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Those guys with the glasses

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Oh my gosh, TGWTG is where 5 second movies come from? I've known about those long before freeman's mind. But where exactly would the videos be? Looking at the website, would freeman's mind have a link there under some drop menu?


Also... I didn't know so many of us girls were actually fans of freeman's mind and Ross! :)

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Well, just an old lurker here, had to jump in. The Walker brothers, Linkara, Nash, Lindsay, Ross Scott... yep, this is a viable line-up. Damn straight man, congrats on the move!

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So many women/girls!!!!!! (I guess I don't really qualify as a "girl" anymore.. I'm too old :mrgreen: ) . So there's like 6 - 7 females! YEAAAAYY GIRL POWER! :P Sorry for offtopic....



I've seen some Nostalgia Critic even before Freeman's Mind but never got into it very much. But I like to watch it from tme to time. It may be weird but I find his videos resolution and a white background a bit tiring for my eyes. Otherwise I'd watch NC more often... 8-)

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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So many women/girls!!!!!! (I guess I don't really qualify as a "girl" anymore.. I'm too old :mrgreen: ) . So there's like 6 - 7 females! YEAAAAYY GIRL POWER! :P Sorry for offtopic....



I've seen some Nostalgia Critic even before Freeman's Mind but never got into it very much. But I like to watch it from tme to time. It may be weird but I find his videos resolution and a white background a bit tiring for my eyes. Otherwise I'd watch NC more often... 8-)

Stereotypes everywhere :lol:

i still wonder, on how many sites and gaming communities, girls are looked as rarity, makes me laugh everytime discussion like this pops up :D

Jack O'Neill: "You know Teal'c, if we dont find a way out of this soon, im gonna lose it. Lose it... it means go crazy. nuts. insane. bonzo. no longer in possession of ones faculties. 3 fries short of a happy meal. WACKO!!!!!!!!"

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Stereotypes everywhere :lol:

i still wonder, on how many sites and gaming communities, girls are looked as rarity, makes me laugh everytime discussion like this pops up :D



You can't say that men/women ratio here is at lest 70/30. I think women are still minority on forums like this. It's easy to see on YouTube Freeman's Mind stats . There is NO stat that would show women as a meaningful group that watches the show. It's all men aged 13 to 34. So I guess it's maybe 10 - 15% of females here. These are not stereotypes. I guess women just don't know or just don't like shows like that. I like video games and I still think I'm weird. I have no girlfriends who would play games like me. One plays games on Facebook a lot :P That's all... These are facts...


Thank you for tolerating this offtopis while wating for next FM episode going up........ :mrgreen:

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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There's another thread with a gender poll for those interested. Anyway, I am currently re-watching all Freeman's Mind episodes in the anticipation of the new one, possibly at the expense of my final grades.

I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12.

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Congrats on the new friendship with Doug Walker, I thought he was very similar to the Smeghead with his way to tear apart good movies, but hey I am not complaining, I just know Doug Walker ruined Twister for me, I loved that movie as a kid and he tore apart of my childhood to ribbons, but no matter I moved on, but I have to congratulate you on your new fruitional situation Ross

I still love Twister, lol!

Even if he tears apart movies I like/love, he's still funny while doing it, and he doesn't change my opinion on them.

Alyxx Ive watched that film since I was a kid (5/6 years old)

“Error 482: Somebody shot the server with a 12-gauge. Please contact your administrator”

“Caution Laser Caution Laser Caution Laser”

“I can now solve up to 800 problems a minute”

"I got my degree under the tutelage of Dr. Pepper."

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I watched Captain Planet when I was a kid too and enjoyed it back then. I can look back at it now and see how trite and contrived the whole concept was. Have a sense of humor.

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Please, I need FMMM,

Please, form just Ross Scott,

Please, you know I need FM, please, please give me! :)


Where is FM 45? :roll:

Несу добро в массы!

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Patience, tabletka, patience. The Great Ross Scott has escaped the shackles of Machinima. He has formed a new alliance. The Freeman will soon return.

I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12.

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Patience.... Ross will put a post up as soon as the episode goes online on blip! Oh... HOLY patience.... :P

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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FUCK PATIENCE! I can't stand this much longer! I've waited so long for new stuff to come out (everywhere, not just here) and I get nothing but bullshit!!!!!!!!! I just want to be happy again....

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FUCK PATIENCE! I can't stand this much longer! I've waited so long for new stuff to come out (everywhere, not just here) and I get nothing but bullshit!!!!!!!!! I just want to be happy again....


Hey... You didn't have to deal with evil contracts and frustrating and incompetent (and dumb) Machinima workers for 4 months.... So chillout. Your situation is much more comfortable than Ross had to deal with. No bullshit...

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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Still, patience or not, I really am looking forward to see where the series goes again. I've drawn so much inspiration from it already. I honestly do not think the idea of an atmospheric radiosonde probe equipped with a high caliber automatic gatling gun would have occurred to me if not for that particular episode. And speaking as an engineer I must know... what other design concepts do we have to look forward to?

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That is an epic combination. A free nostalgic mind combination.

Ross, i hope the best for you, you are a rare kind of artist in this world.

And i will watch your series till the end, even if i have to wait years for it.

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Grats Ross on the confirmation of moving to a better company. Just don't let it get as bad as the Machinima crap again.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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FUCK PATIENCE! I can't stand this much longer! I've waited so long for new stuff to come out (everywhere, not just here) and I get nothing but bullshit!!!!!!!!! I just want to be happy again....


Hey... You didn't have to deal with evil contracts and frustrating and incompetent (and dumb) Machinima workers for 4 months.... So chillout. Your situation is much more comfortable than Ross had to deal with. No bullshit...


You don't get it, do you? These kinds of things that Ross and other people make is where most of my happiness and entertainment come from. I can't wait much longer.

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Great to hear this! Not only is it good to know that things might be getting better for you, but it also means I have Freeman's Mind to look forward to.

Hope everything works out.

I don't get half of the science humor in FM, but I think that's one of the beauty parts of it.

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So um... why is there a delay, on blip.tv? I thought the reason there was a delay back in the day was because Machinima took their sweet time.

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