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Edit: Something came up. I'll have to wait for the episode then. :(

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Heading to my Karate belt test... *yipe*


...and passing like a baws.


Congrats, what rank?


Watching Henry Rollins.

I don't like writer's block, I prefer to call it writer's parry.

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Please say mod support please say mod support PLEASE SAY MOD SUPPORT


Well it's an open platform so I'm sure there'll be modding. Some of the specs sound suspect though, 8GB of RAM? 4GB of RAM would be fine seeing as 32 bit programs can't use more than that.


Well I don't think the point of this thing is to have a game system that is "Fine."

I love you, yet can't stand to know you exist.

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Please say mod support please say mod support PLEASE SAY MOD SUPPORT


Well it's an open platform so I'm sure there'll be modding. Some of the specs sound suspect though, 8GB of RAM? 4GB of RAM would be fine seeing as 32 bit programs can't use more than that.


I have a feeling that it's basically a PC tower dedicated to gaming, so you can probably do shit-tons of stuff at one time. Knowing Valve, it'll be slow, but it will be awesome when it comes out. The question is, will it have its own online network, or will it merge with PC online play? I doubt Microsoft or Sony would be considerate enough to link up with Live or PSN.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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Well I don't think the point of this thing is to have a game system that is "Fine."


Except having 8GB of RAM would do nothing. This is a gaming system and I can't think of any 64-bit games on the market, I'm sure BTG will correct me though.


will it have its own online network, or will it merge with PC online play? I doubt Microsoft or Sony would be considerate enough to link up with Live or PSN.


It runs PC games so it'll be connecting to the network just like a PC would. There's already cross-platform play with PS3 and PC with some Valve games so there's that. It's also able to use GFWL and Origin if you like.

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