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You having air conditioning problems? That stinks man.


Nah man, just giving them my props.

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Replaying the ME series for the ME3 DLC: Citadel. (Which judging from what everyone is telling me, is the best thing since ever) I blazed through ME1 in two days, working on ME2 now.



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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Replaying the ME series for the ME3 DLC: Citadel. (Which judging from what everyone is telling me, is the best thing since ever) I blazed through ME1 in two days, working on ME2 now.

I have ME 1, but never played it. Because no computer that I'm allowed to go near can run it.

non-euclidean fuck machine

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About to play Fallout New Vegas, Dead Money. I know a lot of people hate it, but personally I think there's something awesome about how you can use nothing but creativity and still thrive with limited resources.


Any idea how awesome it is to fight Ghost People with grenades made of tin cans and pistol powder?

"I aim for the stars, but sometimes I hit London." - Wernher von Braun

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I'm freaking out over The Walking Dead: 400 days being released on Wednesday. Because zombies.

I bring you mortal danger and cookies. Not necessarily in that order.


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After days of being pushed back, I should be getting my laptop back from the comp guy. Turns out he got the wrong kind of fan, but apparently my fan wasn't broken anyway. A piece of lint was wedged inside, preventing it from moving. Basically, all I needed to do was take it apart and clean that out. (There goes 100 bucks for the 'labor') So, I should be good to go for the foreseeable future.


EDIT: Nope! Gotta wait ANOTHER day! Great!



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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Busy moving into my first, real house. No more apartments. No more lack of space. No more neighbours with loud music. No @#$% INTERNET UNTIL THE 19TH. :cry:

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Replaying the ME series for the ME3 DLC: Citadel. (Which judging from what everyone is telling me, is the best thing since ever) I blazed through ME1 in two days, working on ME2 now.


Not a BIG fan of the the 2GB storage size though. Anyway, I've been mulling over buying Citadel myself. If i can get a hold of a 2GB flashdrive we're in business. By the way, If you have the Kasumi DLC, it's even better! (i spoiled the living fuck out of it via youtube. Don't ask, wanted to make sure it was worth it, went too far, couldn't resist looking at everything...you might as well have asked. lol)


OT: I'm trying to find something non-mass effect related to watch on youtube because I've been freaking obsessed with it since i bought the trilogy.

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OT: I'm trying to find something non-mass effect related to watch on youtube because I've been freaking obsessed with it since i bought the trilogy.


That's normal, I was the same way for years. It passes once you've played the games 10 or so times each. Give or take.


O.T. I'm on ME3 now and trying to pace myself. I basically got through the first two as quickly as I could so that I could spend as much time on this game as possible. The first couple times I played it I didn't know what to think of it so I didn't really spend a lot of time paying attention to everything. Now, I'm making sure to check every nook and cranny. Just beat the Omega DLC, will do some side missions, then it's off to meet with the quarians. What could possibly go wrong?



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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I'm playing ME2 right now with a femshep.


By the way, are you a fan of ME3's control scheme? I feel like the aiming is smoother and that really throws off my sniping(infiltrator specialist here. Soldier's too easy.)


also, I picked the whitest kid's you know as a non ME related thing.

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I'm playing ME2 right now with a femshep.


By the way, are you a fan of ME3's control scheme? I feel like the aiming is smoother and that really throws off my sniping(infiltrator specialist here. Soldier's too easy.)


also, I picked the whitest kid's you know as a non ME related thing.

I enjoy the freedom of it compared to ME2, but I agree that it throws my sniping off. I used to always snipe in ME2, but don't much anymore. Not to mention the reloading takes a lot longer. But I enjoy dodge-rolling and the unlimited usage of sprinting is a plus, as well. ME3 is a lot easier than ME2 which is kind of a bummer seeing how ME2 (in my opinion) really spoke volumes about the word 'Insanity'. The final boss in that game was BRUTAL on Insanity. In ME3, it's pretty easy to get through the game once you understand it and a lot of that does have to do with the improved control scheme. So, I would have to say I'm a fan but it does have it's own flaws.



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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I'm just sitting here trying too figure out why the "boggilyft"• doesn't work.


•lifts the third axel on the truck upp off the ground

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Watching a let's play of the Citadel DLC. Looks awesome (not to mention hilarious).


As a bonus, the player used mods to make femshep ridiculously hot (including pink versions of The Illusive Man's eyes).

"I aim for the stars, but sometimes I hit London." - Wernher von Braun

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Watching really, really old Disney cartoons. Like, 20's and 30's. The animations are so silly! There's a part where Mickey Mouse is milking this cow and doesn't realize that the milk ran out, so the cow just gives him this smile that I swear to god is some kind of precursor to the troll face.







Then there's THIS:




Is that supposed to be Minnie Mouse wearing a bonnet strumming a guitar? It's the creepiest face I've ever seen in these shorts!

I love it.



It's the small things in life that amuse me.



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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Trying to get rid of several Trojan viruses on my laptop, all from the same place. Apparently they come in bulk these days.


EDIT: Alright, purged the annoying pieces of shit. Took about six hours, during which time they corrupted the recycle bin and broke Steam (for some reason). Nothing I wasn't able to fix, but still a massive pain in the ass.


EDIT2: Nope, add a couple more hours. Fucking registry entries. God I hate people who make shit like this.

"I aim for the stars, but sometimes I hit London." - Wernher von Braun

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What site did they come from? I don't want none of that bizz...

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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I was looking for an older version of Modio, and tried downloading it off some file sharing website (might've been 4shared). Suddenly, viruses, viruses everywhere.


OT: Getting up, about to make a breakfast of baked beans (it's about all we have right now).

"I aim for the stars, but sometimes I hit London." - Wernher von Braun

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