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Communication achieved sort of

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I don't think the problem is that mashinima sucks or is evil, I think it's that they probably have a small overworked underpaid legal department and Ross gets lost in the shit storm there.
I don't think it's necessarily a reflection of Machinima as a whole, but I will say that the contract I've been shown in its current form strikes me as "evil." There's way more stuff in there that's been added than there was in the past, you can't attribute that to being overworked, it took more effort to add that.

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I don't think the problem is that mashinima sucks or is evil, I think it's that they probably have a small overworked underpaid legal department and Ross gets lost in the shit storm there.
I don't think it's necessarily a reflection of Machinima as a whole, but I will say that the contract I've been shown in its current form strikes me as "evil." There's way more stuff in there that's been added than there was in the past, you can't attribute that to being overworked, it took more effort to add that.


Oh well that's comforting. Nice to know they're just misunderstood.

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I am sure this Subject has been discussed to death, been resurrected and discussed to death and back again. I am getting increasingly frustrated with the fact that Machinima is taking so long to get back to Ross about his video's. Ross's stuff is actually one of the biggest reasons I subscribed to Machinima in the first place, and now they are putting him on such a long term hold when he is some of the only real content even left on their channel. So all that aside, the thing I wonder about most is, why Ross doesn't just tell Machinima to jump off a cliff and go to his own channel. I mean I know it can be hard to get a channel going, but Ross already has a pretty sizable following, and then he wouldn't have to deal with the BS from Machinima, I mean I know that their are legalities behind it and everything, and being able to be a part of something big like Machinima helps, but I still think that it would be in his interest to leave them. Sorry if this is the millionth thread on this subject but I just have been getting frustrated watching great material get held back.

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I mean I know that their are legalities behind it and everything
You answered your own question man.

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I made an update. Unfortunately things are still not great. I'm going to try seeking some legal consultation somehow.

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I made an update. Unfortunately things are still not great. I'm going to try seeking some legal consultation somehow.


I'm guessing this will make for some sort of long harrowing tale when it eventually gets resolved...IF it gets resolved, and if you're permitted to talk about it at all. Good luck.

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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There has to be an alternative to Machinima.


I'm not sure how Blistered Thumbs (the video game branch of That Guy With the Glasses) pays, but I'm sure they'd be willing to pick up Freeman's Mind.

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There has to be an alternative to Machinima.


I'm not sure how Blistered Thumbs (the video game branch of That Guy With the Glasses) pays, but I'm sure they'd be willing to pick up Freeman's Mind.

I emailed to see if they were interested, but haven't gotten a reply back yet. Is there other contact info I should use besides the email address on the blistered thumbs site?

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Dealing with Machinima is like dealing with NK or a spoiled, lying, cheating, unfair, little piece of shit that I cannot call a child. You HAVE to let it win every time or they throw a shit fit.

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Ross, I am sure people have already mentioned this but, have you considered Rooster Teeth? I imagine them being the best community to work with. What is your take on them for I am curious.

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I made an update. Unfortunately things are still not great. I'm going to try seeking some legal consultation somehow.


This is fucking ridiculous. Let me use a metaphor for this situation: NK wants all US troops to leave SK, and demands reunification under their control. The US agrees to withdrawl their troops from SK but announces that if Korea is reunifyed by the Communists, it would be an immediate declaration of war on NATO. NK is backed by China and Russia, and SK by NATO.

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I made an update. Unfortunately things are still not great. I'm going to try seeking some legal consultation somehow.

You might want to try and see if EFF can/will help...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Ross, I am sure people have already mentioned this but, have you considered Rooster Teeth? I imagine them being the best community to work with. What is your take on them for I am curious.
Best I can tell on their site, Rooster teeth isn't taking new people right now.

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Ross, I am sure people have already mentioned this but, have you considered Rooster Teeth? I imagine them being the best community to work with. What is your take on them for I am curious.
Best I can tell on their site, Rooster teeth isn't taking new people right now.


Probably wouldn't hurt to contact them either way. I am sure they are familiar with freemans mind and even if they are not hiring right now, might be a chance for later.

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