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Heading to bed. Have to be up and going in 4 and a half hours.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Getting pissed at Comcast for cutting my killing spree short... I was getting 90+ kills and 0 deaths against good players! (Battlefield 2142)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Wondeing why EA thought using a web browser as a server browser is a good idea.

the name's riley

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Because not only could they screw you over, but they could make it harder to access the game, make you more vulnerable to malware, and server you ads that you would never want to see! (fortunately they never got around to the last part)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Heading out to make good on my monitor warranty after a red line decided to appear down the screen all on it's own(literally just appeared while I was watching something.)

Retired Forum Moderator

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Getting ready for school after having a good night's sleep.


"Hark! Dost thou hear with thine ears what I hear with mine? Interloper! No quarter shall be shown hither, fiend! Anon! Show thyself, churl!"


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Trying to decide if spending an hour or two modding Fallout NV to my liking (again) is worth it for only a couple hours of gameplay...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Recovering from a 2nd degree sunburn that I got yesterday, and trying to wrap my head around people defending obvious hacking in TF2. (the only thing I can think of is they don't want anyone to realize that they are hacking themselves, but I haven't seen them play so...)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Recovering from a 2nd degree sunburn that I got yesterday, and trying to wrap my head around people defending obvious hacking in TF2. (the only thing I can think of is they don't want anyone to realize that they are hacking themselves, but I haven't seen them play so...)



Before accusing anyone of hacking, have it occurred to you that maybe the're better than you? Also, maybe you should get some proof, like I did, years ago with L4D (back when I had a crappy computer) :




"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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Recovering from a 2nd degree sunburn that I got yesterday, and trying to wrap my head around people defending obvious hacking in TF2. (the only thing I can think of is they don't want anyone to realize that they are hacking themselves, but I haven't seen them play so...)


Please, BTG, keep your fat stubby fingers from further tapping angrily at your keyboard for two fucking seconds.

I'm gonna be blunt here, I'm done with "polite" and "respectful", you're a fucking idiot. You're inconsistent in trying to defend yourself, you have to be better than everyone even if it means making up complete fucking bullshit JUST so we can drown you in that attention you love so goddamn much no matter how much we choose to believe it. Just about everyone I've spoken to about you can agree that you're a generally unpleasant person and literally cannot stand seeing whatever it is you feel like typing out. I don't even care what kind of shit I get for posting this, I'm tired of posting here if it means having to see your stupid shit every time I come back. You know you're fucking stupid hen you're trying to act like you know more about a topic than people with literally thousands of hours more experience than you have.


Holy shit, fuck this.

What am I doing right now? Thinking about quitting. Jesus H. Christ.

the name's riley

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Recovering from a 2nd degree sunburn that I got yesterday, and trying to wrap my head around people defending obvious hacking in TF2. (the only thing I can think of is they don't want anyone to realize that they are hacking themselves, but I haven't seen them play so...)


Please, BTG, keep your fat stubby fingers from further tapping angrily at your keyboard for two fucking seconds.

I'm gonna be blunt here, I'm done with "polite" and "respectful", you're a fucking idiot. You're inconsistent in trying to defend yourself, you have to be better than everyone even if it means making up complete fucking bullshit JUST so we can drown you in that attention you love so goddamn much no matter how much we choose to believe it. Just about everyone I've spoken to about you can agree that you're a generally unpleasant person and literally cannot stand seeing whatever it is you feel like typing out. I don't even care what kind of shit I get for posting this, I'm tired of posting here if it means having to see your stupid shit every time I come back. You know you're fucking stupid hen you're trying to act like you know more about a topic than people with literally thousands of hours more experience than you have.


Holy shit, fuck this.

What am I doing right now? Thinking about quitting. Jesus H. Christ.


I've come back from the dead to support this statement, insults and all.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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Recovering from a 2nd degree sunburn that I got yesterday, and trying to wrap my head around people defending obvious hacking in TF2. (the only thing I can think of is they don't want anyone to realize that they are hacking themselves, but I haven't seen them play so...)


Please, BTG, keep your fat stubby fingers from further tapping angrily at your keyboard for two fucking seconds.

I'm gonna be blunt here, I'm done with "polite" and "respectful", you're a fucking idiot. You're inconsistent in trying to defend yourself, you have to be better than everyone even if it means making up complete fucking bullshit JUST so we can drown you in that attention you love so goddamn much no matter how much we choose to believe it. Just about everyone I've spoken to about you can agree that you're a generally unpleasant person and literally cannot stand seeing whatever it is you feel like typing out. I don't even care what kind of shit I get for posting this, I'm tired of posting here if it means having to see your stupid shit every time I come back. You know you're fucking stupid hen you're trying to act like you know more about a topic than people with literally thousands of hours more experience than you have.


Holy shit, fuck this.

What am I doing right now? Thinking about quitting. Jesus H. Christ.


I've come back from the dead to support this statement, insults and all.


I, too, agree with Username's statement.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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Chilling after a Ceilidh. Oh lord, I forgot about midges!


Also, cool it guys. Let's not turn this into a flame war. And can we minimise the TF2-chat to the relevant thread? I don't wanna say 'shut up', but y'know, somewhere else plz.




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There's a point where I just feel like letting everything out, after nearly 4 years of dealing with BTG I just kinda exploded.


OT: Just got done making a video.


the name's riley

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Finishing up taking the GFX card out of my desktop to ship it out for replacement. Fans were faulty making the card overheat and eventually shut off completely.


What a stressful day...

Retired Forum Moderator

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Unpacking my suitcase, full of books and papers and such like, as part my ongoing clearing out of my house in prep for moving out.


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