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Escape From Machinima

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Modern day democrаcy is nothing like the original democracy of the ancient Greece.

In deed you got 100% right on that. (i am the only greek guy inside here?)



Ross, we love you cause you are authentic, we all know you are able to do great work from your own!

For us - your fans means:

Ross Scott = Freeman's Mind, CP and Freeman's Mind, CP = Ross Scott! This can exist only one time in whole universe!


And Machinima is something like one of 100000000 stores you can drink caffe and eat panecakes on the highway.

We only need a car (pc or mobile) and your adresss as a destination (your Website + Youtube)


All roads lead to Rome! (or Athens if you like ;) )

"Well... it didn't work Heather!!!"

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The Escapist, Penny Arcade TV, or The Game Station could set up a deal with you. I'm a little confused, are you not gonna be able to make any money on the videos you've already submitted to Machinima?

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Hey there Ross!


Congratulations on your freedom, thank you for blogging about it.


As I was reading your latest post, I began to ruminate on the chart you listed with the activity of your videos. There was one section you circled which you listed as @ the time when Google tweaked their search algorithms. To me, it stands to reason that your traffic should actually go down during this time as well, since a more lean and accurate search engine should in theory lead to less clicks on your videos from unintended search results.


Now, mind you, the chart did take a dramatic nose-dive during this period. When did your postings of FM begin to slow down? I would love to see a superimposition of the release-dates of your new vids in Youtube, the correlation of that information would be interesting.


Don't stop making content, you do wonderful work! I hope you can monetize it in a fair fashion!


(On a tangent, I was shocked at just how much Machinima used cross-linking to stimulate the views of their own content. It got pretty frustrating with the stupid amount of Top 5/Top10 videos that multiple channels simply cut/paste...all within the Machinima network! Did they cease & desist, or at least lessen this aggressive advertising? That may have also been a factor to your drop in views, not to mention your contract dispute.)

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Aaaaaand donated for a worthy cause. It's not much but I hope it helps at least.

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Dude, this really sucks. I just sent $30 your way, hope it helps you staying alive until you get a more steady income. Sorry about your problems with machinima and youtube both.

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It'd be naive to believe Google's mantra of not being evil (especially in light of them signing deals with certain shady organizations). They are in it for power & money just like everyone else in the corporate world and this is just their form of PR strategy, being a pretty effective one by the way.
Well I think once upon a time they were better. Ironically they got huge by rejecting the big advertiser method and fully embracing the long tail. They've provided free email, maps, streetview, mobile OS, and lots of R&D projects, but what's happening with Youtube I don't see how you can spin as anything good.

Different departments... Probly have a corrupt group running Youtube... They may even be embezzling. (it's not as hard to do as it sounds, it's like taking a quarter out of the register every day at WalMart)


It is a technocratic neo-fеudаlism with lоrds, vаssаls and sегfs, controlled with masterfully crafted ргоpagаnda, fake орроsitiоn, applied psусhоlоgу.
Actually that's not even hyperbole, I read a few months ago that the wealth distribution ratio in the USA between the richest and poorest is more extreme than what it was during feudal times between lords and serfs.

And it's only getting worse. Problem is, the government sees socialism as the only way to redistribute the wealth, and that's nearly on-par with the way this corrupt capitalism is going.


Are you a Magic player, Ross?
I played some in high school, then again a year ago after some friends of mine turned into junkies. I'll play it, but only bumming decks off other people, no way I'm pouring money into that sinkhole, I've seen what it does to people. I am a junkie for a lot of the artwork from it though. Eventually I'd like to get a digital picture frame and queue up a bunch of art from the game on it.

Get to be friends with a small group of players to get a free deck, or wait till I get a job and send you a couple decks. (I have over 1000 cards waiting to be decked, all gifted to me) I'll also scan in some of the art at high-def if you'd like...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Pffft, Fuck Machinima, Ross Scott is the reason I found Machinima, you helped them grow, just as much as they helped you.

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Shit like this, combined with Machinima's apparently attitude in general towards content creators is the main reason as to why I unsubscribed from them on YouTube. Its unfortunate you had to go through all this with them.

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Sounds like an utterly horrific situation to have been (and to still be) going through. Wish you the best of luck with securing a stable income.

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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Machinima itself isn't bad at all the people there are a friendly lot but as with every large organization come people that are manipulative cold and selfish machines who have only their own interests as something important and somehow those people are the leaders(you achieve that by kissing ass on a daily basis) and that screws ove the little people so dont hate Machinima hate people for being assholes!

And good job Ross for breaking the cold shackles of abuse! Always rooting for you.

I fell into a pit I can't get out of. Now in order to survive I've turned in to Pacman and I'm eating old Mentos. Keep dropping em on the ground kids!

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Ross, you have the patience of a Saint and the right kind of attitude for a long career. In that aspect, you are unlike your Freeman psychopath character. But gosh, I've missed that psycho homicidal scientist.

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not only is it not youtube, and there for NOT SHIT!!!

it has a 50/50 split on ad revenues, so even on you lower vid views on youtube would add up to a HELL of alot more revenue than before.

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Check out this brand new comment made by the actual "machinima" on Youtube - Commenter 1 :"Machinima why so many replies?" machinima: "Because we spent way too long not responding to people and we looked like faceless corporate jerks for it, and that's not who we are and we don't want to do that anymore. We work our asses off to make these and find folks who make great stuff, so we want to talk with the positive commenters about it."




Btw here's the link for the video where this was posted:


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Check out this brand new comment made by the actual "machinima" on Youtube - Commenter 1 :"Machinima why so many replies?" machinima: "Because we spent way too long not responding to people and we looked like faceless corporate jerks for it, and that's not who we are and we don't want to do that anymore. We work our asses off to make these and find folks who make great stuff, so we want to talk with the positive commenters about it."




Btw here's the link for the video where this was posted:




That's either some false Machinima or they just woke up.... Well, 3 MONTHS TOO LATe to keep Ross....

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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It's like they suddenly realized, "Oh shit, maybe dropping Ross Scott wasn't such a good idea..."


I bet some of the folks in their legal department are going to feel the heat from the more "positive folks" at the company...

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