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I Need Your Help!

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Hey guys. This isn't a Heartless thing, by the way. As you may or may not now, I actually own a small game developing company, and I have for about 3 1/2 years now. Recently, I realized that all of our stuff sucked, and I need to start over. Because of this, I am rebooting the company. I'm starting new projects, abandoning the old ones for possible future use, revamping everything, and generally taking it more seriously. Now, here's where you guys come in. Running a small business isn't cheap, and especially not a game developing small business, which needs more technological equipment which is more expensive. Currently, the team is only me, two other programmers, and two business partners. All of us aren't exactly rich, so I am asking that you please help us. I'm coming here because I know this community pretty decently, and I know how civilised you are. It's always been my dream to make great games, and I need you to help me make it true. If you're interested in helping, you can stop by http://www.gofundme.com/Ecorproductions. Any and all donations are helpful, and greatly appreciated. If you donated, let me know and I'll make sure to get you free copies of our first game, which is currently in development. Thank you guys again, just for reading this. It means a lot to me, more than you might know. Now, enough of this huge wall of text. See you later.

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You might want to say exactly what that "HUGE project'" you have going is about, it generally makes people feel better about giving money away when the use of it isn't a secret... Just some friendly advice from someone that has no money.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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It's essentially a gritty reboot of two previous Ecorproductions' games, known as Space Mission #1 and Space Mission #2. If you're interested, you can download them for free as well as a few other previous Ecorproductions' games here.

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