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Ross for hire

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I unfortunately still have no news on when / if I can upload new videos on Machinima.com. In the meantime, the whole situation has been making me nervous financially since I don't know what's going to happen. I've tried applying for an additional job, but haven't had much luck yet. In the interest of me being able to pay rent in the future, I am now offering my services provided someone out there is interested in hiring me for something. Here are some areas people may want to hire me for.



I can do any voices you've heard in the existing videos, plus I've also recorded a voice acting reel as a sampler for additional voices I can perform:


Voice acting reel for Ross Scott (MP3, 4MB)


Please feel free to spread this to anyone you think might have an interest in hiring me.



Writing is generally one of the lower paid categories in movies in general, but I thought I would list it as a possible option anyway. I've obviously done a lot of comedy writing which you see in the videos, though I'm not strictly limited to that. I am likely to be a poor candidate for any dramatic dialogue however.



I'm really not anticipating anyone hiring me in these areas, since even at minimum wage, I couldn't even afford to pay myself the hours I normally dump into machinima videos; animation can be incredibly time consuming. I also have some experience animating with the Unreal 3 / UDK engine, however I'm far less experienced with it than I am with Source.


- - -


As for how much I'm charging, it kind of depends on what people want me to do. I found this article indicating how much voice actors typically earn, but I'm guessing most of those numbers are far beyond what I qualify for. Also it's worth mentioning that I can't do any jobs directly related to Civil Protection or Freeman's Mind until things are resolved with Machinima.com, sorry.

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As much as I would love to hire you for script writing, for a project I have in mind, and/or voice acting, I unfortunately wouldn't be able to pay you, not even a ha'penny an hour.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA



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  Psychotic Ninja said:
As much as I would love to hire you for script writing, for a project I have in mind, and/or voice acting, I unfortunately wouldn't be able to pay you, not even a ha'penny an hour.
To be clear, I intend on making videos whether I get money or not, but if I'm not getting any money, you can bet that's going to have a big impact on the release time.


Donations as last resort I presume ?
While I'm happy for donations, I'm certainly not depending on them. I haven't tallied 2012 yet (I will when I do my taxes), but for 2011 the total donations were about $1,600, and 2012 was definitely less. I'm very frugal, but even I don't know how to live on $4.40 a day.

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However extreme or rude it is to suggest this as I am not a HUGE fan of places like this, you could probably try such places like RoosterTeeth (more specifically, places like them that are more in-sync or aligned with voice acting and machinima voice acting). I doubt employers of voice actors are looking on websites like AccursedFarms (however, I wouldn't doubt they do so on occasion, depending on the employer).

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Hell, Ross, if I had the money I'd pay you to make more voice acting reels! I'll call you when I become an eccentric billionaire.

I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12.

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I'm beginning to agree with Neuronic here. RoosterTeeth seems more of a gameplay than anything, but they have podcasts and such. Maybe even voice acting may come in handy. Hell, I don't know what they really do, but they seem to be a good option if they are hiring anyone. Especially with your gaming background haha.

Best of luck :C

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Shitty situation. I don't have much as a full time student making barely over minimum, but let me donate what I can.


Ever consider solo-ing it as a youtube/google partner thing? If you've reached 4mil then I think it might be feasible. Assuming (which could be completely invalid) .1 to 1% of views translates into dollars then that's 4-40k for the one video. But that also presumes the legal issues with Machinima settle with you in complete control of your own material. Then again I might just be talking out of my ass for all I know. :P

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Depending on donations or not, you take this 30 and do stuff with it. I don't require any sort of voice acting to be done and, living in the Netherlands, them t-shirts have some shipping costs to 'm. And the almost 6 hours of Freeman's Mind content you've created is worth the 30 bucks (well it's worth a lot more than that, especially since I've re-watched it countless times, but hey).

Hat tips and good days

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  Markirs said:
I'm beginning to agree with Neuronic here. RoosterTeeth seems more of a gameplay than anything, but they have podcasts and such. Maybe even voice acting may come in handy. Hell, I don't know what they really do, but they seem to be a good option if they are hiring anyone. Especially with your gaming background haha.

Best of luck :C

  Neuronic said:
However extreme or rude it is to suggest this as I am not a HUGE fan of places like this, you could probably try such places like RoosterTeeth (more specifically, places like them that are more insync or aligned with voice acting and machinima voice acting). I doubt employers of voice actors are looking on websites AccursedFarms (however, I wouldn't doubt they do so on occasion, depending on the employer).


In the event the Machinima.com decides to be a bastard then I too would suggest RoosterTeeth. It has a large community (over a million users) so wider audience and like others said before its all about gaming, machinima, ect. And I have it on good authority that there is even a Ross Scott Appreciation thread over there run by an extremely handsome individual. Not so bad really.

ᛞᛂᛂᛔ ᛁᚿ ᛏᚼᛂ ᚼᛆᛚᛚᛋ ᚫᚠ ᛑᛆᚡᚿ ᛏᚼᛂ ᛋᚢᚿᚴᛂᚿ ᚫᚿᛂ ᚡᛆᛏᛍᚼᛂᛋ ᛏᚼᛂ ᚡᚫᚱᛚᛑ ᛆᛒᚫᚡᛂ ᛆᚿᛑ ᚡᛆᛁᛏᛋ: ᛔᚱᛆᚤ ᚼᛂ ᛑᚫᛂᛋ ᚿᚫᛏ ᛋᛂᛂ ᚤᚫᚢ:

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  Demorid said:


Depending on donations or not, you take this 30 and do stuff with it. I don't require any sort of voice acting to be done and, living in the Netherlands, them t-shirts have some shipping costs to 'm. And the almost 6 hours of Freeman's Mind content you've created is worth the 30 bucks (well it's worth a lot more than that, especially since I've re-watched it countless times, but hey).


I didn't know thirty hundred was a number. But damn, why donate 3,000?

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  Humin said:
  Demorid said:


Depending on donations or not, you take this 30 and do stuff with it. I don't require any sort of voice acting to be done and, living in the Netherlands, them t-shirts have some shipping costs to 'm. And the almost 6 hours of Freeman's Mind content you've created is worth the 30 bucks (well it's worth a lot more than that, especially since I've re-watched it countless times, but hey).


I didn't know thirty hundred was a number. But damn, why donate 3,000?

In the Dutchlands we use a comma instead of a decimal point, so $30,00 is $30.00

Hat tips and good days

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This is an interesting article, quite relevant to the topic of machinima.com contracts. Perhaps you could consider joining a different group on youtube, if negotiations with Machinima.com fall through. Be careful with signing a new contract, would hate to see you sign your life away to them.

If you are allowed then perhaps start to upload other content to youtube and try and get partnership/coverage that way. It won't pay the bills at first but could help you get further employment.

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Crap, does that mean that all of Ross' work up to this point belongs to Machinima? Jesus. Then again, SmoothFewFilms decided to pull The Leet World from Machinima several years back since they didn't like Machinima making cash off of their videos, so...


Anyways, the thought of being able to hire Ross Scott as a voice actor is tempting, but I don't make videos to begin with, nor do I know anyone who does, but I will at least plug this if I can, where I can.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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  Demorid said:


Depending on donations or not, you take this 30 and do stuff with it. I don't require any sort of voice acting to be done and, living in the Netherlands, them t-shirts have some shipping costs to 'm. And the almost 6 hours of Freeman's Mind content you've created is worth the 30 bucks (well it's worth a lot more than that, especially since I've re-watched it countless times, but hey).


Holy Crap, $3,000, props dude! I'd say waitta make the rest of us look bad, but I'm just glad Mr. Scott is getting all that money. Awesome job.

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  sullygass95 said:
  Demorid said:


Depending on donations or not, you take this 30 and do stuff with it. I don't require any sort of voice acting to be done and, living in the Netherlands, them t-shirts have some shipping costs to 'm. And the almost 6 hours of Freeman's Mind content you've created is worth the 30 bucks (well it's worth a lot more than that, especially since I've re-watched it countless times, but hey).


Holy Crap, $3,000, props dude! I'd say waitta make the rest of us look bad, but I'm just glad Mr. Scott is getting all that money. Awesome job.

Guys, no, stop

Hat tips and good days

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