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Trying to watch Nostalgia Critic's newest review. But god stop doing crossovers all the time jeebus.

It's because of the anniversary.


I'm playing Perfect Dark with mouse and keyboard using Project64. And before anyone jumps on my throat about piracy and emulation and stuff, I actually own this game on N64 but I can't play FPS's with gamepad for shit.

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

Check out my music at http://technomancer.bandcamp.com

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Pointing out the flaws in anything Shiny throws at me.




(Chapter 3 is ready).


Now for some Hearts of Iron III. Saudi Arabia is about to learn the meaning of Disproportionate Retribution.

"I aim for the stars, but sometimes I hit London." - Wernher von Braun

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Lurkin' the forums.


Evenin' chaps.

[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: You just blow that fife

[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: the 'if ye know what i mean' aside

Hooper: want to give your men a fast reload? BLOW ME FIRST

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waiting for someone to do something on the forum. It's like a ghost town here.

Go to the gaming section, you'll see that some of us are setting up a game of D&D, there is still time to join in

non-euclidean fuck machine

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waiting for someone to do something on the forum. It's like a ghost town here.

Go to the gaming section, you'll see that some of us are setting up a game of D&D, there is still time to join in

But I don't go on the Forum Games because it's such a time watser. But I have gotten some spare time as of late. But I'm starting a game irl as soon as I move back to college. But they have different rulebooks than me, and this is the veriosn I own.


My mind's telling me no, but my body... my body's telling me yeaAaAh.


OT: Making a decision.



"Anything I can do to help?"

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i'll pretty much be in the IRC. i'm bored as hell. lol


Shit... forgot we have one of those...


OT: Back from all teh exhausting band camps. Had to ride my back to and fro for at least half of the practices. I cut my 5 mile ride time (1 mile off-road) from 40 to 25 in that period. I never realized how to actually ride a bike until this week, like how to shift gears for the greatest efficiency when climbing hills and facing fatigue etc.


BTW my cardio fucking kicks ass now. Ran a mile today in about 7-8 minutes. Hardly even tired at the end.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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Ur back in school? That sucks. I don't have to go back til the 28th, which is a surprise as I thought it would actually be a week earlier.


Just went for my first night drive. Made sure dad wasn't going to be my observer and mom came. No problems other than cops scaring the shit out of me by flashing on their lights and distracting me from the changing stoplight ahead (It wasn't that I thought he was after me. I knew he wasn't because there was no way I'd done anything wrong, but the bright lights are very distracting...)

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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Somehow staying up WAY too late. How am I not dead asleep? I've gotten a grand total of like 18 hours of sleep this whole week because of band camp. Dafuq melatonin?

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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