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Freeman's Mind 2

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As has been said many of times in many of places, if people are still watching FM and still want more FM he will continue the series into HL2, not really FM2 just a continuation.

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Seasons for shows are based on yearly schedules...


I'd prefer Freeman's Mind: The Rise of the G-Man...


Then for Episode 1... Freeman's Mind: Revenge of the G-Man...


E2... Freeman's Mind: WTF?

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Yeah but he has all of the FM's he's done up till now on a playlist called "Season 1" and I'm pretty sure it's been more than a year since he started

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I figure he will throw the can at the cop, possibly accidently, run away as he chases him, and then later assume that he's being shot at and stuff (in the roof part) because he threw the can at him.

That's what I see, anyway...


That would be so hilarious!

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I wouldn't want him to do another FM series because he wants to do machinima's with other games/sources. He says so in most of his announcements. But if he does, that'd be sweet.

I agree. FM is mostly what he does when he gets stuck on what he's usually working on. It's actually more of a sideproject.


Actually, it WAS a side thing until Episode 4 when, due to popular demand, it became a full fledged series. It's as important as Civil Protection, it's just CP takes longer.



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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Freeman's Mind is not a typical Let's play, either. It has added sound effects and alternate routes here and there, it is like using HalfLife as a movie set for your own ideas rather than following its script from A to Z.

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it is like using HalfLife as a movie set for your own ideas rather than following its script from A to Z.

Best description of FM yet.


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My questions for if Freeman's Mind continues with the series:


How would he react to getting the Gravity Gun?

How would he react to getting the Super Gravity Gun?

How would he react to "minor/major blood loss detected"?

Would he kill combine with the S.G.G.? (if so, how would it be played out?)

Would he get Gnome Chompski? (if so, will he launch him in the rocket?)

How would he react to The G-Man talking to him?


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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I think HL2 offers A LOT more in terms of FM content (or in other words a lot more stuff for Gordon to make fun of!)


In FM the majority of the humour is derived from comments on the ridiculousness of the design of the BM facility and also Gordon's random stories that tend to fill in parts of the game where he's just walking around.


In HL there is much much more in terms of interaction with NPC's, more complicated, open environments etc etc. Particularly interesting would be how Gordon would handle the relationships with the major characters of HL2. I think for us, who've all played the game, walked in Gordon's shoes and experienced the characters in our unique way, seeing Ross's interpretation would be very very interesting!

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I don't know whether he'll find Gnome Chompski, but he most certainly will not carry from the start to the end. That much I know

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If he does find the Garden Gnome, I think he'll leave it behind and comment that some complete idiot would probably carry it all the way with them.

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I've wondered if Freeman should have a little PTSD after, well, fighting an entire alien race.

R.I.P Stephen "Anti-Social Fatman" Bray


"In the meantime, the sun will be rising. You will know all, and I will not feel this dread any longer."

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I wonder what's Gordon's reaction to Dog going to be like.... Also has anyone seen TV Tropes's ideas on what might happen if it goes into Half-Life 2?

TV tropes! Yay! That site has ruined my life.


It's good to see you've already come to our dark side of TV Tropes

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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Seriously, TV tropes is like crack to a trivia junkie like me. Come to think of it, I found Freeman's mind through tv tropes.


Where would I be without it?


Uh... on topic: He should go into HL2. Yeah.

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I would like seeing how Gordon reacts to putting himself in more danger than he needs to be in. Ravenholm, the Antlion tunnels in Episode 2, or escorting the civilians in Episode 1, come to mind (stealth pun?).

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Hi there, I'm Link 8909 and this is my first post on the forum, I started watching Freemans Mind around the time episode 5 came out and have been a fan of the show since.


Now that’s out the way I'd love to see Freemans Mind continue on through Half-Life 2 and the Half-Life 2 episodes, maybe Ross Scott could get other voice actors to play the different characters (like Alyx, Barney, Eli or even G-Man) Freeman comes across in the game so that Freeman could have full on conversations with the characters.

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Hi there, I'm Link 8909 and this is my first post on the forum, I started watching Freemans Mind around the time episode 5 came out and have been a fan of the show since.


Now that’s out the way I'd love to see Freemans Mind continue on through Half-Life 2 and the Half-Life 2 episodes, maybe Ross Scott could get other voice actors to play the different characters (like Alyx, Barney, Eli or even G-Man) Freeman comes across in the game so that Freeman could have full on conversations with the characters.


I'm not sure that'd be such a good idea. One being that they probably wouldn't sound much like the characters, two being that those characters are speaking anyway and, in line with the rest of the series, Gordon will probably just ignore them, and three being I like the sense that Freeman is just kinda tuning people out and is in his own world. XD



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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