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Thank the God Almighty we are free at last!!! Great episode Ross, it's like part of my life was missing without it.

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I loved the episode and the singing was hilarious I laughed and I'm also spreading the word about the new episode and the new place too. I'll wait until there's subtitles until I watch it again as I have trouble understanding speech and missed a lot of the words in the song.

I forget things a lot and I like chumtoads.

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I'm a longtime lurker and a first time poster but I just had to register and say...


...thank you Ross, for not only sticking with this project, but getting out of the clutches of evil and into the clutches of awesome.


TGWTG is a regular haunt of mine, so I'm happy to see you've found a home there. And even more happy to see a new episode!


Don't even care about the ads, bro! Just collect that revenue and keep making awesome videos!

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Received my tablet today and I got to see a new episode of FM.

It was a good day.... 8-)

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Loved it. I was going to watch it on Blip, but I had a severely low video framerate there.


EDIT: So, now that we have confirmed Freeman's Mind, will we be expecting anything similar with CP?

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

I don't get half of the science humor in FM, but I think that's one of the beauty parts of it.

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Awesome! Just registered when I saw new episode T-6!

Thx for not giving up!


Though I will rewatch it with subtitles, if there's someone nice enough to do the job :D, to fully understand the singing part.


Oh, and why that speed talking part?

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I did receive the E-mail for episode 43 oddly lol but was elated to see the real episode 45 had come out.


Welcome back, Ross :D best of luck to future productions!

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So does Gordon no longer have the rocket launcher?

I mean, it'd make sense if he weren't carrying it around, and just dropped it after using it, but it wasn't specified, and since he never used it in this video, I was curious.

I HAVE to blow everything up! It's the only way to prove I'm not CRAZY!

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Ross has very nice voice when he sings :D I hope Freeman will have other occasions to make his own song again ;d

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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Yeah, whatever the name of this mission originally was, It's probably Mission Fuck-up by now

If I was in charge and one man was killing every single soldier I sent to kill him,

I would try something else

Hell, I could be a general

I have enough combat experience by now, I'm gonna sing about it

They can't stop me (clears throat)


I am the very model of a modern major general

I've had probation, vegetable, animal and mineral

I know the kings of England and I quote the fights historical

From marathon to water lucid and categorical

I am very well acquainted to my mathematicals

I understand equations, but the simple and quadratical

I bought binumeral theorem and I'm teeming with the light of news

With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse


Where's my chorus?!


I'm very good at integral and differential calculus

I know the scientific names of being zen and nucleus

Internal minus vegetable

Animal and mineral

I am the very model of a modern major general


I know our ethic history king aux since the caradox

I answer hard-acrostics, I've a pretty taste for paradox

I've cordiligitics, sold a counter-helium cabalus and conic-second forbic tea per cabalus


You know, this song is kinda dated

It's supposed to be modern major general

I'm gonna add a new verse


I can fire at a target and hit it at least at the time with graphite

I don't like how I can only make numbers rhyme

I calculate the forward rate of a bullet shot a thousand yards

I prefer it the thickness of a hundred military guards

I can make a simulation of an atom bomb or two

Or flank a dozen men and ambush ten of them right out of the blue

From SMGs to RPGs, I carry quite an arsenal

And skip around a war zone like a sub-atomic particle


Still no chorus!

Okay, come on, sing and I won't kill you!

Those of that are left I mean (Ah)

Okay, there we go (clears throat)


Every soldier out here wants to kill me for my curiosity

I wage we're on the whole damn world because of my sinacity

And not just come back technical but physics theoretical

I am the very model of a modern major general


Okay, no one else is even trying to sing along, I quit

Okay, delivery for Mr. A. Brooks (fires SMG grenade at tank)

Oh, come on, I know someone's home (fires SMG grenade at tank and it explodes)

No, I don't need a signature, you have a nice day

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The epicness is too epic... Epic will now have to be redefined.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I started using the web series to get me through half life. I just thought one thing though, how would have Freeman reacted if he had the laser gun?

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Hey Ross loved the episode i have a few questions.


When this all started happening you said you would probably have 46 done by the time Machinema sorted it out, is there a back log of episodes to be posted, if so what kind of schedule are you looking at for putting them out. ( I know this is a long shot as you were probably too busy but fingers crossed)


Also you mentioned a Freeman's mind related project "this (Doom Guys Mind) was NOT the Freeman’s Mind related side project I mentioned earlier, that’s still a work in progress."


Was that project your move to TGWTG ? Or is it Christmas already and you have some kind of video to announce?

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It might make me sound egotistical, but I feel like I was a part of saving Freeman's Mind. I don't know if I was the first person to suggest TGWTG, or one of the first, but I was definitely something. And after months of whining to my friends that I've never contributed anything, this is just what I needed.


And the hilarious new episode is the icing on the cake.

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Christopher_AC: Just look up "modern major general" for the original song. Here are the lyrics I added:



I can fire at a target and hit it at least half the time

or graph out an electron path while using only numbers prime

I calculate the fall rate of a bullet shot a thousand yards

and perforate the thick heads of a hundred military guards.


I can make a simulation of an atom bomb and build one too

or flank a dozen men and ambush ten of them out of the blue

from SMGs to RPGs I carry quite an arsenal

and skip around a warzone like a subatomic particle


every solider out here wants to kill me for my curiousity

I wage war on the whole damn world because of my tenacity

in matters combat tactical and physics theoretical I am the very model of a modern major general



It was tricky getting the rhythm to match between each line, I think even the original cuts corners there, "about binomial theorem" in particular seeming to break the flow when I was practicing it.


When this all started happening you said you would probably have 46 done by the time Machinema sorted it out, is there a back log of episodes to be posted, if so what kind of schedule are you looking at for putting them out. ( I know this is a long shot as you were probably too busy but fingers crossed)
not as many as I'd like, but 46 is done dialogue-wise, just some minor editing needed. I'm going to try and aim for 2 weeks.


Was that project your move to TGWTG ? Or is it Christmas already and you have some kind of video to announce?
That's still very much underway and is taking up a good chunk of my time, but has an end in site. And no, I haven't announced it at all yet.


I don't know if I was the first person to suggest TGWTG, or one of the first, but I was definitely something.
It could be, I never realized TGWTG had its own network and was accepting people, that was a direct result of what I read here in the forums.

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