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Escape From Machinima

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It's probably not a realistic option but I would gladly PAY for Freeman's Mind if needed, hell i'd appreciate the chance to help out a guy who has given me so many laughs. I mean .99 an ep would be reasonable for me. Maybe lengthen episodes to 15-20 min and charge 1.99. If it were possible to set a once a month release schedule and a 6.99-7.99 annual subscription fee id throw my money at you. Maybe make a couple "Season ?" DVDs with FM+CP. Monetize were you can man don't let FM or CP die because some shitty company tried to roll you.

I'm pretty sure like 90%+ of the viewership would just stop watching if that happened.

In terms of lucrativity, it seems the best shot is advertising and merch.

I have to wonder how the t-shirts are helping bring in cash or not.

I HAVE to blow everything up! It's the only way to prove I'm not CRAZY!

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I dont know if this is a "Burn the witch!" idea, but I actually think that it might be a good idea if Ross released one video a week from the backlog, every monday, until it's filled. Once he's ready to start, of course. By the time all the freemen have been aired, a new-new one might be ready.

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I felt this was THE moment to quit lurking. I'm ecstatic that the chapter has official closed. Now we wait on word for what's next.

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I dont know if this is a "Burn the witch!" idea, but I actually think that it might be a good idea if Ross released one video a week from the backlog, every monday, until it's filled. Once he's ready to start, of course. By the time all the freemen have been aired, a new-new one might be ready.

This is probably a very good idea. When Ross gets set up with a new publisher, he would likely be well served in putting out a fairly steady output of videos, at least for a little while, to build up confidence in a new audience.

It actually makes me wonder how a site like TGWTG or whoever will handle the new slew of videos, given there is already a library of 46 videos to be transferred. Will they just kinda dump them on the site unceremoniously, saying, whelp, there they are. Or will they do like a gradual re-release of a few episodes everyday until they've caught up?

That would probably also help encourage viewership to a new audience...


Also, it's probably obvious, but will the CP collection also make the move?

I mean, it would seem odd for it not to, but I haven't heard anything about it yet...

I HAVE to blow everything up! It's the only way to prove I'm not CRAZY!

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Not a fan of white, Ross?


Very glad to hear that the situation with Machinima is resolved. I can't wait to see the new videos.

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Hey from Moldova! :)

We wait with impatience FM!

Thank you for what you do, Ross!


Русскоговорящие присоединяйтесь к форуму великого создателя Разума Фримена!

Несу добро в массы!

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Who's up for some Youtube spamming??

In the Cleavage video's there are 4-5 comments right now telling about Freeman's Mind & Ross Scott.

If we all pitched in,

By liking all those comments about FM,

and maybe replying to other video's with similar comments, i'm sure there are people just wondering what's those comments are about, and do a google or youtube search.

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Who's up for some Youtube spamming??

In the Cleavage video's there are 4-5 comments right now telling about Freeman's Mind & Ross Scott.

If we all pitched in,

By liking all those comments about FM,

and maybe replying to other video's with similar comments, i'm sure there are people just wondering what's those comments are about, and do a google or youtube search.

Done and done.

I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12.

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Awesomely well-written post, it chronicles your experience with contract negotiation hell quite well.

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Welp thats that.

Machinima has gone to hell, Ross won't die and freeman will return.

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It's probably not a realistic option but I would gladly PAY for Freeman's Mind if needed, hell i'd appreciate the chance to help out a guy who has given me so many laughs. I mean .99 an ep would be reasonable for me. Maybe lengthen episodes to 15-20 min and charge 1.99. If it were possible to set a once a month release schedule and a 6.99-7.99 annual subscription fee id throw my money at you. Maybe make a couple "Season ?" DVDs with FM+CP. Monetize were you can man don't let FM or CP die because some shitty company tried to roll you.


There is a Donate Button 8-) Everybody is free to press it as much as the feel they have to.

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Any social/economical/political system can be good and any can be corrupted. It depend on the people within the system. Modern day sосiаlism has been еffectively hijаcked by the еlitе. In сарitalism the рорulace is controlled through targeted injections of money to роliticians, companies, universities (read some works by professor emeritus Joan Roelofs, e.g. this editorial on how the billionaires' (think Rосkеfеllеr fоundаtiоn for exаmplе) "non-profts" shape рublic pоlicу, agеndа etc -- http://www.counterpunch.org/roelofs05282009.html ). Most humans are driven by passions, lust for power that is a derivative of pride is one of the strongest ones. The greedy and powerful always tend to organize against the masses and in this age of glоbаlisаtiоn we can see them organizing on a global level.


Modern day саpitа1ism is nothing like its true version from the times of the fоuпding fаthers. Nowadays large corporations have fused with the government and control it in many ways, especially the bаnkеrs.


Modern day democrаcy is nothing like the original democracy of the ancient Greece.


What is coming forward today is a weird hybrid of fascist саpitalism on the large corporate level and oррressivе communism on the level of general population, i.e. large соrporations and роliticians gaining more an more power, while regular citizens and small/medium businesses that are controlled by them are losing frееdоms and libеrtiеs. It is a technocratic neo-fеudаlism with lоrds, vаssаls and sегfs, controlled with masterfully crafted ргоpagаnda, fake орроsitiоn, applied psусhоlоgу. That is something the fоuпding fаthеrs warned us against, but if they were alive today, they'd be labeled as гight-wiпg ехtrеmists.

Think I'll print this and nail it to my door.


and freeman will return.

Freeman was never gone. He was just kicking ass in a different dimension.

I will not stop until all of my foes go down in flames.


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Glad things are starting to work out.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Or, if you want to go with my in-character post, he was on the couch eating doritos- begging for the call. Eventually he gave up, but he's ready to come back, with a vengeance.

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I'm just happy to see that Ross is considering to even make as much as a Freeman's Mind Microsoft Paint animation after all this crap with Machinima.

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Good to hear from you Ross. I'm glad you left those soul-sucking-no-good-greedy-ass-banana-wannabes. Two thing:


1) I think the drop in views from October-Novembre 2012 was another algorithm change, I remember seeing something about that in the Analytics tab of my channel. They now take more deeply into account the actual viewing time, in order to consider a view monetizable or not.


2) I watched the 'maintain eye contact... "mission impossible"' video ... several times :oops:


Good luck!

I bring you mortal danger and cookies. Not necessarily in that order.


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It'd be naive to believe Google's mantra of not being evil (especially in light of them signing deals with certain shady organizations). They are in it for power & money just like everyone else in the corporate world and this is just their form of PR strategy, being a pretty effective one by the way.
Well I think once upon a time they were better. Ironically they got huge by rejecting the big advertiser method and fully embracing the long tail. They've provided free email, maps, streetview, mobile OS, and lots of R&D projects, but what's happening with Youtube I don't see how you can spin as anything good.


It is a technocratic neo-fеudаlism with lоrds, vаssаls and sегfs, controlled with masterfully crafted ргоpagаnda, fake орроsitiоn, applied psусhоlоgу.
Actually that's not even hyperbole, I read a few months ago that the wealth distribution ratio in the USA between the richest and poorest is more extreme than what it was during feudal times between lords and serfs.


So, what, Machinima still has the right to keep your videos hosted? Aren't they making money off that? That would piss me off, knowing something i made is earning someone else money while i don't get shit-all for it.

Surely you can ask they be taken down, and then reupload them yourself.

We're getting into territory I still can't talk about, all I'll say is it's not a worst-case scenario.


I had a thought. I know for a fact that Zero Punctuation's Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw is a fan of FM, maybe he could help you get something with The Escapist?
I didn't know he was a fan, I tried contact The Escapist a few weeks back, but never got a reply.


Are you a Magic player, Ross?
I played some in high school, then again a year ago after some friends of mine turned into junkies. I'll play it, but only bumming decks off other people, no way I'm pouring money into that sinkhole, I've seen what it does to people. I am a junkie for a lot of the artwork from it though. Eventually I'd like to get a digital picture frame and queue up a bunch of art from the game on it.


Have you tried contacting The Game Station?
My understanding is this wouldn't fix The Youtube situation, just the video rights. While FM will continue on Youtube (for a while anyway), I'm going to try and focus new releases on a different network (more on this a little later)


It's probably not a realistic option but I would gladly PAY for Freeman's Mind if needed
While I'm happy for donations, I'll never charge people for the videos I make myself. I mean hell I WANT people to watch them. If things completely crashed for me, I'd still be willing to do this just for room and board if I found an arrangement like that.


Also, it's probably obvious, but will the CP collection also make the move?
Yes, all future videos will be either on a new network or else my own channel.

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