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In-game music

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Is there any particular technical reason the in-game music was excluded, or did Ross just not think of it? Story-wise, I came up with a (somewhat silly, albeit the original Half-Life was a silly game anyways) idea about the HEV suit having an inbuilt MP3 player (or perhaps a radio picking up on local stations).


For more fun discussion: If the music had been included, what do you suppose that Freeman's reactions would be to it?

I forget things a lot and I like chumtoads.

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Is there any particular technical reason the in-game music was excluded, or did Ross just not think of it?
If you constantly hear background music playing, maybe you should see a doctor? In other words, it doesn't really make sense.


Story-wise, I came up with a (somewhat silly, albeit ) idea about the HEV suit having an inbuilt MP3 player (or perhaps a radio picking up on local stations).
So you like to listen to music while being hunted by the military and trying to survive the crazy alien-portal-apocalypse you accidentaly caused? That doesn't really make sense either.


...the original Half-Life was a silly game anyways...
Uh, well... hmmmmmm... :shock:

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So you like to listen to music while being hunted by the military and trying to survive the crazy alien-portal-apocalypse you accidentaly caused? That doesn't really make sense either.


This is Freeman's Mind we're talking about here. Honestly, would you really be surprised if Gordon listened to music? He's already tried to get high off some animal tranquilizer. His priorities have been blown to shit.

He who fights drummers

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So you like to listen to music while being hunted by the military and trying to survive the crazy alien-portal-apocalypse you accidentaly caused? That doesn't really make sense either.


This is Freeman's Mind we're talking about here. Honestly, would you really be surprised if Gordon listened to music? He's already tried to get high off some animal tranquilizer. His priorities have been blown to shit.


That's what I was thinking but couldn't think of the words to try and say.

I forget things a lot and I like chumtoads.

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I'd actually find it kind of funny, as it'd give another thing for Freeman to mull over in the episode. But... yeah, the audio WAS disabled, and I guess the best explanation I could come up with is that it was damaged from the constant shooting, electric shocks, or just being tossed around.

But I dunno if it's that funny....

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I'd guess it was disabled so that the focus could be on Freeman's voice. Music would be pretty distracting. Which is exactly why he used music only when it was supposed to be distracting.

In other words, more control over the soundscape in the video which is essential when making videos. Not a big deal when gaming but keep in mind Freeman's Mind is not a Let's Play.


I'm guessing Freeman would either get really annoyed at it and shut it off or just ignore it.

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

Check out my music at http://technomancer.bandcamp.com

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Probly try to rip the music player module off the suit... If it managed to start back up again that is...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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The game's music, in my opinion, would interfere with the voice acting of the series. Music would really only make sense if it's in-universe such as the "bass-head programmers" at the beginning of the series.


That said, I think there could be a bit of comedic adding if Freeman happened upon one of the HECU's radios and instead of the staticky radio hiss or HECU communication, there was some sort of bubblegum pop or perhaps classical music or whatever music style Ross deems that Freeman hates, and it would lead him to destroy the radio....before perhaps humming the song a bit afterwards and then cursing himself for getting the song stuck in his head. ;)

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