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Russian armed forces commander, general Nikolai Makarov, warns with exceptional frankness of Finland joining Nato. In the National Defense Course Association’s conference in Helsinki, Makarov’s lectured that Finland’s Nato membership would be a threat to Russian security.


Makarov expressed his concern that Finland and Nato’s deepening cooperation might lead to membership in a military alliance. In his view, Finland should rather deepen military cooperation with Russia.


Makarov criticized also the Finnish Defense Force’s increased practice activities near the Russian border. To the list of negative issues, of Russian opinion Makarov added still Nordic joint defense cooperation and Finland’s aid to Georgia’s endeavors to restore South Ossetia and Abkhazia their control.


“We think such measures do not correspond to the objectives of bilateral cooperation,” Makarov said.


Finnish Defense Minister Stefan Wallin for his part stated on Tuesday that Finland makes its own decisions independently.


“Finland gets to freely express its positions, this is a free country.”


According to Wallin, “Finland assesses its government programs in relationship to Nato on the basis of the interests of its own national security and defence politics. This statement tells that Finland makes evaluations and decisions itself and independently.”


Source: Helsingin Sanomat

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So what's your point of view? Are you agreeing with Finlands right to protect and train itself or are you siding with Russia and its concern with Finlands passive-aggressive style of training on the border.


Honestly, I live on the other side of the world so I don't know if who I would side with..

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Well, on one hand, America hardly needs any more allies. NATO is already pretty much the most powerful military force in the world. Finland wouldn't change that very much. On the other hand, Russia is pretty isolated at the moment, and they haven't gotten any less fearful of the west just because they aren't communist now, and it doesn't help that their allies changed sides in the late 80's. If you're looking toward North Korea as a potential ally, then you know you're running short on candidates. I suppose I can't blame them for not wanting another NATO member, but they tried to control Finland once, it didn't end well for them, and that was without the rest of Europe helping out. So, I'll say that Russia is better off with a hands-off policy on this one, and that NATO really doesn't need any more members, but that it's Finland's right to make that choice, ultimately.

"I aim for the stars, but sometimes I hit London." - Wernher von Braun

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Hey Finland, wanna buy a ballistic missile defense system?

He just kept talking and talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no one had a chance to interrupt it was really quite hypnotic...

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I'm not big on international politics, but if Russia is so fearful of the NATO force, why don't they develop an alliance with America. Second, I can't be with Russia in this situation. They can't control another independent country the way they seem to want. Finland can do what it wants and whatever is best for Finland.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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They can't control another independent country the way they seem to want.


Well, they can. At least they can "strongly influence". That's what all countries do to their neighbours, when they have any leverage. That is what Finland is also trying to do by the threat of them joining NATO.


BTW, Finland's used to be a part of Russia (when it wasn't a part of Sweden, that is) ;-)


why don't they develop an alliance with America.


Alliance against whom? You take two countries, each with ambitions to be seen as the top dog in the world and try to make them friends - it just not going to work. The moment you turn away they will try to cheat and gouge one another and it will all end up... just like it has to date.



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See, you're 100% correct Vapymid, and that's the reason why this world is so fucked up. We can't do anything about man's desire for ultimate power. So yea, we'll cheat and overpower and influence the lives of independent people just to be better than another group of people across the world. We're idiots, really. We can't keep to ourselves and when we do reach out, we do it only out of greed and powerlust.


It would be in the world's best interests for the USA and Russia to become allies, event though they won't, as it would certainly calm a lot of things down and make N. Korea much more wary about their actions, reducing one of the greatest threats in the world.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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All Russia is doing here is stating that if Finland do join Nato, it would deteriorate relations with Russia, so I'm completely with Russia here. They are not FORCING Finland to abstain from NATO. Plus military aid to a country that was in war with Russia mostly due to it's own stupidity doesn't help.

"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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why don't they develop an alliance with America.

"An alliance with the powerful is never to be trusted"...

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I myself have never had any particular contacts with Finlanders nor am I up to date with Finnish politics, but I myself must side with Russia that indeed siding with the USA, particularly in military matters, will be percieved as very questionable and ethically wrong by really most of the world (or at least I'd like to elive so ).

We can never see ourselves as others see us. Even the mirror shows us in reverse.



If there was any logic in this world, it would be men who ride side-saddle, not women.

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I myself have never had any particular contacts with Finlanders nor am I up to date with Finnish politics, but I myself must side with Russia that indeed siding with the USA, particularly in military matters, will be percieved as very questionable and ethically wrong by really most of the world (or at least I'd like to elive so ).


Most of the developed world is part of NATO what are you on about.






I myself support a democratic referendum so the people can decide whether they want to join or abstain from NATO.

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