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Now, I'm just randomly surfing off of people's YouTube links. Here's something interesting I came across, though I didn't find it entirely accurate.




Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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Happy Birthday saja!

Here's your present:



Anyway, I'm still sitting at home. The doctors say it's a possible fracture in my foot.


Thank you, Fluttershy. Now I'm going to play with one of my birthday presents: Planescape Torment 8-):)

"It's not about changing the world. It's about doing our best to leave the world... the way it is. It's about respecting the will of others, and believing in your own."

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Trying to figure out how to work my Ipod Shuffle my aunt sent me. Seriously, I put all the music in it but when I try to play it it doesn't work. It's CRAZEYH



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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Press the big button in the middle, Pinkie. But you can't pick the song you want. The musical tampon just shuffles whatever you put on it, hence the name iPod Shuffle...

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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I've been asked by Axel to make this next post. (not really)


from Axel: "the awning fell on top of me when i was typing that last post, the metal bar hit me on the top of the head and i can't feel my legs, send help."


heh, don't know what that means, pretty unintelligible if you ask me. oh well. :D

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animating BG2 models with HAT tool

[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: You just blow that fife

[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: the 'if ye know what i mean' aside

Hooper: want to give your men a fast reload? BLOW ME FIRST

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