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ah well, speaking of cupcakes, the security guard at my college walked up and gave me one. I felt special. XD

Wait, what?... Weird. I've never gotten a cupcake from a security guard. One once frisked me, which in my mind counted as getting to second base, but that's about it.


Well, as I continue to upload random stuff to mi deviantART account, I checked out the STEAM store and found a midweek madness sale of Duke Nukem Forever for USD 9.99. Bought it :D

I bring you mortal danger and cookies. Not necessarily in that order.


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ah well, speaking of cupcakes, the security guard at my college walked up and gave me one. I felt special. XD

Wait, what?... Weird. I've never gotten a cupcake from a security guard. One once frisked me, which in my mind counted as getting to second base, but that's about it.

I'm friends with the guard that's why. I'm not the only one who received a cupcake today. XD

Retired Forum Moderator

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Good day to you sir.


Drinking coffee here

Begone the fools that lead me I need not to know accept reclining spirit I need to endure You try to live a lifetime each and every day In this short time of promise you're a memory

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That is why I am not a Cat person. They do whatever the hell they want. Why am I paying money to keep you alive when you are of no use to me? Dogs, on the other hand, are much more attached to their owners and serve a purpose to the owner.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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That is why I am not a Cat person. They do whatever the hell they want. Why am I paying money to keep you alive when you are of no use to me? Dogs, on the other hand, are much more attached to their owners and serve a purpose to the owner.

But when they're puppies they do whatever the hell they want as well. Cats don't bark, dogs however do and wake you up whenever they see fit.


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Sounds like a plan :thumbup:


I'm currently working hard for the money, trying to contain the wrath of BlackBerry users affected by the outage. Seriously FUBAR.


I'm also trying to get the legendary EnviMea to send me a custom desktop wallpaper :mrgreen:

I bring you mortal danger and cookies. Not necessarily in that order.


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