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Curdling over and dying because of cramps. It feels like my organs are being used to play ropejump or somesnot.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Trying to stay awake longer so I'm not getting up at 3 AM like I did last night.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Sobering up. I may or may not have had a bit too much to drink on an empty stomach and am feeling it a bit.


Once it starts to wear off I'm gonna head to bed.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Getting ready to take a shower, then go test my food card to see if it still works.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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New: I am in the process of making, from scratch materials, a belt holder for my ZenFone 6.


I have to do it from scratch because there are no belt holders that I can find for 6 inch phones, that aren't for a very specific model.



1 dark blue denim pant leg

1 old plastic VHS case

2 magnetic clasps from old cell phone belt holders

1 spool of ultra-heavy duty black thread

1 sewing machine



Cut plastic case to the same size as the front & back of the phone. This leaves one very flat piece of plastic, and one with posts for holding the VHS cassette in place. Remove the center posts from that piece, and that leaves 2 1/8th inch tall circular rings sticking up past the flat surface of the plastic. Place the two magnets from the clasps in the two rings, and glue them in place. (should leave the top of the magnets flush with the top of the rings) Cut one more piece for the flap, doesn't need to be big, just wide enough to hold the other pieces of the clasp in the right place.


Next, cut the fabric into the right general shape to completely surround the plastic, and the phone as well. Cut and sew a couple wide strips for use as belt loops, and sew them in place on the fabric. Pin the fabric in place around the plastic, making sure the fabric is very tight. Sew as close to the plastic as possible, with a very high number of stitches per inch, and then sew the two two sides together forming the pouch. (might want to leave a hole for headphones, but that's up to you) Sew the flap pieces of plastic, and magnetic clasps into the flap, and then sew the flap together. Finally, test and make sure everything works as designed.


So far, I'm only up to the gluing of the magnets into the plastic, and I'm waiting for the glue to dry.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Getting ready to take a shower while torrenting Stargate Atlantis. (TPB going down hasn't slowed me one bit)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Reading. "Storm" keeps knocking out my internet. Even the connections in California can't handle a little weather.

Retired Forum Moderator

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going to sleep after a civ5 session that lasted a bit longer than i anticipated

and by "a bit" i mean 5 hours

the name's riley

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Civ 5 sessions are like, Monopoly sessions but with less Satan in it cause it's on a computer. Unless... you're playing the board game version of civ.

I have just woken up and realised how lonely I am because I have no one to talk to right now. X3

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Watching youtube videos and marveling at how there exist roleplaying severs for asymmetrical shooters(?) mmo's and Garry's mod I can understand. But a shooter? How does that even work?

Retired Forum Moderator

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Taking a break from my coding. My simple text and button only android app might actually need a loading screen. ._. Goodness gracious me.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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drying my hair and preparing for a mock job interview. After this my graduation will finally be official and not just implied lol.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Preparing to prepare for taking a shower, and the prepare to go get groceries, then get groceries, then prepare lunch.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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