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T-Shirts Shipping Soon

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This is Sean the t-shirt guy. I want to announce, thanks to your generous orders, the shirts are now being printed and will ship on Tuesday of next week. Thank you for your patience on this. I am going to post the pictures of our test prints once we get some minor errors fixed. Also, there is a new shirt available. It is a special edition, very limited, distressed chrome Civil Protection t-shirt.


Thank you for your continued patience as we finish up and get this first batch of shirts shipped!

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I can't wait to show off the shirt I purchased. Everyone will be like, "I want a Freeman's Mind shirt" and I'll be like, "If you bring me the riches I so rightly deserve, I'll let you know how you can get one." And they'll be like, "Fuck you, I can just Google it" and then I'll have a sad.

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