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This is an another "not important" topic but you actually can face with those people everyday. It's bad. Addicts can ruin their and theirs families. I myself know a very closed to me person (my family member) that is addicted and drinks almost all time. She is ruining her closest family, his husband died year ago of a heart attack but she didn't stopped drinking. She used to call to other family members when she's drunk and talk shit. My mother can't stand this and is extremaly worried, my dad keeps his nerves and I get pissed of every single time I hear or see her lying to us. The biggest problem is that we care about her and want to help. But we can do nothing.

What can we do if an addict doesn't even want to talk about his addiction?


Also I don't consider alcohol bad. It's actually good in small dodes and can be healthy. What do you think?

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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Where I live, every 3rd person is an alcoholic.

I don't understand how swearing and talking shit to family are in any way side effects of being an alcoholic though.

I'm pretty sure that's just the person saying what the person thinks and not caring about consequences....

You would have to actually make her think different.


When I drank 2 liters of beer and 500 ml of rum last week I was not saying shit to anyone...


Study suggests alcohol doesn’t make you behave badly, it just makes you care less about doing so.


Drinking, according to the study, depresses how much one cares about embarrassment. In other words, as you drink, the amount you mind your own mistakes goes down.


And as any economist will tell you, if you lower a price, demand goes up. Thus, as you drink, you make a bigger ass of yourself than you would sober, and an increasingly large one with every double scotch you slosh down the ol’ gullet, because the ‘that was stupid’ signals hitting your brain are being ignored.


Even more, there is no excuse for foolish behavior. The same researchers had this to say: “Our study shows that alcohol doesn’t reduce your awareness of mistakes.” Yes, you knew what you were doing all along, when you called your ex-partner at four in the morning, and told them to drop dead. In fact, you just didn’t care that she was grading your papers at the time. You probably do now, but that doesn’t help, does it?"

"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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I know and I respect that, ProHypster. I go extremally depressed and/or serious, angry after drinking few drinks but I can control myself.


She's my grandmother and she's kinda old you know. Drinking alot of alcohol makes your brain cells dead and after a long time of drinking you can get alot of brain damage. Or mental disorders. The things she says are as usual are about his dead husband (actually I know that she used to drink a lot when he lived as well) and alot of pointless shit. She likes to call like five times a day to my mom and reapeting the things she said already before. She even used to call to another family members and complains about them and their famielies. Usually using many bad words really. A day later she says it's untrue and she keep saying that we are wrong and paranoid.  

We really want to help her because she can't stand few days without alcohol. But we are powerless. And kinda embarrased by her behaviour. It hurts my family but we can't really do anything. 


The problem is alcoholism can kill you brain and then you act like a shit. Most like the other addictions.

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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The problem is alcoholism can kill you brain and then you act like a shit


Never experienced that.In my opinion Alcoholics are not dumber then non-Alcoholics, just care less. I've not seen a person suffer IQ from alcohol yet..


Sorry..... And look what I found:


Top 10 Myths About the Brain


2: Alcohol Kills Brain Cells


What about binge drinking or the frequent, sustained drinking of alcoholics?

Not so much. Even in alcoholics, alcohol use doesn't actually result in the death of brain cells. It can, however, damage the ends of neurons, which are called dendrites. This results in problems conveying messages between the neurons. The cell itself isn't damaged, but the way that it communicates with others is altered. According to researchers such as Roberta J. Pentney, professor of anatomy and cell biology at the University at Buffalo, this damage is mostly reversible.


Alcoholics can develop a neurological disorder called Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, which can result in a loss of neurons in some parts of the brain. This syndrome also causes memory problems, confusion, paralysis of the eyes, lack of muscle coordination and amnesia. It can lead to death. However, the disorder isn't caused by the alcohol itself. It's the result of a deficiency of thiamine, an essential B vitamin. Not only are severe alcoholics often malnourished, extreme alcohol consumption can interfere with the body's absorption of thiamine.


But I can tell you this, old age can make people crazy, lots of people just can't take it to be old and alone and they change, now that changes a person a lot from my experience. Especially women...


There is not much to do in Ukraine when you are old, those people who stay happy and completely sane are still active in live and play give in to new technologies, like my grand dad played chess on the computer and so on,my grandma solves puzzles, watches dvd tv and reads newspapers.. I know a bunch of old people who played video games like Stalker haha... those who can't find anything to do often go for alcoholism...


I've noticed the older you are here the more you drink.


Anyway, in such a complicated situation you can't do much man... Send her to rehab maybe, but I doubt it will solve HER...

Old people are always going to be old people, if I'm going to be old and I feel like I'm useless and there is nothing to do in life I would be an alcoholic too.


Also from the sounds of it, you drink alone, which unless you use for artistry, I don't suggest.

"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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Yeah rehability is propably the best way but I doubt if she wants it. She's a huge addict and she doesn't really care of anything. We just worried she may do something stupid or really dangerous for her live like left the house door opened and get robbed.

Allright, sorry for boring you by telling you my life stories. This topic is for the alcoholism in general so yeah.


Btw, I don't know where did you found those informations, ProHypster, but there are doubtful. I saw x-rays of the normal brain and alcoholic's brain. There was a huge difference. However it's like saying drugs arent dangerous after thhe time or smoking doesn't kill your lungs. I know, it causes lung cancer but it will kill you anyway.


And another thing... I don't drink for having an artistic mood. It was quite offensive of yours.

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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And another thing... I don't drink for having an artistic mood. It was quite offensive of yours.


I'm sorry. I was merely implying drinking alone for any other reason other then artistic/recreational is not a good habit.

Also when I want to offend someone it would be pretty obvious, all the stuff I write which is questionably offensive I never mean offensive, so take that into consideration.


Most of my info comes from personal conclusion, I don't bother reading much scientific tests on arguable stuff such as drugs, smoking, marijuana and so on.

I have my own theory on all of this, I don't care what people say about alcohol or whatever, I have lived life enough to see myself what alcohol does, and I can't imagine life without it.


And unless that X-Ray you say you saw was of the same person, I wouldn't even bother reading it.

"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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I never have to worry about my self in this aspect thanks to my body rejecting alcohol. when alcohol gets in my system I sort of get an allergic reaction. I always end up being the designated driver due to this and often the one guy with the judgement to cut off his buddys who are getting smashed. his subject is strange here cause this is one of the only places where you an legally make moonshine and booze is dirt cheap and everywhere. last year a kid in my finances class pulled out a bottle of booze and downed it before a test... unfortunately the teacher was watching.

What your not crazy too?

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Two personal rules for alcoholism I have is never go beyond 80 % shot mark. And I never use anything above 90 % and unknown label in cocktails/mixes.


I suggest everyone have a rule for alcohol depending on how their body can take it which they should never break.


For anyone not knowledgeable about this stuff, some people may drink heavier stuff if they are themselves a heavier person and naturally resistant to alcohol, however even when you don't get drunk from alcohol doesn't mean your stomach or liver are naturally resistant.


Another thing I learned is that Europeans can naturally take more alcohol then the rest on average due to the long lasting alcohol tradition. I'm not boasting, it's simply true.


So to keep account to this, if you are the average person:


Just stay away from Everclear if someone proposes to give you a shot, it will burn your throat and stomach, possibly making a hole in it which is nasty stuff.

Remember the word, "EVERCLEAR". Only two people may drink Everclear, idiots or a very small percentage of people born with an extremely good stomach/body resistance to alcohol and different food.


A lot of drinks are sold not to be taken as shots but to be mixed, in fact everclear writes "Don't drink shots of this", people do anyway.


Last type of drink without preparation you can drink safely is heavier vodka 50 %.


Last type of drink you can drink safely shots with preparation is Absynthe or very heavy (Bacardi) Rum and you HAVE TO PREPARE IT..


Don't drink American vodka above 80 %, it's only there to boast, and is not made properly as far as I heard. Don't drink moonshine until you yourself know how to make moonshine and can evaluate it.


Don't drink unknown brands until you know how to make moonshine and know how it's made.


If you insist on trying the harder stuff, first test yourself how your body takes wine, low alcoholic vodka, rum... If you have stomach/liver/hangover problems then, don't be stupid, don't risk it appreciate your alcohol level safely.




Sorry I felt like copying the above statement, as it's too important. On top of that always be careful with FLAMES!

"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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I quit drinking in 1997 after I, for the first time ever, got in a car and drove drunk. Now, I only drove about 200 yards before going "crap, I can't drive like this," pulling over and waiting two hours until I was sure the buzz was gone. But still, I took that incident (plus my increased tolerance, increased desire to drink, and the fact that I have 2 alcoholics in my family) as a clear sign that it was time to stop.


Except for a single glass at my brother's wedding, I haven't had any since.

He just kept talking and talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no one had a chance to interrupt it was really quite hypnotic...

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I've never had anything stronger than wine, and only ever been buzzed once off of like 5 Granville Island IPAs over the course of 2 hours.

I had a headache, something gnarly after I got home within an hour later...


That would be the extent of my drinking experience beyond a beer or a glass of wine with dinner here or there.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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Just to add my 2 cents into this discussion...


Regardless what you drink (except maybe a pint in the pub at the end of the day), make you sure you don't forget to eat as well. Lots of people get too drunk simply because they don't eat enough while they drink.


Vodka and other strong drinks (but vodka more so because it is drunk in shots) have a delayed action. From drinking a shot to its peak effect it will take about 20 - 30 minutes. Also, vodka "hits you in the legs", so the result is - you sit at the table, feeling fine, then you stand up (to go for a cigarette or something) and all of a sudden the floor rises and hits you in the face. So unfair...


So, eat a lot, know your limit, keep count of what you've drunk, remember the delay factor and don't do it too often - other than that, it's simple.



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I have a nice family tree of complete alcoholics as grandparents and everyone further back, but my parents almost never drank until I hit 21. The net result is that I have an extreme tolerance for alcohol, but no desire to get smashed. ($300 of hard booze on my 21st birthday, and I only got moderately buzzed)


I occasionally have a nice custom Screwdriver as a sleep aid. (mix about 1/4 shot each of vodka, rum, Black Velvet [Canadian whiskey], and brandy with about 12 ounces of OJ)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Just to add my 2 cents into this discussion...


Regardless what you drink (except maybe a pint in the pub at the end of the day), make you sure you don't forget to eat as well. Lots of people get too drunk simply because they don't eat enough while they drink.


Vodka and other strong drinks (but vodka more so because it is drunk in shots) have a delayed action. From drinking a shot to its peak effect it will take about 20 - 30 minutes. Also, vodka "hits you in the legs", so the result is - you sit at the table, feeling fine, then you stand up (to go for a cigarette or something) and all of a sudden the floor rises and hits you in the face. So unfair...


So, eat a lot, know your limit, keep count of what you've drunk, remember the delay factor and don't do it too often - other than that, it's simple.



I rarely drink alcohol unless I have peanuts, pork rinds, potato chips or something else that's salty and crispy with it. Especially if it's beer or a vodka drink. And wine I drink almost exclusively with food.


Though granted sometimes I just enjoy a drink on its own, especially if it has a rather complex taste that could easily be screwed up by food. This usually goes for whiskey which is just ruined by food usually.

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I rarely drink alcohol unless I have peanuts, pork rinds, potato chips or something else that's salty and crispy with it. Especially if it's beer or a vodka drink. And wine I drink almost exclusively with food.


Though granted sometimes I just enjoy a drink on its own, especially if it has a rather complex taste that could easily be screwed up by food. This usually goes for whiskey which is just ruined by food usually.


More suggestions for you Alyxx to go with alcohol, now if the alcohol is more bitter, soft taste then sweet (Basically most beer, Vodka, Tequilla) try Sushi, Dry Fish (Kabachyok), A hot sauce Sandwhich from Subway, I think it was the Friday special sandwhich? For sweeter drinks like Martini, Rum, Konyak try Sushi (Sushi is good with most anything), mushrooms, and simple bread.


Never mix Martini with fanta, I had a funny story where 2 of us warned a friend of not mixing those two, when he did and then almost instantly threw it out on his floor, thank god we ditched that party in time though, right before the carpet started burning and some idiots decided to try to extinguish it with whisky.

"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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We're talking about drink mixes on a thread about alcoholism.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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Fine Blue, I guess I will post some negative aspects about alcoholism, and embarass Ukraine at the same time, and that would be accomplished with this news i just read:


CNN) -- It's a cautionary tale: Capping off a 50-day bender with a transcontinental flight may cause confusion.


A Ukrainian man returning from a trip during which he "got drunk and stayed drunk for the entire 50 days," according to court papers, faces federal charges after attempting to open an emergency exit moments after his flight landed. Details of the commotion are contained in a federal complaint filed by the U.S. attorney in Utah.


The complaint says that as the plane was descending, Anatoliy N. Baranovich, 46, woke and started yelling in Russian that the wing of the aircraft was on fire.


Passengers wrestled Baranovich when he tried to open the emergency exit shortly after landing, documents say. Later, Baranovich told investigators through an interpreter that he thought the plane's wing was on fire and was close to scraping the ground.


The incident occurred Monday night aboard Delta Flight 1215 -- a Boeing 757 -- traveling from Boston to Salt Lake City. Baranovich lives in Portland, Oregon, according to the U.S. attorney's office.


Baranovich's rough homecoming came after a trip to visit family in Ukraine, where he was planning to start building a house. But those building plans fell through.


According to the complaint, he also "stated that he got drunk and stayed drunk for the entire 50 days" of his visit. The drinking continued while traveling back to the United States, but Baranovich "could not specify when, how much or where he consumed the alcohol."


When the 757 touched down, Baranovich jumped out of his seat and ran to the back of the aircraft, where he tried to open an emergency exit, according to the complaint.


A flight attendant ordered Baranovich to stop, but he continued to open the door, breaking the door and an inflatable slide and damaging the fuselage, the court papers say.


Several passengers jumped out of their seats, pinning Baranovich against a galley wall, the complaint says. He attempted to open the exit on the other side of the plane, stopping only when a former police officer forced him to the floor. The ex-cop searched Baranovich's fanny pack, finding his Ukraine passport and U.S. visa.


Baranovich faces charges of damaging and disabling an aircraft and interference with a flight crew. Each charge carries a sentence of up to 20 years in prison.


"We do not believe there is a connection to terrorism," FBI spokeswoman Deborah Bertram said.


Baranovich appeared in court Wednesday and was assigned counsel. He remained in custody Wednesday.


Delta Air Lines is in contact with other passengers, a spokesman said. "We continue to cooperate with the FBI, which is leading the followup."


"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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Alcohol, like almost everything, is okay in moderation. While it's best to get your alcohol in wine rather than beer to get the nutritional benefits, a little bit of ethanol isn't gonna kill you. It's when you binge all the time that makes it the problem. But again, it isn't the product that is the problem. It's always the person. If someone ruins their life with the stuff, that's on them, but if someone helps them or the person discovers they want rehabilitation, that's a good change. Humanity is going to have fuck-ups sadly, and you can't really prevent it. But I guess it's always worth a shot.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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Yeah, I agree. "everything is for people to use" or consume in that case. I like to drink a good wine or beer, or even something different, but I don't get drunk totally. You must control yourself. If you keep drinking alot, you can fell into an addiction. That's the problem. If you're strong, you probably wont. Well, it's all up to you. You have the same with other addictions, drugs, smoking, chocolate, shopping ect...

Be aware what you do and you wont get into trouble.

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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