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Obscure but good console games

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Since Ross wont create a topic about it i feel like i have the obligation of doing it,there are lots of obscure console games,and there are lots of consoles;since i dont want to make an endless and pointless topic, this topic will only cover good but obscure console games,feel free to post some and if possible make a small review about them,i wont post any now since i will take my time to look the almost 100 games i have for n64,ps1,ps2,xbox360 and wii but i will do it tomorrow since it is getting late

The future of gaming lies in realistic simulations of extraordinary realities


"I am drunk, you dont have an excuse"

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X-Zone is a SNES game that uses the Super Scope. But instead of requiring you to use the attachable scope, you use an on-screen cursor. It's actually a very simple but enjoyable lightgun shooter with a very good soundtrack to boot. I grew up with it and I recently actually completed it on Hard on the console. I'm proud of my achievement.


I guess the reason for its obscurity is that, well, the Super Scope never really hit on (no wonder, it drained batteries like heck and was a bit clunky designed) and therefore not many people have played it.


More info here: http://www.mobygames.com/game/snes/x-zone

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

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Have to say that Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire for the N64 was pretty obscure. It got overshadowed by Episode 1 Racer, and required the additional module thingy to run, hence it's lack of popularity. Was the most fun I've ever had in any Star Wars game though.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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These aren't really obscure.. They're more cult classics but I love 'em: Shadow of the Colossus, Ico and Psychonauts

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These aren't really obscure.. They're more cult classics but I love 'em: Shadow of the Colossus, Ico and Psychonauts


Shadow of the Colossus JUST ROCKS, man. I feel like I'm an action hero in a movie whenever playing this awesome game

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Two games that I love but never hear anyone talk about are Demon's Crest and Sunset Riders(both for SNES). I'm sure if they're really obscure, but everyone I ask, they always have no idea what I'm talking about.

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Megaman X:Command Mission.

now this is a obscure and really unholy megaman x game...ITS NOT A PLATFORM GAME,IS A RPG;better check if pigs arent flying outside...the game is quite good actually,it works like the old rpg,every character have to wait his turn to attack, most times you dont see the enemy,it just plays a music and the backgroud changes into the battle background and then the enemy shows up;trust me,if you like Megaman,Pokemon or Final Fantasy you will enjoy playing this game

The future of gaming lies in realistic simulations of extraordinary realities


"I am drunk, you dont have an excuse"

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Megaman X:Command Mission.

now this is a obscure and really unholy megaman x game...ITS NOT A PLATFORM GAME,IS A RPG;better check if pigs arent flying outside...the game is quite good actually,it works like the old rpg,every character have to wait his turn to attack, most times you dont see the enemy,it just plays a music and the backgroud changes into the battle background and then the enemy shows up;trust me,if you like Megaman,Pokemon or Final Fantasy you will enjoy playing this game

Sometimes branching a game series into other genres actually works, sometimes it doesn't.

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

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Burnout. That simple yet intense arcade racer released in 2001 by Criterion and Acclaim (god rest their bank accounts) that set the beginnings of an awesome racing series. There are probably many people who play Burnout Paradise and love it, but there are most likely very few of them who would like the original, let alone actually have heard of it. I disliked it when I first got it, but now that i've matured I can see how good it is. The crashes are realistic, the driving is dangerous and exhilarating and it's basically not the Burnout your younger sibling might enjoy due to its difficulty. It's a different kind of racer, and it's a wonderful contrast to the other fast-and-furious, explosive games in the series.


I would recommend this to Burnout fans that haven't played it. It might be tough finding a copy, but it's worth it. You'd do well to pick up Burnout 2 and Burnout 3 as well; they provide a look into the evolution of the games as well as providing even more fun road mayhem.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Megaman X:Command Mission.

now this is a obscure and really unholy megaman x game...ITS NOT A PLATFORM GAME,IS A RPG;better check if pigs arent flying outside...the game is quite good actually,it works like the old rpg,every character have to wait his turn to attack, most times you dont see the enemy,it just plays a music and the backgroud changes into the battle background and then the enemy shows up;trust me,if you like Megaman,Pokemon or Final Fantasy you will enjoy playing this game

Sometimes branching a game series into other genres actually works, sometimes it doesn't.

I really think this one worked,unfortunately (or fortunately)no sigma on this game,instead we have a black robot who looks a lot like sigma but its called Epsilon,there are 7 robots who can join your party,and deligthful Hyper transformations for each robot,the storyline is a sort of aftermath to X adventures.

The future of gaming lies in realistic simulations of extraordinary realities


"I am drunk, you dont have an excuse"

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1...2...3 CLEAR *bzzzt* CMON WE CAN REVIVE THIS FORUM 1...2...3 CLEAR........

The future of gaming lies in realistic simulations of extraordinary realities


"I am drunk, you dont have an excuse"

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1...2...3 CLEAR *bzzzt* CMON WE CAN REVIVE THIS FORUM 1...2...3 CLEAR........

Let's resurrect it as the ROBOFORUM! The FUTURE of board enforcement!






Back on topic, I do think the original Project Gotham Racing has become very obscure. Methinks it's because it was released in 2001 for the Xbox, a hallmark age for obscure titles. In fact, I think the whole PGR series has fallen by the wayside. Even with the release of PGR4 a few years ago for the 360, nobody seems to be talking about it and I don't know if anyone's playing online.

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1...2...3 CLEAR *bzzzt* CMON WE CAN REVIVE THIS FORUM 1...2...3 CLEAR........

Let's resurrect it as the ROBOFORUM! The FUTURE of board enforcement!






Back on topic, I do think the original Project Gotham Racing has become very obscure. Methinks it's because it was released in 2001 for the Xbox, a hallmark age for obscure titles. In fact, I think the whole PGR series has fallen by the wayside. Even with the release of PGR4 a few years ago for the 360, nobody seems to be talking about it and I don't know if anyone's playing online.

I agree. Not many people I know have actually played those games. I see them on GameStop's used shelf all the time.

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

Check out my music at http://technomancer.bandcamp.com

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I agree. Not many people I know have actually played those games.

I have all four games and i'm probably in a minority. On a related note, I made my very first Xbox Live friend in PGR3. That was kind of embarrassing. Nice guy, until he changed his gamertag, my Friends list became cluttered and I was cut off from the Internet. I haven't checked my Friends list in years

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Legend of Dragoon for the playstation 1. Somewhat obscure, and you'll have a herd of FF fanboys who claim it's just a knockoff without even actually playing it just because it has similar graphics. It has an incredible storyline that's spread across 4 discs, incredible soundtrack for its time, and it has taken its place as my number 1 game ever. Absolutely brilliant, although not many people have heard of it.

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Legend of Dragoon for the playstation 1. Somewhat obscure, and you'll have a herd of FF fanboys who claim it's just a knockoff without even actually playing it just because it has similar graphics. It has an incredible storyline that's spread across 4 discs, incredible soundtrack for its time, and it has taken its place as my number 1 game ever. Absolutely brilliant, although not many people have heard of it.


Ah, that's the one I've been looking for... First game I played on a PS1, but I couldn't remember the name. Loved it.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Deadly Premonition! I think it's the best game to come out from a small studio in a long time, everything about it is super janky, but when it comes down to the over all experience, there's really nothing like it

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I've got three obscure/cult games that I loved (The games names are links to videos btw)



It was buggy and ugly (I know it's old but it still wasn't very easy on the eyes) yet something about it just kept pulling me in


2: Folklore

I accually didn't get past the second level of this game (warcadia) but i plan on playing it trough again soon

if you have a PS3 and don't mind setting and story over the action (not that it lacks action) please do you're self a favor and >order this one<


3: You guys have probably heard of


I LOVED this game. If you've read the reviews (which were mostly decent) you might have heard that the shooting was so-so

But this isn't a shooter like call of duty or halo

It's once again, all about the story and the setting

for those of you who have Steam this game is being bundled as a free addition for pre ordering Homfront

So PLEASE check it out


P.S. I know it's not 'Obscure' per-say but does anyone else REALLY miss Phantasy Star Online

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