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Mhmm... perhaps the resonance cascade's effects travel back in time or something like that? :lol:


It's so weird. On my laptop, it said 2:20




And on the iPad, 1:22





Weird. I'm just going to keep having breakfast and watching UFOs for now.


EDIT: interestingly enough, the counter on my iPad is at 00:00:00 and it redirects to http://release.blackmesasource.com/, but there's nothing there.


Oh well, now I'm watching some Titanic thing, while the counter on my laptop reaches zero.

I bring you mortal danger and cookies. Not necessarily in that order.


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Randomly browsing stuff while Black Mesa downloads. 32% done, 1 hour 1 minute to go. Awesome.


EDIT: playing like a boss now.

I bring you mortal danger and cookies. Not necessarily in that order.


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Eating chips, watching videos and completely ignoring Black Mesa. I quickly skimmed over what the additions of it were and unless I feel like going through HL1 again (which in all honesty I don't feel like doing for a long while), I don't intend to touch it in the near future. For a game rehash it feels kind of overhyped, too..

YT Account [TF2 replays]: http://www.youtube.com/user/Hydracen?feature=mhee

Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Hydracen/

"Sense? What fun is there in making sense?"

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Watching a couple BMS videos, then I switch over to watching videos about Helium in it's superliquid state, then I listen to some music, then I play some music, then I watch more Gameplay from my subscriptions, then I check on the progress of the map my friend and I are making, then I go back to chemistry videos with frozen Acitate and Liquid Nitrogen etc., then I go back to YouTube after posting this to watch more vids.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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Got the Ice Cream Sandwich OS on my tablet. Never looking back. Everything is faster and more responsive. I love it!

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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Walk Atlas, brush teeth and go to bed. Today feels like a successful day, even though I only got a third of the stuff done that I had planned to get done. I somehow managed to maintain a steady stream of positive thinking throughout the day with only sprinkles of temporary insanity every now and then.


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Listening to music and trying my damned hardest not to have an emotional breakdown. I think I should put on something loud and happy and just drown out all these misplaced and out of nowhere emotions.

Retired Forum Moderator

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