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Escape From Machinima

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...and this is how mighty fall

Youtube and Google are making grave mistakes recently, with youtube making some channels viewable only for money (to bring out example). Seems like people never learn from history- you can be as mighty as ever, but if you start making same mistakes as other mighty companies/nations before, well, downfall is pretty much guaranteed. This has applied for Nokia for example- once certain market leader in cell phones all over the world, now barely hanging on. Or lets take countries for example: February revolution of Russia started also not so much because form of goverment, but because Nikolai 2 was making similar mistakes as fallen absolute monarchs before if not even worse, USSR (aka empire of evil) also fell (well, partially anyways) because powers were unable to deal with peaceful yet powerful resistance in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, where it spread all over USSR. Similar to pre-February revolution situation

Speaking of Russia, both Napoleon and Hitler made curiously same mistake: wait for coldest winter and then march on Moscow


Point is- we just dont learn from history, including Google and Youtube XD


Greetings and best wishes for future from Estonia!

Jack O'Neill: "You know Teal'c, if we dont find a way out of this soon, im gonna lose it. Lose it... it means go crazy. nuts. insane. bonzo. no longer in possession of ones faculties. 3 fries short of a happy meal. WACKO!!!!!!!!"

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As I was reading your latest post, I began to ruminate on the chart you listed with the activity of your videos. There was one section you circled which you listed as @ the time when Google tweaked their search algorithms. To me, it stands to reason that your traffic should actually go down during this time as well, since a more lean and accurate search engine should in theory lead to less clicks on your videos from unintended search results.
ALL my traffic went down however, not just Freeman's Mind, but Galaxy Gulp, Civil Protection, April Fool's Day videos, etc. My views only dropped in half because I was with a network. If I was independent, I could have lost maybe 90%. I really have to disagree with your implying this is a "more lean and accurate search engine" for multiple reasons. They're the result of my doing research and finding out as much as I can on this.


The engine has not been tweaked to just be more relevant, if that was the case, I wouldn't be against this. It's a mix of relevant results, versus people who paying more money to have their content shown on Youtube. If you want to know more about this, check out this video, starting around the 5 minute mark:




The part where he starts talking about ad words is especially relevant.


Also this is purely subjective, but using Youtube a couple years ago, if I searched for a video, the search results or "recommended" ones (based on what I was watching) would almost ALL be related to what I searched. Nowadays, the results tend to be 1/3 related to what I'm looking at, 1/3 sort-of related, and 1/3 not related, but popular, like the cleavage video in this post. I saw that everywhere when I was looking up footage from abandonware games or Doom song remixes. Not exactly related to cleavage videos in Spanish.


Yah, I miss the old YouTube where the suggested videos sidebar would actually suggest videos that were similar to the video you are watching. Now the majority of it is taken up by videos from the same person who made the video you are watching and videos that already have tons of views. I didn't even realize how this would hurt smaller channels and videos until your post. Looking back at it now, though, I realize that it has been a log time since I have stumbled upon a lesser-known video or channel.


Glad to hear that we should finally be seeing more Freeman's mind, though!

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...and this is how mighty fall

Youtube and Google are making grave mistakes recently, with youtube making some channels viewable only for money (to bring out example).


But that brings me back to one of my points. Where else are we going to go?

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YEAH! :D:twisted:


FREEMAN IS BIGGER THAN ANY corpo limitations!

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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I am still quite curious if Rooster Teeth would be interested if you were to contact them.
Well they said they're not taking people right now on their site, but an email was sent anyway and got no reply.

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I listen to Rooster Teeth podcast and have been following them for a long time. I can tell you your best bet to make a good impression on them is probably to call them and try setting up a meeting or something. They get so many emails from people trying to get into the group its way to easy for yours to get lost in the mess. Just a suggestion though. I know you already announced you got in with “That Guy With The Glasses” network.

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I'm not sure if TGWTG takes people who don't do at least some kind of review... Wait, never mind. They have TeamFourStar. Yeah, try they, but I STILL can't get them to send me a new email to activate my account.


"Holy crap, Ross Scott is going to join Website/ThatGuyWithTheGlasses! I've died and gone to heaven!"


I'm so happy...

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My experience with Machinima.com is communication is not great. I'm not sure the leaders even know the full extent of what's happening on my level (they're more concerned with multi-million dollar deals and I don't blame them. All I can say is that while many people there are friendly, the contracts are the polar opposite of that vibe.


I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12.

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My experience with Machinima.com is communication is not great. I'm not sure the leaders even know the full extent of what's happening on my level (they're more concerned with multi-million dollar deals and I don't blame them. All I can say is that while many people there are friendly, the contracts are the polar opposite of that vibe.



Didn't notice that before your post.. WHY HAVE YOU DONE THAT?!

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Speaking of Russia, both Napoleon and Hitler made curiously same mistake: wait for coldest winter and then march on Moscow

Not strictly true. The current belief is that the reason the Germans didn't invade earlier is because they were stuck in Greece fighting in a guerrilla war they never truly won.

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I am still quite curious if Rooster Teeth would be interested if you were to contact them.
Well they said they're not taking people right now on their site, but an email was sent anyway and got no reply.

Would you still be interested in working with them if somebody replied?

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USSR (aka empire of evil)

Good God, does EVERYONE hate a system that works this much?! Crazies.....

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I am still quite curious if Rooster Teeth would be interested if you were to contact them.
Well they said they're not taking people right now on their site, but an email was sent anyway and got no reply.

Would you still be interested in working with them if somebody replied?


Bit too late for that now, I'd imagine.

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I am still quite curious if Rooster Teeth would be interested if you were to contact them.
Well they said they're not taking people right now on their site, but an email was sent anyway and got no reply.

Would you still be interested in working with them if somebody replied?

I highly doubt it considering he's got a deal with ThatGuyWithTheGlasses.com now.

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

Check out my music at http://technomancer.bandcamp.com

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Not to necro, but this is pretty eye widening as a frequent watcher of the channel myself. Post 2013-ish

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