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Laying in bed until my dad forces me to get up.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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Thinking about getting some breakfast... Then maybe play some DayZ. It's so cold today, it's hard to get out of bed.

I bring you mortal danger and cookies. Not necessarily in that order.


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I'm going to have to go outside and work in 100 degree weather.


Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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Debating internally if the air conditioner in my truck is going out, or if it's actually just so damn hot that it can't keep up.

"I aim for the stars, but sometimes I hit London." - Wernher von Braun

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Well, you live down South, so For your sake, I hope you just need more coolant in your system. What's your temperature dial reading?


Still awaiting the inevitable...

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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86 degrees...In my house. The air conditioner is running. It's still nicer than it was in the truck.

"I aim for the stars, but sometimes I hit London." - Wernher von Braun

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Dear god. We've got our temp down to 75. Why don't you turn that thermostat down? And I guarentee your truck needs more refrigerant...

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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It's set to 76. It generally gets there at night, then heats back up during the day, it being the worst at about 5-7PM (because the sun sets facing this side of the house).


Also, I just got more Freon put in like, a month ago...Usually it lasts for two lol. See, the air comes out of the vents cold, but by the time it reaches me, it's already a lot warmer. I blame the fact that it's 100+ degrees with the sun shining, which (since my truck is an old metal one) heats it up like a greenhouse.

"I aim for the stars, but sometimes I hit London." - Wernher von Braun

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Ignoring you all for the more interesting topic of the half-inch deep puncture wound in my calf that I got from a board with a nail sticking out of it. It doesn't hurt, it's just cool to look at...

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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Just played some ARMA II. I caught a sweet ride in an Osprey. Then, the server got hacked, and someone materialized a 10 stories high concrete silo on top of me. I'm now preparing the video for upload to YouTube.

I bring you mortal danger and cookies. Not necessarily in that order.


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Came home from my cabin yesterday, went straight to celebrating my sisters birthday, to a LAN party with a friend and then to a "moving out of town/goodbye party" for my "close friend". Now Im tired and gonna play me some mass effect 2 and skyrim. Loaded up with candy, chips, soda and monster. This night is gonna kick ass.

"Life sucks sober!"

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Rebuffing Kyou for his sexual advances towards me. Look, I know I'm adorable but I'm just not interested, okay?


Then quit asking me to mow your lawn shirtless! Better yet, quit asking me to mow your lawn!


Eating, listening to music, recovering from having to stand in one place for 5 hours.

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I am currently making myself the wind beneath the wings of a fresh YouTube commentator. His style is definitely rough around the edges, but he's high energy and has a good attitude about things. I've been using my awesome powers of critique to help him improve over the past two days. I would greatly appreciate if anyone would give him a view or two, maybe a like, and if you really like him, a sub. Here's his channel:



Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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