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The "If You Watch X Backwards" Thread

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Inspired from one of BTG's signatures, here is the "If You Watch X Backwards" thread. For this thread, you describe a movie's plot in reverse.


I'll begin.


If you watch all of Star Wars backwards, it's the story of a boy who brings his father back to life from a fire, only to have his father do the ultimate act of evil by catching an insane emperor that was falling up from a shaft, then tries to atone for that act by bringing people back to life with a magic sword made of light and grasping the air near them, and eventually finds redemption when he saves the life of his wife and an entire village of Sand People.

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O Brother, Where Art Thou?


It's about a guy and his two pals who go around secretly doing good, and giving a lot of money to a bank, only to be arrested.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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If you watch Donnie Darko backwards, its about a boy who decides to cover the kiddie porn ring going on his town with the help of Frank the Rabbit after inspiration strikes in the form of a falling airplane engine.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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If you watch the Back to the Future trilogy backwards, it's about a bunch of time travelers who fix broken things and return stolen items to their owners.

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The Passion of the Christ backwards...


A guy get reincarnated on a cross, get's taken down, healed, and allowed to pray in a garden.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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If you watch Taken backwards, it's about a guy who left her daughter with a rich man. He tied himself to a pipe only to be saved by a butler. He bring people back to life with his L shaped life giver, and he brought many people back to life before seeing his daughter returning with a friend by some men, but the men returned her under the bed. The girls then take a guy's car to the airport, fly back to 'Murica, and meet her father waiting at the airport with her mom.

Sick of the people on the internet, always moanin'. They just moan.

- Karl Pilkington

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If you watch The Rock backwards it's about a scientist and an escape artist/ex-spy magically healing soldiers, planting bombs, on Alcatraz, with the military trying to stop them, but they accidentally revive soldiers, and free prisoners. Shortly after this, the scientist and the escape artist escape, along with the newly revived soldiers leave Alcatraz. The movie ends, with the other military group bringing, the now armed bombs to a new, secured location.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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If you watch Star Wars Episode IV backwards, it's about how Princess Leia stripped Luke and Han of their medals, the Empire rebuilt the Death Star and Luke decides to kick it back on Tatooine and resurrect Obi-Wan and his aunt and uncle. Also spaceships fly backwards, and blaster weapons generate magnetic fields to suck in blast fire from various places.



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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If you watch Office Space backwards, it's about people going to a job they hate.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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If you watch Meet the Engineer backwards,

It becomes Meet the Vagineer

Sick of the people on the internet, always moanin'. They just moan.

- Karl Pilkington

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If you watch Meet the Spy backwards, it's about several people being brought back to life by a magical butterfly knife, who then proceed to dismiss all concerns about enemy spies and seal up the room while the infiltrators are expunged from the base.

"I aim for the stars, but sometimes I hit London." - Wernher von Braun

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If you play Half-Life 1 backwards (yeah, I'm stretching it, but it's my thread, I do what I want!), it's a game where you are recruited by a strange man in a suit to bring a giant alien back to life so that you can get magical guns and a crowbar that can bring the dead back to life including aliens, whom you helpfully return electrical power to, and are transported to Earth to resurrect more aliens and then even humans so that they can bring scientists back to life with their magical guns.


Eventually, after discarding the weapons one by one, you end up in a trash compactor where you doze off and wake up to more humans and aliens to save and, helpfully, your full cache of magical weapons again.


Then you discard these too, including the lifesaving crowbar, and you reach the test chamber and pull the cart out of the analysis port, sending all the aliens back home and the Earth is now at peace from interstellar and probably interdimensional war.

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If you play Half-Life 1 backwards (yeah, I'm stretching it, but it's my thread, I do what I want!)

Perhaps "If you watch Freeman's Mind backwards".

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If you watch Django, unchained backwards, it's about massive amounts of blood being squeezed into lifeless bodies, making them alive again.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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If you watch Django, unchained backwards, it's about massive amounts of blood being squeezed into lifeless bodies, making them alive again.

I guess that is valid for any Quentin Tarantino movie

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If you watch the Pirates of Penzance* backwards, it is about a group of noble men who become pirates, threaten the life of a major-general who proceeds to lie to them about being an orphan, and a man who was engaged to a daughter of the major-general deciding to split up when he leaves the pirate fold, only to return to it a short while later.




* I blame Ross for this one

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If you watch the Harry Potter series backwards, it's about a wizard who goes on crazy adventures, getting younger over the years, and once a year he has to go back to being miserable, living with a family who hates him, and he does this for 7 years until he's 11. At age 11, he stays with the horrible family until he's just a baby, then an old man, an old woman, and a tall harry guy take him away to a kinder family.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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