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Escape From Machinima

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What's this? Ross isn't getting enough views anymore? What can we do?




I'll go watch Freeman's Mind!


All of them!


At once!


Psychopathic Ross Scott fan TO THE RESCUE!!!!



AAAAAAaaaaaAAAAhhhhhhhhh!!!!! my brain is melting!!!!!

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I have the HTML file ready, but I can't attach it here because the forum identified it as a potential security threat. Anyone got any ideas? I tried converting it to a .doc and a .txt, but those weren't accepted either.


Does anyone know what would happen if I were to just post the page's text right here?


Put the file on an outside site and link to it, maybe.

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Put the file on an outside site and link to it, maybe.


I don't have anywhere to host it. Do you know where I could host it?


It's just a text file. I should be able to allow people to download it somehow but I don't know how. I'm new to this.

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Ross -


glad to hear that resolution is at hand. There's a great German expression for these situations: "liebe ein schreckliches Ende, als Schrecken ohne Ende" [better a terrifying end, than endless terror]. Anyway, the time has come for us digital fans to start flexing our collective muscle. I've personally had enough of low-rent, money-hungry media oligopolies deciding what media I can watch, overcharging me for Z-grade content, exploiting my favorite artists, and then paying off politicians to look the other way. It's time to invent some new models for the 21st century. I'm short on funds now, but will contribute to the donations jar as soon as I'm able. All the best, and keep those creative projects flowing!

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Hey, Ross, nice to hear things are moving forward!


About financing models. New site just launched, that aims at financing content creators: http://www.patreon.com Basically fans subscribe to your free content and agree to pay predetermined sum of money per video with optional maximum per month. Of course, this model highly depends on your fanbase wanting to support you. Then again, if you could make it early on such a platform, you would get more exposure.


Since you're looking for options, consider it ;].

Now go get 'em facehuggers!


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Does anyone know what would happen if I just added a sample of HTML code as part of my post text? Would that screw anything up? Because if not, I could just post my Freeman's Mind view page here and tell everyone to paste it into a text file.

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You could try getting a contract with Channel Awesome, maybe. Unfortunately, from what I understand if you're not one of their top names you can have difficulty getting hits because of the way they choose whose content gets promotion and when it's posted on the site (doesn't help that their site is kind of bad). That said, you already have somewhat of a name and a popular series, so it could work out.

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Does anyone know what would happen if I just added a sample of HTML code as part of my post text? Would that screw anything up? Because if not, I could just post my Freeman's Mind view page here and tell everyone to paste it into a text file.



I think that might mess up your code's formatting. Stick it up on Pastebin, that should work.

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@Riott: Cool.

I would like to do this as well.


seeing as i:

- Pay to much for my internet, and want to consume as much bandwith as possible at the end of the month

- I would like to help out Ross to get more views.


So can anyone create a .html file or something that will instantly open up every single Freeman's Mind episode? or at least 10-15episodes...

Share the file with everyone here who wants to help out. if just 100 people use it 3times per week that means 50.000 extra views in a month.

(I get 4 unique IP's from my provider, i use one for my desktop, one for my router (viewing on ipad?), and another cable for my macbook to use)

As a morning & evening routine: open up the .html file on the desktop & macbook. :lol:


Alright! Here it is! Now you too can give Dr. Freeman Schizophrenia!




- Copy and paste the code into a text document and save it with the extension .html

- Open the file using an internt browser

- Make sure you allow pop-ups and JavaScript on your internet browser

- Make sure you've already signed in to your YouTube account before activating

- It works on my Chrome and FireFox browsers, but I couldn't get it to work with Internet Explorer

- Start with a low number of simultaneous episodes, like 1 - 3, and work your way up.

- Pay attention to how much RAM you have left to ensure you don't go overboard.


Riott, did you make the "every episode of freeman's mind at once" video? Because its a little terrifying and awesome and has great hilarity value. I bet if I listened to it on repeat while I was sleeping I would wake up either insane or a complete genius (my money's on crazy).


Also, I am totally up for it, I'll run your view increasing thing too. Sounds like a good way to up the ol' view counter.


Yes, I made the video. I just played as many episodes as I could to give Ross more views and thought I should share the idea with his other fans, so I recorded it and made a video of it.


Does anyone know what would happen if I just added a sample of HTML code as part of my post text? Would that screw anything up? Because if not, I could just post my Freeman's Mind view page here and tell everyone to paste it into a text file.



I think that might mess up your code's formatting. Stick it up on Pastebin, that should work.

Thanks for the suggestion.

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Idea pitch: You could always try broadening your audience by appearing in other people's shows as a guest. You could contact the guys from Doraleous & Associates, and volunteer to do some voice acting for them for example for a couple episodes as a guest character. If you are into stuff like D&D you could try joining some party that do online shows. For example, countermonkey DMs for parties that consist of other youtube and internet celebrities (Angry Joe is in it for example).


Anyway, doing free stuff that doesn't require you to work too much, and possibly in exchange for having the people you work with link your videos in their descriptions, could increase your audience. You get your name out there to people who might not have known you, but would be interested in your videos (assuming you do this kind of work for video-game/board-game/geek-related stuff).


Furthermore, you could always go about doing reviews of stuff. A lot of people will say that reviewing is too mainstream to catch on in Youtube, but cynicism always makes up for a funny review. If you use the same humour as you do in FM and CP, picking minor things and over-analyzing them in a cynical way, that would be something I'd certainly watch. It could also give your current audience something to watch in between new releases for FM and CP, if you manage to do it without taking too much of your time. An alternative to reviewing would be let's-play videos. Play the game and just do commentary for it. It doesn't need to be in the format of Freeman's Mind either, you can just be yourself and talk during the game.


And I think I speak for everyone when I say, I want to see more of Doomguy's Mind. That was hilarious and well done work. Hell you could do it with other video games as well.


Another thing, more directed to the rest of the people here. To my experience, most people I know (including me) don't go about watching "recommended" videos on Youtube, because they usually suck. Me and my friends usually watch stuff that we recommend to each other, that their friends have recommended etc etc. And believe me when I say, most of the stuff I watch don't have more than 2-3 thousand views (my point being, they never qualified for the "youtube's recommended list" for someone else to find it and pitch it to me or smth like that). Youtube is losing its credibility to show you stuff you'd be genuinely interested in. The most credible source people have for watching/reading/playing/doing things they'd probably like is their friends and peers. So go about and spread the Freeman love.

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That seems like utter hell to go through... Youtube has been on a pretty steep decline ever since google took over. Let's face it, this shit is way too big, way too rich and way too popular, but how does one migrate away or diminish this?

Fucking ridiculous. Just.... fucking hell....


Good luck Ross Scott! I've never really posted here before but you've given me, and a huge group of friends, countless hours of laughter and fantastic in-jokes. We all sincerely hope that you can secure yourself and find a job (make video's as a hobby, whenever you can, we love you too much for you to be so stressed on them!), and though we wish we weren't broke so we could hire you, we'll all be raising a cup or joint in appreciation of your name. :3

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That's what happens when you have a freaking monopoly on new media. The sad thing is, I didn't know the extent of the problem even after Husky Starcraft made a complaint about it. It took until Ross' collaborating story to hammer it in. That this isn't a new thing, that it's not going away with a simple few changes, and that it's more widespread then I thought.

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Have you ever thought of or tried teaming up with Rooster Teeth or groups similar to them. It only comes to mind because they have been really successful doing the same thing you are, and have made it their full time jobs. If you really want to make it so you can make living just doing work like this you have to have merchandise of some kind like they do and sponsors as well. Hell I know if you could legally get permission to throw 24 or so episodes on a dvd for $60 I would by it. Well its just a suggestion take it or leave it.

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Hey Ross, Whatever happens I think your fanbase (like myself and others) who read ur blog, will be by your side no matter what happens, but I think alot of them dont know that you left Machinima.com but if they also watch DasBoSchitt then they know and will follow you like a bunch of squires, scribes and apprentices following their master wherever their master goes, I know I will, but I will not be a stalker I am only saying I will support you until the day I die Ross...............................may your future endeavour be the greatest endeavour you have happen in your lifetime.

“Error 482: Somebody shot the server with a 12-gauge. Please contact your administrator”

“Caution Laser Caution Laser Caution Laser”

“I can now solve up to 800 problems a minute”

"I got my degree under the tutelage of Dr. Pepper."

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@Riott: Cool.

I would like to do this as well.


seeing as i:

- Pay to much for my internet, and want to consume as much bandwith as possible at the end of the month

- I would like to help out Ross to get more views.


So can anyone create a .html file or something that will instantly open up every single Freeman's Mind episode? or at least 10-15episodes...

Share the file with everyone here who wants to help out. if just 100 people use it 3times per week that means 50.000 extra views in a month.

(I get 4 unique IP's from my provider, i use one for my desktop, one for my router (viewing on ipad?), and another cable for my macbook to use)

As a morning & evening routine: open up the .html file on the desktop & macbook. :lol:


Alright! Here it is! Now you too can give Dr. Freeman Schizophrenia!




- Copy and paste the code into a text document and save it with the extension .html

- Open the file using an internt browser

- Make sure you allow pop-ups and JavaScript on your internet browser

- Make sure you've already signed in to your YouTube account before activating

- It works on my Chrome and FireFox browsers, but I couldn't get it to work with Internet Explorer

- Start with a low number of simultaneous episodes, like 1 - 3, and work your way up.

- Pay attention to how much RAM you have left to ensure you don't go overboard.


Riott, did you make the "every episode of freeman's mind at once" video? Because its a little terrifying and awesome and has great hilarity value. I bet if I listened to it on repeat while I was sleeping I would wake up either insane or a complete genius (my money's on crazy).


Also, I am totally up for it, I'll run your view increasing thing too. Sounds like a good way to up the ol' view counter.


Yes, I made the video. I just played as many episodes as I could to give Ross more views and thought I should share the idea with his other fans, so I recorded it and made a video of it.


Does anyone know what would happen if I just added a sample of HTML code as part of my post text? Would that screw anything up? Because if not, I could just post my Freeman's Mind view page here and tell everyone to paste it into a text file.



I think that might mess up your code's formatting. Stick it up on Pastebin, that should work.

Thanks for the suggestion.


I could put it up online somewhere, but I'd rather wait until I'm sure either a) Ross will still get revenue for his existing videos or b) they'll be hosted somewhere outside Machinima or Youtube. (I already have some perfect domain-names in mind :))

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As I was reading your latest post, I began to ruminate on the chart you listed with the activity of your videos. There was one section you circled which you listed as @ the time when Google tweaked their search algorithms. To me, it stands to reason that your traffic should actually go down during this time as well, since a more lean and accurate search engine should in theory lead to less clicks on your videos from unintended search results.
ALL my traffic went down however, not just Freeman's Mind, but Galaxy Gulp, Civil Protection, April Fool's Day videos, etc. My views only dropped in half because I was with a network. If I was independent, I could have lost maybe 90%. I really have to disagree with your implying this is a "more lean and accurate search engine" for multiple reasons. They're the result of my doing research and finding out as much as I can on this.


The engine has not been tweaked to just be more relevant, if that was the case, I wouldn't be against this. It's a mix of relevant results, versus people who paying more money to have their content shown on Youtube. If you want to know more about this, check out this video, starting around the 5 minute mark:



The part where he starts talking about ad words is especially relevant.


Also this is purely subjective, but using Youtube a couple years ago, if I searched for a video, the search results or "recommended" ones (based on what I was watching) would almost ALL be related to what I searched. Nowadays, the results tend to be 1/3 related to what I'm looking at, 1/3 sort-of related, and 1/3 not related, but popular, like the cleavage video in this post. I saw that everywhere when I was looking up footage from abandonware games or Doom song remixes. Not exactly related to cleavage videos in Spanish.


Now, mind you, the chart did take a dramatic nose-dive during this period. When did your postings of FM begin to slow down?
That was later on. Plus, even if I completely stopped putting out videos, that wouldn't account for non-series videos (like Galaxy Gulp) that had already been out for years dropping in half in the span of a month or two. I would only expect newer videos to take nosedives if it was from lost interest, not ones that have been out for 3 years or more.



Aaaaaand donated for a worthy cause. It's not much but I hope it helps at least.
Dude, this really sucks. I just sent $30 your way, hope it helps you staying alive until you get a more steady income. Sorry about your problems with machinima and youtube both.
Thanks a bunch people, more stuff IS coming, I'm also trying to thank everyone by email also.



Machinima itself isn't bad at all the people there are a friendly lot but as with every large organization come people that are manipulative cold and selfish machines who have only their own interests as something important and somehow those people are the leaders(you achieve that by kissing ass on a daily basis) and that screws ove the little people so dont hate Machinima hate people for being assholes!
My experience with Machinima.com is communication is not great. I'm not sure the leaders even know the full extent of what's happening on my level (they're more concerned with multi-million dollar deals and I don't blame them. All I can say is that while many people there are friendly, the contracts are the polar opposite of that vibe.



I bet some of the folks in their legal department are going to feel the heat from the more "positive folks" at the company.
I highly doubt that, but I'm cynical.


So can anyone create a .html file or something that will instantly open up every single Freeman's Mind episode? or at least 10-15episodes...
Don't worry about it. You can watch the new videos when they come out however.


About financing models. New site just launched, that aims at financing content creators
I could be wrong about this, but that's not the way I want to go about this. I want people to be able to watch these for free and not soley depend on donator income. I have a lot of stuff brewing that I think will help in the long term.


Furthermore, you could always go about doing reviews of stuff.
I'm borderline about this since I feel like maybe this is a saturated area to begin with, but I haven't written it off yet. Regardless, I do have some new things coming in addition to Freeman's Mind.


I am only saying I will support you until the day I die Ross
I plan to keep making lots of videos and isn't something I have any plans of "retiring" from even if I could afford to. Besides, I may outlive you anyway; I exercise daily, don't smoke or drink, and have 2 grandparents who made it to their 90s (one still around).






I've uploaded the new FM episode to the new network, but I'm waiting to hear something back. If the video doesn't go up today, I'll make a new post soon on which network I'm going with and if hear anything, when the episode is due to be released.

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Reviewing games huh? Well, here's the thing, I have watched multiple walkthroughs, reviews, and playthroughs of the same game. I get a more accurate picture of the game that way AND each of the people who do that kind of thing have different types of humor and style and I can laugh at each video for a different reason. It's great. The problem with actually getting views is that you have to funny and/or entertaining and you have to worry about fanboys from other youtube video makers who insist that nothing you make is as good as their hero. Though for you, I think you have a real chance there at making it.


Also, hell, that Doom Guy's Mind was pretty good. A lot of people want you to make MORE of it. Though that voice must've been a bitch to work with.

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