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Should Ross have been slower?

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If Ross had been slower in his production of Freeman's Mind maybe there would have been episodes made with the Black Mesa Mod coming out. But then again he may have still foregone using the BMS mod because xen wasn't going to be included (yet), and if he reaches xen before BMS does then he'd have to revert to low-res or postpone indefinitely, and NOBODY wants that.


I for one am glad he's not switching engines to create FM. I believe even if it was during a transition like the one where freeman gets knocked out it would still be weird and disruptive to the rest of the story. Not only that but who knows what 'liberties' have been taken with the new mod! I know they are supposed to be true to the original game which should mean that the levels are at least similar if not the same. I like FM in part because it does stay true to the game, for the most part. I mean I realize some cheats were used but I believe they were used for the right reasons.


Personally, Ross should finish Freeman's Mind with the original HL and then just redo it ALL in Black Mesa Mod. Oh, i know. scrap that idea. :roll:


I know, hindsight is 20/20 but I haven't created a new topic in a while so ... What the heck!!! IF there's already a topic on this then... wooops!


Thoughts on the matter?

"I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."


"Does my beard intimidate you?"

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*Reads topic's title*

And this is coming from the fandom that repeatedly shouts "PROGRESS BAR!" ...hehe.

A Kung-Fu Master, Thomas and Silvia were suddenly attacked by several unknown guys.

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I never shouted anything. Just wondered what ya thought. Now I know.

"I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."


"Does my beard intimidate you?"

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I think a better title would be "Should the Black Mesa team have been faster?"


...and I would say "no" to either, because I prefer Freeman's Mind to be in authentic Half-Life. (Still looking forward to Black Mesa, though.)

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Nah, nothing becomes shittier than when it gets rushed. It's good in old fashioned Half-Life Source. I agree wholeheartedly with everyone else here. Tho, it would've been interesting, I must admit.

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Short Answer: No.


Long Answer: HEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLL NO. I'm curious to see what FM would've been like in BM:S, but a lot of what makes FM so funny is Freeman mocking some of the level design, which the BM team tried to fix. Ross stated before that nobody watches a machinima about a game as old as Half-Life for the eye-candy. I also agree with Cool, there would be no nostalgia.

I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12.

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The elevator scene wouldn't have happened if it was in BM:S

How do you get to the elevator? You take the ladder. How do you get to the ladder? You take the elevator that doesn't work!

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I agree with everyone so far. Just wondered if anyone really wished that BMS had come about.

"I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."


"Does my beard intimidate you?"

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Half Life has the shitty/illogical level design that makes the series so amusing in the first place. If level design made more sense, like it likely will in BM, then all the series would have to stand on is purely Gordon's incessant ramblings.

I love you, yet can't stand to know you exist.

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I agree with all of you. The unlogical design of some of the places in half-life is the source of a great deal of funny moments.

Speaking of these funny moments, i wonder what BMS developers have done with the crate smashing room :D

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i wonder what BMS developers have done with the crate smashing room :D

They felt the Crate Smashing room was not very logical, so it was replaced by the Crate Smashing Research and Development Department, which now takes up the majority of the Black Mesa Crate Smashing Research Facility. They also felt this change better explains Freeman's proficiency in smashing things with a crowbar.

I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12.

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I think Ross should take a 6 month hiatus between every episode, except for the odd numbered episodes after which he'll take 13 months (because who doesn't appreciate a baker's dozen?). I feel as though it's a pretty solid plan.

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I think Ross should take a 6 month hiatus between every episode, except for the odd numbered episodes after which he'll take 13 months (because who doesn't appreciate a baker's dozen?). I feel as though it's a pretty solid plan.

Ross needs to be put in an alternate time stream where a week will feel like six months. Then he can get rest and we can get a bunch of FM episodes!

I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12.

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Well, machinima has, hopefully only temporarily, put the kibash on Freeman's Mind (and everything else it seems). Maybe redoing it in Black Mesa isn't such a bad idea now. It can be a new series that can be done FAR AWAY from machinima. I know, probably a bad idea but just sayin'!

"I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."


"Does my beard intimidate you?"

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Ross is already in his early 30's and he started way back in 2007. I don't think he'd want to redo the whole thing in BM and spend another 6 years of his life working on the same thing again. If he went any slower, it'd be even worse. I'm just hoping Machinima lets him work on it again so that he can finish HL1 already. At least.


I mean seriously, this is pretty ridiculous. He said that the whole contract business should have been done by late Jaunary at the very latest. Now it's getting into middle February. What the hell?



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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If he does anything, my vote is for HL2 done in the FAKEFACTORY Cinematic Mod. (v12 or later)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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