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Half-Life or Half-Life 2?

Half-Life or Half-Life 2?  

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  1. 1. Half-Life or Half-Life 2?

    • Half-Life
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I was half joking and half worried. No I don't really care, has some people decided to completely ruin my rep... It actually makes me feel special. In the not retarded way.

So you really do like your -85 rep then... lol

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Half-Life 1 because I hate that messianic position put on Gordon Freeman and I think the HECU are more challenging. Plus, I like that aliens are the most common enemies. One grows so tired of UU soldiers.

This random YouTuber is getting laid with random hot dudes, and is basically the worst person in existence. Why? Just watch the free video.

Red and yellow do go together.

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I like HL2 for it's art style and environment. But for gameplay and story, HL1 takes the trophy. 


The combat and puzzles in HL2 were very underwhelming compared to 1, and the only thing that really helps it stand out compared to other games is "Wow, we have cool physics!" HL1 on the other hand is more balanced and fairly challenging, not being extremely easy for most of the game and then having random difficulty spikes across the chapters. 


The story was more nuanced as well, being one of the first games to feature environmental story telling and allowing the player to interpret the situation for themselves. The ending was also perfect, making way for something completely mysterious and ambiguous that leaves you fascinated, when they could have just ended it off with "Congratulations, you saved the world!" HL2 however completely throws the environmental story telling out of the window by forcing in more dialogue sections and having you to drag along a fan-service character for 90% of the levels. 

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On 4/5/2023 at 2:35 PM, Punished Obesity said:

I like HL2 for it's art style and environment. But for gameplay and story, HL1 takes the trophy. 


The combat and puzzles in HL2 were very underwhelming compared to 1, and the only thing that really helps it stand out compared to other games is "Wow, we have cool physics!" HL1 on the other hand is more balanced and fairly challenging, not being extremely easy for most of the game and then having random difficulty spikes across the chapters. 


The story was more nuanced as well, being one of the first games to feature environmental story telling and allowing the player to interpret the situation for themselves. The ending was also perfect, making way for something completely mysterious and ambiguous that leaves you fascinated, when they could have just ended it off with "Congratulations, you saved the world!" HL2 however completely throws the environmental story telling out of the window by forcing in more dialogue sections and having you to drag along a fan-service character for 90% of the levels. 

One thing that carried over well is more organic parts of the level design. There are no big "go here" indicators, it's all so subtle but still implicit. Any other game would make ornate routes and destinations- here it's just shimmy along a catwalk that looks like a mundane piece of environment.

Also Punished is a rather infamous surname around these here parts.

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Half-Life, the original. It's focused, intense, and has just the right amount of environmental storytelling to let your imagination fill in the rest without taking away from the running and gunning experience. HL2 is fine, but I never cared for the human resistance aspect of the game. To me Half-Life is at its best when it's about the one man's war against all the odds. I liked the new puzzle aspect of HL2 and all the interesting ways the player is let to use environment against the enemy, but I did not like driving/boating sections with constant obstructions that felt like busywork.

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