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Rise of the machines

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They think that AIs will become sentient, and suddenly decide that humans are a threat to its existence, and decide to exterminate us. Essentially, they're big fans of the Terminator movies, and refuse to acknowledge that AIs could become something very different.

Until Further Notice any sort of AI for me like games for instance have now become self aware and kinda morphed into SKYNET! so we are going to be fucked in a little bit we are going to have a bunch of THE MACHINES a whole lot of THE MACHINES after us because SKYNET!!!

“Error 482: Somebody shot the server with a 12-gauge. Please contact your administrator”

“Caution Laser Caution Laser Caution Laser”

“I can now solve up to 800 problems a minute”

"I got my degree under the tutelage of Dr. Pepper."

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They think that AIs will become sentient, and suddenly decide that humans are a threat to its existence, and decide to exterminate us. Essentially, they're big fans of the Terminator movies, and refuse to acknowledge that AIs could become something very different.

Until Further Notice any sort of AI for me like games for instance have now become self aware and kinda morphed into SKYNET! so we are going to be fucked in a little bit we are going to have a bunch of THE MACHINES a whole lot of THE MACHINES after us because SKYNET!!!


I for one welcome our robotic overlords in the sky.

I'm not joking



Honestly I think we should go for AIs that can become like SKYNET but I feel we shouldn't make them super smart already but raise them as we would our own children. Teach them right and wrong, give them a choice of what they want to do in life and then build them the appropriate body to do what they want. Will it be as quick as we want? Not really but it'll ensure that they understand how we view the world, it'll give them the chance to understand what it is like in our mind.


A.I. and Synthetic rights should already be in place before we even create them, it's just the most intelligent way to do it.

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The only thing I would do is not let them touch some areas of the Internet, or many parts of human history. If it's a blank mind with only morals and ethics coded into it with basic emotions, I don't think it could handle it and stay "sane", at least in our terms. It would have trouble processing sarcasm, offensive jokes and European imperialism. How it reacts is important, if it even reacts at all or just soaks it in. It will pretty much learn enough about security and electronics that it could do some bad stuff to our infrastructure, depending on how fast it processes information.


It's like showing a self aware baby that can understand language and right from wrong our entire history, culture, interests and much more.


Do you think it could handle it? Because I don't. A lot of people could not handle it either no matter how much they already knew. I doubt I could rationally process that amount of information, even with my already somewhat pessimistic world view.

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I am afraid of machines. I think that they attack our lives. It`s so dangerous to develop them.

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