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Reading the forum while some shallow TV show playing in the background... Waiting for the floor in the bathroom to dry! Cleaning day! YEAH!

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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Eatin mai sandvich.

\m/ (^_^) \m/

Rock on.




/ \ This is Bob. Copy and paste Bob and soon he will take over internetz!

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Watching "A Time to Kill".

I don't like writer's block, I prefer to call it writer's parry.

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Enjoying the fruits of my efforts for the past hour:

In re-organizing and managing to title and name proper all my newest music, I've extended the discography of my favorite composer (Arvo Part) by seven hours.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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closing WW1 source after 30 minutes of playing a 1v1 in a huge, open no man's land map.

[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: You just blow that fife

[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: the 'if ye know what i mean' aside

Hooper: want to give your men a fast reload? BLOW ME FIRST

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Sitting at home. Sprained my ankle yesterday (I'm convinced it's a sprain but it could be broken) I was climbing on a fort someone made in the woods by our neighborhood and fell, somehow jarring and twisting my ankle. I basically half crawled, half hopped all the way back home, making a trip that takes 2 minutes at the most take about half an hour. I can hardly even walk now... This sucks.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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You should go see a doctor. Now.


EDIT: otherwise, you'll end up like this.




Seriously though... get to a hospital.

I bring you mortal danger and cookies. Not necessarily in that order.


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There's nothing a doctor can do about it. It'll heal on it's own regardless. They'll just say to rest it and not to apply presshre, keep it elevated (My mom's a nurse). I'll be fine.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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Welp, Napoleon Dynamite's done, so I might as well get back on that fanfic.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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