block, I prefer to call it writer's parry.

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Even though i know its the end of this month but you did say(or so I think(damn I'm always wrong)) 2 episodes per month and even though i know it would be asking too much but could the next episode of FM(or CP even better) be coming out say on the 31st of May? I would easily understand a new episode only next one but hey I a man or similar creature can always hope right?

I just remembered: a friend of mine also loves this series(got him to start watching it) since he finished watching it before the whole Machinima screw up I'll try to inform him of the return of the all intelligent one!

I fell into a pit I can't get out of. Now in order to survive I've turned in to Pacman and I'm eating old Mentos. Keep dropping em on the ground kids!

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Sadly, I did not think the wait was worth it for this one. Way too long a wait, not enough laughter, large amounts of unrelated stress causing me to nearly go into a mental breakdown, etc. This was a good episode though, don't get me wrong.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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He wasn't working on it the whole time. It's just another episode. The episode wasn't made as a grand return or anything.

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The episode was actually slated for release around the turn of the new year but was delayed for quite a while due to Machinima-related shenanigans. Hopefully any continuing shenanigans will be ironed out soon so that Ross can focus on what he enjoys doing instead of....well, THAT.

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That song is brilliant!


Very good episode, Ross. :D

"I tell you one thing: I've been to a parallel universe, I've seen time running backwards, I've played pool with planets, and I've given birth to twins, but I never thought in my entire life I'd taste an edible Pot Noodle."

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Sadly, I did not think the wait was worth it for this one. Way too long a wait, not enough laughter, large amounts of stress causing me to nearly go into a mental breakdown, etc. This was a good episode though, don't get me wrong.



:roll: Your forum comments really fit your forum nickname. Have you missed all the nightmare Ross had to go through so you can watch the episode, or most importantly, he can still make them and be able to get money for them. You behave like a prince, and with my nickname I know it's good to show hard working people at least minimum respect. It's not like you're the only person uin the world that watches these, even if you think so.... gah!

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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2 episodes a month sounds incredible


that'll give me something to do while i continue to ignore the glowing NEW PMs button and whatever hideous moderator jokes lurk behind it

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2 episodes a month sounds incredible


that'll give me something to do while i continue to ignore the glowing NEW PMs button and whatever hideous moderator jokes lurk behind it

Keep in mind you were not warned for using adult language, but for being offensive, like you are being right now...

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

Check out my music at http://technomancer.bandcamp.com

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i wasn't being offensive at all, i was the one who was insulted for defending ross, with an attack that had nothing to even do with my post for that matter, so get a fucking clue, you're obviously just another one of those desperately power-hungry mods who try to pick on low postcount members as an excuse to flex your imaginary muscles, because going after older members is riskier for you politically and more difficult to get away with


go ahead and ban me, i couldn't give a shit less if some video maker wants to entrust his internet presence to the care of 10 year olds and let them play the big man on his forum by abusing his viewers, look how strong and threatening you are when no one actually cares about your idiotic power-tripping bullshit


now run along and threaten someone else to stop doing something they haven't even done... that ego of yours isn't going to stroke itself, after all.

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:roll: Your forum comments really fit your forum nickname.


And it looks like someone finally got it. I was hoping someone would connect me to some pro-Iraq war statement, but nonetheless, people get why I call myself a pest. :D

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Hey Ross, is it just me or has this episode only got the original draft of Phai's sound effects in it?

Anyway, I finally got around to seeing these new uploaded episodes and they're awesome!

Really glad to see you back in production! (well, y'know, production you're allowed to publish)

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:roll: Your forum comments really fit your forum nickname.


And it looks like someone finally got it. I was hoping someone would connect me to some pro-Iraq war statement, but nonetheless, people get why I call myself a pest. :D


That doesn't allow you to be rude towards Ross. He is the reason we are all here. :roll:

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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He's allowed to have an opinion about individual episodes. You don't need to defend Ross at every single possible opportunity. In fact, I imagine he would get irritated with that after a while.

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That doesn't allow you to be rude towards Ross. He is the reason we are all here. :roll:


apologies. Just got impatient after a while

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