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Downloadable copy will be up after I move




Here's the next exciting cliffhanger episode to Freeman's Mind. If you think the laser in this episode acts strange, you can blame that on Source's amazing demo recording code. It will be a while before the next episode comes out since I'm going to be moving very soon, but I still plan to have a spree of episodes done at some point, hopefully in November. I'm mostly going to be working on one of the mystery video projects between now and then.


This episode uses my new microphone setup, which I'm pretty happy with and will likely be the standard for videos I voice for several years. This episode also has a new sound editor for Freeman's Mind, Max Petrosky, who does the additional sound effects work that you hear in the game and will likely help with a lot of future FM episodes. The old editor, Otto Beumelburg, will still be helping me with other video projects however.


And in case you missed the post before this, I will not be switching to the Black Mesa mod for Freeman's Mind.

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Okay so, probably my favorite episode in the series. I haven't laughed this much to Freeman's Mind in a while.


I was wondering if I was just biased because I've been looking forward to this so much, but I see I'm not the only one who thinks this. Indeed, I think this is the funniest episode so far. Favorite quotes are "Oh! Perfect! That's good! I needed something to take my mind off of death!"


And of course, when he's trying to cross the bridge. That was beautifully executed. "I'm probably overreacting-OHNOSTOPPINGGAHUGHUGHUG!!"


But the best of all...The rocket launcher. Dat voice, 'nuff said.

"I aim for the stars, but sometimes I hit London." - Wernher von Braun

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I loved this Episode! Best one in a while.


My favorite quotes would probably be

"I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12."

"These boards look like they have the tensile strength of rice-cake."




And of course, the whole bit with the rocket launcher was brilliant.

I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12.

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great episode, well done Ross ;)


My favorite part was

"You hear that? I think that's silence! That's the sound people make when everyone trying to kill me is dead!



Fool me once: Shame on you. Fool me twice: EVERYONE DIES!!!


si·lence (noun): The sound people make, when everyone trying to kill you is dead.

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Not just the most entertaining episode in a while, but the most suspenseful. It captures that "walking on a rickety bridge" feeling most skilled players would gloss over. The pipe-dwelling Headcrab's demise was priceless.

A Kung-Fu Master, Thomas and Silvia were suddenly attacked by several unknown guys.

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Amazing episode, Ross. I especially liked the "toro motherfucker!" line...well, actually i liked the entire monologue for this episode. By the way, You may want to yell at the Machinima people for naming it "Episode 44" instead of "Freeman's Mind: Episode 44". I'm not sure if that's a mistake on your end or theirs.

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Favorite parts were the bridge....and....the rocket launcher.


This part with the rocket launcher. I will never forget this episode. Ever.

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Also, I'm not sure how i feel about you using my name as the name for the little boy in your scenarios (I.E: "Dammit, Billy, that means you too!" "But then once little Billy starts playing near the cliff, then there's no more little Billy."). I kinda feel like you think people with my name are either delinquents or liable to fall off things. XD

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Also, I'm not sure how i feel about you using my name as the name for the little boy in your scenarios (I.E: "Dammit, Billy, that means you too!" "But then once little Billy starts playing near the cliff, then there's no more little Billy."). I kinda feel like you think people with my name are either delinquents or liable to fall off things. XD

Implying you're not, Billy. :P



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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great episode, well done Ross ;)


My favorite part was

"You hear that? I think that's silence! That's the sound people make when everyone trying to kill me is dead!





"And I have a rocket launcher!"


Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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This was one of the best episodes in a long, long while. I cracked up several times while watching it. The audio quality drastically improved, it's a whole new level now, up to professional standards. Thanks Ross.


It seriously made me remember why I love FM and everything you produce.

''Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.'' - Steve Jobs

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Woah, that part where you quietly spoke to the rocket launcher sounded weird. I have never heard Freeman not yelling.

R.I.P Stephen "Anti-Social Fatman" Bray


"In the meantime, the sun will be rising. You will know all, and I will not feel this dread any longer."

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