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Well in case there’s any confusion, yesterday was April Fool’s Day, so there are no episodes 1-6 of Doom Guy’s Mind, it was meant as a joke. One thing that’s no doubt confusing people is why this was up on Machinima.com’s channel. I’m just as surprised by that as anyone, as I still do NOT have a new contract with them and I am waiting to hear back from them. They decided to make an exception for me submitting a new video for April Fool’s Day, so that’s how Doom Guy’s Mind got posted. I actually thought for certain they wouldn’t resolve things in time, in which case I would have posted it on my own Youtube channel. Out of all the videos I’ve created however, I feel like this one is likely to appeal to Machinima.com’s target demographic more than any other.


Working on Doom Guy’s Mind kind of made me nostalgic for “punk” games. There were a lot of punk games in the 90s. I feel even with the indie scene there aren’t enough punk games today, but that’s probably just me getting older. Doom was also the first video I’ve had to record realtime in a while, which is a challenge for my system, since I don’t have a SSD. With all the Source videos, I export the footage frame by frame, so it’s all perfectly smooth. I hate having to record in realtime, because one hiccup from a hard drive means the footage will start getting choppy.


Also to clear up any confusion, this was NOT the Freeman’s Mind related side project I mentioned earlier, that’s still a work in progress. I hope to be able to announce that in a week or two. Besides that, I’ll be continuing work on future Freeman’s Mind episodes. I’ll make sure they eventually get released one way or another.

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Been watching for a couple years now and I've got to say hands down this was the best april fools vid you've done. Production wise it felt the most complete somehow and it was a good change of pace with out going too far (yes there is such a thing) p.s. that voice had to hurt like hell, it's much appreciated :)

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You may be a God. I forgot I even had a forum login because I lurk, but this required a post. Video was great, even though It was an April 2nd find for me. What modifications did you make to that?

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It has been way too long since I last played Doom. Feels good to know someone else remembers the doom days.

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Out of all the videos I’ve created however, I feel like this one is likely to appeal to Machinima.com’s target demographic more than any other.


That made me laugh. I really enjoyed the video, though I can't imagine what making it must have done to your throat/vocal chords.

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Aside from Duke Nukem Forever, no, can't think of any games that come close to feeling like punk games.
I think Rage might be the closest I can think of recently. I'd say Bulletstorm had some punk elements to it, even if it might be a stretch to call it a punk game.


Production wise it felt the most complete somehow and it was a good change of pace with out going too far
Actually I was trying to go for over the top. I also wanted to establish that the Doom guy had a little bit different personality from Freeman. Freeman is a physicist who has some real mettle to him. The Doom guy is a space marine who is such a badass he gets kicked out of hell.

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Aside from Duke Nukem Forever, no, can't think of any games that come close to feeling like punk games.
I think Rage might be the closest I can think of recently. I'd say Bulletstorm had some punk elements to it, even if it might be a stretch to call it a punk game.

Yeah, agree with that...

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

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I'm 100% sure that after releasing another FM episode, some catastrophy will happen. Because FM, Ross Scott and his fans are cursed and with every release something happens, what delayes another episode for a month or two (or seven). Machinima, broken mic, illness, moving, alien invasion, third world war. I guess North Korea will really bomb america like in their cool videos, because FM mustn't be on time! :-)

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lol the youtube comments were almost hilarious to read yesterday XD


that was great for being realtime ross.

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"Out of all the videos I’ve created however, I feel like this one is likely to appeal to Machinima.com’s target demographic more than any other."




Sad thing is you're right. Which is why we need you Ross. You appeal to the highbrow audience....or...the medium brow audience. I mean we're not that bad by comparison right?


Anyway I loved this. This might be the best April Fool's video, but I'm not sure. I always did like that fake Freeman's Mind and the Halo one just for the biddy biddy biddy biddy guy. ......no we definitely are medium brow. Compared to the average Machinima audience, yes.

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Here's hoping you're able to get that contract worked out as soon as possible, since it's more than a little silly how long it's taking. But hey, if they posted your video despite the contract issue, that to me is potentially a good sign. It says they value your videos and want you to continue with them. Of course, whether or not that means they'll let you do what you want to do is another question entirely.


Whichever the case, I think you did a hell of a job with your April Fool's Day video, and I look forward to when you're finally able to post videos freely again without some contract crap messing you up.

I am a lady, and I wish to be addressed as such.

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Out of all the videos I’ve created however, I feel like this one is likely to appeal to Machinima.com’s target demographic more than any other.


It's funny 'cause it's true. I branched out once to some of Machinima.com's other videos hoping for more like Freeman's Mind, was left wondering what Freeman's Mind was doing there in the first place.

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Aside from Duke Nukem Forever, no, can't think of any games that come close to feeling like punk games.
I think Rage might be the closest I can think of recently. I'd say Bulletstorm had some punk elements to it, even if it might be a stretch to call it a punk game.


Production wise it felt the most complete somehow and it was a good change of pace with out going too far
Actually I was trying to go for over the top. I also wanted to establish that the Doom guy had a little bit different personality from Freeman. Freeman is a physicist who has some real mettle to him. The Doom guy is a space marine who is such a badass he gets kicked out of hell.


So, is there going to be an influx of Freemsn'd Mind's episodes once you have a contract or are you going to start from the next one? A.K.A. Have you got new episodes in store at the moment?

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I took this as a satire of DooM in general. This video very strongly reminded me of the infamous DooM comic.



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I took this one as a satire on the other 'Minds.


Never really watched the other "Minds", they're a lot like that?

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