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Are you glad that Nintendo is still doing so well?

Are you glad that Nintendo is still doing so well?  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you glad that Nintendo is still doing so well?

    • Yes. Long live the the big N
    • No. They've overstayed their welcome.

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Are you glad that Nintendo is still doing so well?

"Am I a hero? Eh, I don't know... I don't think it's heroic if the only person you're saving is yourself."

- Gordon Freeman

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I saw a video of someone who went to the conference saying that he literally slept through it and hardly anyone clapped or got excited at all.

I just... I don't even...

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What about their games?

"Am I a hero? Eh, I don't know... I don't think it's heroic if the only person you're saving is yourself."

- Gordon Freeman

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I love their games...for the most part. If they keep re-releasing games I've already played onto the WiiU, we're gonna have a problem.


I mean, seriously, what use is it to make Arkham City for the WiiU? Or Mass Effect 3? Make a new fuckin' Metroid, Zelda, Mario, those games. That's what I was expecting, because that's what they always and should be doing. I want to wash my mouth out with a good Metroid game after playing Other M. The only game I can remember that actually got me excited was Pikmin 3. That says a lot right there.



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I read that the point of the WiiU was to remove the odd feel from playing traditional Nintendo games with Nun-chucks (insert Chuck Norris pun here) like Mario of course.

I just... I don't even...

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I read that the point of the WiiU was to remove the odd feel from playing traditional Nintendo games with Nun-chucks (insert Chuck Norris pun here) like Mario of course.


The best controllers are the ones that don't come between you and the game.

"Am I a hero? Eh, I don't know... I don't think it's heroic if the only person you're saving is yourself."

- Gordon Freeman

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The WiiU has much potential, including but not limited to:


Free to Play support

Removing the "Limitations" excuse from FPSes and inventory management.

The social aspects


I'm glad they're doing so well just so I get to see whether the WiiU can live up to what it is can be. Then again I played Tribes Ascend since closed beta, so I'm used to things completely failing at becoming the greatness they could be.

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I'm a PC gamer. I own a few Nintendo consoles but I no longer consider myself a typical Nintendo fan at all. I mean, my favourite Wii game is Conduit, not Zelda or Mario (to be honest I never liked Zelda either).


That being said, I wanna see a new Metroid game, but I want a 2D one.

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Id say after super smash brawl, mario kart and mario strikers charged football for wii, they lost it.


Gamecube was their last really good console IMO. Wii wasnt so good. (Not even gonna talk about DS.....)

Before wii, they've had some of the best games (Ocarina, star fox 64/adventures etc.)

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Nintendo just needs better software that appeals to our demographic, it seems like after the Gamecube Nintendo and other 3rd party companies, releasing for the Wii, just stopped making games for the 16-34 demographic. Nintendo seems to only be focusing on the middle-aged, elderly, and little kids.. which I find disappointing. Can't they please all audiences instead of ignoring this big demographic.


Nintendo releases a bunch of hardware too with their systems, Wii Zappers, Wii scrub brushes, Wii+.. It makes you wonder that with them releasing all this hardware if their software sales weren't doing so good. I guess none of this matters now with the WiiU coming out, hopefully they'll think about the actual gamers too.



EDIT: OH as for the question that I completely ignored lol.. Idk how I feel. I guess I just wanna see what they do with this new upcoming generation.

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I dunno about the middle aged and small kids demographic. There are some gory shooters for the Wii by third party companies (Conduit, House of the Dead, I'd say even Metroid Prime feels very dark and adult) so that's just a myth in my opinion and an unfortunate label that has been given Nintendo because of their own product line. But there are lots of third party games for the Wii and the upcoming Wii U that are more pleasing to adults.


Regarding hardware, that's sort of why I've stuck to PC, because a PC can easily outclass any console there is.

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Microsoft = Wisdom


Sony = Power


Nintendo = Courage

"Am I a hero? Eh, I don't know... I don't think it's heroic if the only person you're saving is yourself."

- Gordon Freeman

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Microsoft? Wisdom?


Look at the Kinect for crying out loud... Few games actually work with it, most games utilize it for waving your hands around or otherwise looking like a retard, and it adds a hefty price to the console for something you're only going to use for novelty games because you'll soon get so frustrated you toss the thing out the window and sit down with the gamepad again.


Thing is I think people underestimate Nintendo or are quick to judge them. Sure their IP games might seem kid friendly but if you look at third party games, then you might find something more adult very quickly. Hell, even Call of Duty is available on Wii, albeit with limited graphics that look uglier than most Wii games.


I'd recommend Conduit or House of the Dead for people who want more FPS action on the Wii. I actually think the Wii is more suited for shooters than most consoles because the Wiimote, at least for me, adds WAY more precision than if I use a thumbstick. I don't even get how people can really aim with thumbsticks to begin with...

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Will I get murdered if I say that I have never played a single Nintendo game in my entire life?

No, but....wat? How is that even possible?



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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