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Is this rational?

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Yesterday while on my way home I came around a corner and say an injured woman lying in the road (I think she was hit by a car while biking). I stopped and called 911 and gave the location and what I could make out from where I was. I was on the far side of this road and could not get to the victim safely. nor could I give more information then location and the fact someone was hurt. I did not see the accident, so they did not need a statement from me and I stayed until she was in the hands of the paramedics. other bystanders also were able to get to her immediately. I had to move on and went home since I was blocking traffic.


But for some reason I cant shake a feeling of regret and almost guilt. I am ashamed that I was not able to help her. I didn't know her I did not even know what happened. I could not get to her location without being hit by a car myself. yet I keep finding myself sitting alone, shaking, and feeling terrible about not being able to do more.


Is this normal? or is this part of my "unique" mental state? ( ive had a severe concussion plus ive been in 2 car wrecks as well)

I only ask since I have received zero sympathy/empathy and plus its even better that im now depressed on my birthday.

(don't feel obligated to respond since im just venting here because the holiday season seems to take precedence in the minds of everyone around me)

What your not crazy too?

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1) That feeling is normal and shows you to be a decent human being but you need to realise that what you've already done was good thing to do and even went "above and beyond". You did not have to call anyone, you did not have to wait for the help to arrive.


2) Happy birthday!



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Given the event in question, I'd say that most people would second guess their actions and decisions here; that's perfectly normal and suggests you have a good sense of empathy for people in distress.

That said, you did everything you should have and more than what many would have done. You made the right decisions.

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Honestly, that shows a lot of maturity and a very caring attitude that you would feel so bad about not going out of your way to help someone you don't even know whilst risking damages to you or your car. The reason they call that 'going out of your way' is because it's way more than just like, say, walking past a half-dead child on the sidewalk when you've got nothing else to do. *That* is called being a human being. But going out of your way to help a stranger, while exceptionally nice, isn't always practical, especially if other bystanders are already rushing for aid.


But after already calling it in and reporting the situation, it really would be going out of your way to drive all the way over there, risking damages, when other people are already assisting. Nobody expects you to do more than is enough, and what you already did was more than enough. So don't feel bad. You did a good thing calling 911. Don't write that off like it's nothing.



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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thanks for all this. Ive just had so much training for this type of situation that i feel obligated to help with everything.

Also I seem to feel responsible for everyone around me and I may need to tone that down a bit.


and as always I say thank you community forum and thank you internet for keeping me from isolating myself (I would probably Drive myself crazy)

and here is a quote i found a while back that once again proves to be true. (notice the source of the quote)

"I am a child of the internet and one thing I need never fear is isolation"-me

What your not crazy too?

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Glad I'm not the only one that has a sense of decency when I see someone injured. Be proud of yourself meffer5!

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Is it just my time to do this or what?

again yesterday with a 911 call. this time someone was driving like a jerk and slid on the ice by the Starbucks I was leaving and went over the sidewalk, over the retaining border and slid down into the greenbelt area. luckily they were caught by the thinnest of barbed-wire fences halfway down the hill. They were in a jeep as well so I have no idea how it help that kind of weight. they were all fine and I once again could not help safely. I dont feel as guilty this time since I was driving with my niece and nephew and there is no way I am going to leave them in the car.

Also I would like to thank the inventor of the anti-lock-braking system in cars as today they saved me when I started sliding on black ice towards an intersection.

I guess I must be making up for the number of times that 911 has been called to save me...

What your not crazy too?

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In my opinion, notifying those best equipped and trained to help with situations like this should never be a cause for guilt in feeling you could have done more. I don't know how much medical training or whatnot you have, but in the case of someone injured, possibly seriously, I believe the best thing you should do is not touch them even if you are able to reach them, except on the advice of trained professionals on the other end of a phone call to the emergency services.

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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