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Finishing up converting my ps3-formate ps2 saves into a format I can use with my ps2 emulator. This is just tediousness at its finest.

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Sporting said avatar.


(thank you btw. my file had the transparency in photoshop but wouldn't upload with it. :S)

Retired Forum Moderator

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Last paper of the semester is due in five hours, and I haven't started on it yet and my only plan is a vague idea on what I'm going to write about.


Challenge. Fucking. Accepted.


So how did that go over

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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Last paper of the semester is due in five hours, and I haven't started on it yet and my only plan is a vague idea on what I'm going to write about.


Challenge. Fucking. Accepted.


So how did that go over


Quite well actually, wrote the whole paper in about an hour and a half, five and a half pages worth (minimum was four pages). Remember kids: wait until the last minute, and it only takes a minute!

"I aim for the stars, but sometimes I hit London." - Wernher von Braun

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I think everyone has learned that lesson inherently.



Had a dream where Foal -repped me twenty points for no apparent reason. I spend way too much time on here...


Playing Phoenix Wright.



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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I think everyone has learned that lesson inherently.



Had a dream where Foal -repped me twenty points for no apparent reason. I spend way too much time on here...


Playing Phoenix Wright.



Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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Just saw the new Man of Steel trailer. Everything looked good except for one part.


After they show a few clips of a scene where, apparently, Superman as a kid first shows his powers when he saves a sinking bus from drowning everybody by lifting it out of the water, his stepfather tells him,


'You need to keep this a secret."


I can sort of get that since the government - and the world - would go apeshit over him and aliens and everything but...I dunno, that line seemed kind of forced.


Then when kid Superman replies, 'What was I supposed to do, let them all die?' The dad says, "I dunno...maybe."


Good talk, dad. Good fucking talk.



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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I just did fifty pushups with my hands by my ribs to work my lower pecs a little. Next comes 50 sit ups...

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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I just did fifty pushups with my hands by my ribs to work my lower pecs a little. Next comes 50 sit ups...

If you want to work your abs don't do sit ups, there is a better way. Lit down flat on the ground, raze your legs so they point strate up, trust your legs up into the air, repeat

non-euclidean fuck machine

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I just did fifty pushups with my hands by my ribs to work my lower pecs a little. Next comes 50 sit ups...

If you want to work your abs don't do sit ups, there is a better way. Lit down flat on the ground, raze your legs so they point strate up, trust your legs up into the air, repeat


Flutter kicks? Or do you mean six inches? Those focus moreso on the lower abs. Situps, though not as weighty as Leg lifts, evenly cover your abdominals, keeping them all similar in size.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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I just did fifty pushups with my hands by my ribs to work my lower pecs a little. Next comes 50 sit ups...

If you want to work your abs don't do sit ups, there is a better way. Lit down flat on the ground, raze your legs so they point strate up, trust your legs up into the air, repeat


Flutter kicks? Or do you mean six inches? Those focus moreso on the lower abs. Situps, though not as weighty as Leg lifts, evenly cover your abdominals, keeping them all similar in size.

I think they were leg lifts, I got them from P90X workout vids they played in my gym class

non-euclidean fuck machine

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Dying in school

This, except I'm dying physically as well. I've learned that there are at least three things in this world that never rest.




Lactose Intolerance

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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