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Handwriting and graphology

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Since we post real photos of us, posting everything what we do and stuff, I think it would be geat to see our handwriting.

Yes, it's an another thing I got obsessed with lately. You can actually find alot of free graphology examples and compare it with your own handwriting. Well, some of them are wrong, but sometimes you can learn more by looking at someones style of wrting. if anyone's good at it, feel free to write anout it here.


Here's mine I currently use: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ma801irHPP1rxk52eo3_1280.jpg

Note: there are some polish letters.

I made a huge collage of my past handwriting: Part I and Part II

As you can see it was changing over the years. Alot.


I won't post anything about graphology, because I was learning about it from many different sites. But trust me, there are alot of those hidden. I might post them later.

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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Ooh! I will take a picture of my handwriting some time soon and post it. I love writing.

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"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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Some notes I took in AP Human Geography a few chapters ago.. I emailed it to myself at least a month ago and it just now appeared in my email.

Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Uh, do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage? Gefrannis booj pooch boo jujube; bear-ramage. Jigiji geeji geeja geeble Google. Begep flagaggle vaggle veditch-waggle bagga?

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